šŸ[GOATs] Easy way to fix it

Brig is Clearly the only difference between why QuadTank and GOATs.
So letā€™s remove the aspects of Brig that benefit 3-3, and in return she gets some damage back, and an easier time healing/selfhealing when sheā€™s not hitting stuff.

(BUFF): Brig ShieldBash does 50 damage.
(BUFF): BrigInspire is also activated by using ArmorPack, in addition to attacks.

(NERF): Brig ShieldBash does not Stun.
(NERF): BrigInspire and LucioHeal do not stack, only healing at whichever number is higher.
(NERF): BrigInspire does not heal Teammates when hacked.

I figure these changes would make Brig much better for 2-2-2 healing, but significantly worse for 3-3 healing.


tbh i give this a yes and noā€¦ tbh idk how i feel about it see

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thatā€™ll go back to deleting tracer

Inspire is fine

then what would be the point of the ability?

:woman_shrugging: aoe should have a cap instead

I like this change


Thatā€™d be an awkward ability. Might as well remove it and give her something else.

I agree to some extent to this, but Iā€™d like them to try % healing reduction when stacking auras first.

bad tracer players. Good tracers can dance around brig all day long


if the brig is bad the tracer can dance around a brig

Yet they still nerfed it despite this. Doubtful itā€™ll come back.

They made something to counter her and then changed their minds.

I think itā€™s really funny how GOATs came to be after Symmetra got reworked into 3.0 version. Her orbs used to pierce barriers, making teams not want to group up into deathballs. Now thatā€™s the thing. Death balls.

It would be nice if Symmetra orbs pierced barriers againā€¦


This would become the biggest incosistency with hack disabling passives so I would not suggest this at all


Sheā€™d still heal herself, she just wouldnā€™t heal her teammates with it.

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That just makes it an even bigger incosistency, not exactly helping your case, and I can imagine the bugs associated with implementing something so specific like that on a heal over time

Well they could give shield bash another knockback.

You act like an activated passive that grants benefits to teammates is a common thing.

that would be redundant though

How does that relate if you dont mind me asking?

Perhaps, but really the goal here is to make it so GOATs is vulnerable at close range.

Instead of just stunning anything that gets closerange, then dogpiling firepower onto that player.

Youā€™re talking about ā€œconsistencyā€, for something that doesnā€™t really have much else to compare to. That by itself is unique. So if itā€™s unique, then the concept of consistency doesnā€™t really apply.

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What about: Shield bash doesnā€™t stuns anymore, neither deals 50 damage, but instead it ā€œstucksā€ your weapon for 3 seconds. You would not be capable to deal damage with primary/secondary fire during those seconds. You can use abilities and move though.

It makes sense, but the immediate ā€œoverall gameā€ problem is that GOATs should be more vulnerable to close range attacks.

Since burning through all those shields at long range isnā€™t going to happen.

Iā€™m confued if this is for real or Iā€™m entirely missing the point.

So, correct me if Iā€™m wrong, youā€™re suggesting an ability with no real use (No stun, no damage) but drawbacks.

So the brigitte uses shield bash, it does nothing, and then she is penalized for that.