Golden Weapons “You don’t have enough to purchase”

Even though I have more than enough competitive points it won’t let me buy a golden weapon, widowmaker specifically I’m not sure about other characters. Will this be fixed soon or is there any updates?

Known Issues List Updated October 7, 2024


Having the exact same issue. Tried to buy mercy’s and sombras. Neither worked. I have over 3k comp points. As far as I know they’re working to resolve the issue but that was 3-4 days ago and it’s still broken.


:(( that sucks I grinded my points. hopefully it gets fixed asap as it seems it’s not working for anyone at all.


have the same issue hopefully it will be fixed soon i do think you can buy the jade skins tho


same issue. tried to buy baptiste’s golden weapon but it says I don’t have enough Competitive points.


same here, its been like this for the past three days and before it was the same thing for my duo and he tried jade instead and it worked, so it seems to only be for gold weapons.


This has been a problem for over 5 months with not a single word from blizzard


Also had this problem today. It was actually fixed for a bit. I was able to purchase Juno’s golden gun a couple weeks ago, and I tried buying Orisa, but despite having 3950 2024 competitive points it tells me I don’t have enough currency.


Same here, I have more than 3000 competitive points but when I try to buy Sombra a golden weapon I receive the message “You don’t have enough points to purchase this item”.


yeah same problem, i can’t buy ashe gold weapon

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yeah it might be a glitch with the drives event since you get comp points so it like disabled the buying option?


which is false. I recently bought 2 golden weapons like a week ago. today not working tried. Bug after this weekend event./

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Same issue, i want brigs gold!

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I do have the same problem. i guess were not getting a fix anytime soon huh?

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Due to the same problem, I couldn’t buy a golden weapon, so I bought a jade weapon just in case, and it was purchased. Can I get a refund for this?

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I have 3755 comp points and everytime I try to buy junos golden gun it says I don’t have enough. Hopefully this gets fixed soon

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Glad im not the only one. Anyone know if they’re finding solutions yet?


i’m having this problem too. and it’s crazy because this is the second time there’s been a golden weapon’s glitch the DAY i reach enough points to buy another gold :c


Same issue here. Have around 3.5k of the new comp currency but can’t buy Ana’s golden weapon!

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+1 over 3k comp points unable to purchase.

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