🐐[GOATs] Easy way to fix it

Brig is a healer, primarily.

This set of changes above would move here away from tanking, and more towards healing.

Besides which, hybrid heroes should have downsides. Lots of them. Especially TripleHybrids.

And I say this as someone who plays a lot of Mei, Roadhog, and Orisa.

Brig can’t be considered a DPS anymore.

Her main reason for being a must pick is because of how her healing synergizes with Lucio’s. Without that she would not be a must pick.

We do not need to make her more healing focused.

But he can’t burst heal.

now how would removing the stun encourage healing? specially if you want her to be on the frontline (which a healer shouldn’t be in) ((even though that’s exactly brig’s niche))

2 players of Equal Skill, 1 being Tracer, 1 being Brig; the Tracer should NEVER get hit by shield bash in that situation. Even after the Brig shield bash nerfs, I still don’t allow myself to get hit by the shield bash cause it’s just habit to avoid and stay out of it’s range. (Source Me :smiley: 75 hours on brig/100 hours on Tracer). She has limited mobility that’ll never reach Tracer, and her corner camping spots for catching Tracers off guard are very predictable as long as your tracking if she’s alive or where she is relative to her team.

While I agree the AOE thing is important, I think that all the AOE changes would do by themselves is move them away from ZenGOATs, back to MoiraGOATs.

But the main problem with GOATs is that you can’t really attack it from ANY effective range as a grouped team. Except for gimmicky Bastion setups.

And since it would be nearly impossible to make GOATs vulnerable at long range without making low ranks quit the game entirely.

What you got left is the main thing that makes it hard to jump into close range and kill a healer. The Stun.

Also a big one, is that without the Stun, then GOATs would be very vulnerable to Hammond. He’d break up their formation and scatter them around, without the fear of getting instantly stunned.

Once their formation is broken, then a dive onto one of the vulnerable heroes and you got a 5v6.

By making it so her ArmorPack activates Inspire.
Inspire lasts for 6 seconds.
ArmorPack has a 6 second cooldown.

Can you see the implications of that now?

the implication is that she’d be healing non stop? because that would warrant a heavy nerf on armor pack’s healing value

however I do see that increasing the means of activating inspire would force her to be on the frontlines but also be almost inmortal? not sure if losing the stun is a fair price to pay though

I don’t like this at all. And Goats is affected by tanks just as much as support. And Lucio and zen can support in a 222 , any support stacks heal fine.

A hero requirement is a much easier fix that doesn’t make brig heal dependent

The point being, that’s a pretty big buff.

And it removes her need to having a Lucio provide her selfheals when out of melee range, or speedboost her into melee range.

Brig would be independantly viable as an offhealer in a 2-2-2 comp. Rather than being trash in 2-2-2 and too strong in 3-3.

I think she’s fine in a 222 if you utilize her utility just like you use zens or lucios.

Lucio zen ans Lucio brig should be just as viable as each other. But if you don’t use speed and don’t use disc… Of course it won’t be so great. Brig is a tank. She should emphasize tanking

But he has amp, allowing him to burst heal or escape with multiple teammates. Sure, you could argue that Brig would be slightly better at it, but slightly doesn’t cut it.

50 damage on bash in exchange for the stun is simply to bad of a trade for brig to recover from unless another part of her kit receives substantial buffs in addition to her no longer having the worst healing out of the three off-supports. Otherwise, Lucio and Zenyatta would both be better at their jobs than Brig, have better ults, and both would have more generalist kits.

Remember a meta or two ago when no one was playing Lucio because he was simply worse than Zenyatta? And the only thing Zen had over Lucio at the time was that his defensive ultimate actually worked.

I’m fine with sacrificing the viability of quickplay’esque Lucio+Brig comps, if it means the multi-Billion dollar OWL franchise isn’t going to suffer having a meta that is all about cooldowns and positioning to get kills, instead of Aim.

Slap that recall button cause it won’t do squat

It’s more like the potential for permanently active 20m radius AOE healing/selfhealing, in trade for removing a Stun.

For reference,
For Brig, the circular area of 20m is 1256m
Where Lucio’s 12m radius has a circular area of 452m

Brig Lucio shouldn’t be a meme. Zen Lucio was a viable strat. Brig Lucio should be too.

For example,

Brig Lucio, roadhog , Winston, tracer reaper.

A new dive where the slightly less mobile have Lucio move them, but brig can add secondary tanking if needed.
Each hero other than winston is fairly self sustaining, and high damage. Two aoes can work better so they don’t have to group so much and risk being dove, but brig can aide if they are.

Brig Lucio , brig zen… It shouldn’t be a meme. It should be as viable as anything else.

not if she combos you. you can’t recall if you are stunned

Luckily she doesn’t have only 100 hps… And can recall before then.

How’s she going to combo without a stun?

I’d say she needs less healing and more armor power. She’s supposed to be an armor specialist, isn’t she?

Whatcha think about this:

  • Armor pack
    • Targeted ally recieves 50 HP and 100 Armor (If they are at full HP, they will only recieve the 100 Armor)
    • Bonus armor duration increased to 8 seconds
    • Cooldown increased to 8 seconds
  • Shield bash
    • Damage increased to 50
  • Inspire
    • Healing per second decreased to 10
    • Duration decreased to 5 seconds
  • Rally
    • Armor cap increased back to 150
    • Allies lose Rally armor 10 seconds after its ending.