Golden Weapons “You don’t have enough to purchase”

I put a heck of a grind on this weekend. I’ve played OW off and on since 2018 and really never tested Comp much. This season I’ve made it to gold 2 on my healer and silver 3 on my dps. I got over 3k and was pretty damn happy to get my gold staff for Mercy finally and then I get this error……come on Blizzard please fix this! Everyone put a grind it and can’t get their reward, that ain’t it Chief…

Same here! Tried logging out & in, but it didn’t resolve the issue.

Same 4.7k points and cant buy gold weps wonder why this simple glitch takes so long to get fixed

Same. Also there is a spacing issue that I cant unsee and its really annoying

2 spaces inbetween “enough” and “to”


Do anyone know about any response from Blizzard on this topic? Have they confirmed to patch this or anything?

Apparently they do and are “investigating” it. But like c’mon it’s been 4 days, how long can it take. They’ve encountered this bug once before 5 months ago and if you make a short time event for getting 3k comp points fast, you could at least make sure that the points work once people get them.


I am also experiencing this right now. I have enough for a gold weapon but when I purchase it says I do not have enough currency.

same here still waiting for a response from blizzard

Yeah, making an event which grants you with an exact amount of points to buy a golden weapon and not making sure that it works is a next level of ridiculousness. Btw, where did they announce that they’re working on this?

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i managed to get mercy’s (my main) like a couple weeks ago that’s why i was so confused when it wouldn’t work for ashe???

i just got 3000 competetive points from the new drives event but i cant buy a golden gun from the points i obtained, even with 3750 points it still says “you don’t have enough to purchase this item” i hope they fix this bug soon.

(post deleted by author)

yep same thing here. thought this would be the same for the jade guns but it isn’t so now im down 3k points

Still waiting for fix.

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Having the same issue, trying to buy Juno’s gold weapon in my case have 4375 comp points and even though option and yes box appears it tells me I don’t have enough currency.

Bumping up, I have over 4k points and I can’t buy golden guns, it just tells me “You don’t have enough to purchase this item”