šŸ[GOATs] Easy way to fix it

If you are familiar with MOBA terms, Hack is equivalent to a Silence, and disabling primary fire would be equivalent to a Blind.

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Oh, you mean shield bash debuffs the enemy.
It wasnā€™t clear enough, so I thought it debuffed herself.

I thought it was logical enough.

when will people understand that the stun is more important than the damage?
50 damage on a 7 second cooldown is laughable.

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But itā€™s the bad ones that complain to papa Jeff.

Itā€™s just filler, agreed.

However Brig having the ability to Inspire heal without hitting stuff would be a huge buff.

Nope, stun is part of her kit to put pressure and stop enemies from attacking her teammate.

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And itā€™s the main thing thatā€™s making it difficult to defeat GOATs.

Because attacking GOATs at long range would require burning through tons of shields.

So the only reasonable way to shred GOATs would be to get into close range and kill one of their healers.

But you canā€™t really do that with Brig stun involved.


6 second Inspire
6 second ArmorPack
Inspire activated by ArmorPack

Lets see if you notice :slight_smile:

Those changes would make her directly weaker in most engagements and stronger when she is not directly engaged. Iā€™d guess that would result in her being weaker at the top and stronger at the bottom with some variance in the middle. Brigā€™s winrate is average at the top and above average at the bottom so, thatā€™s not necessarily the direction you want to be going.

Youā€™d also need to decide how to deal with hero selection. Somebody picking Brig/Lucio when the other was on the team isnā€™t going to be good for the team most of the time.

Additionally, that change will likely increase the amount of armor thatā€™s in play. As it will speed the rate she gains inspire.

Brig will be less annoying due to the loss of stun but, that is part of why some people like her and a 50 damage minor movement ability is kinda weird.

The approach is basically messing up a character so a comp that is getting played by less than 1% of the player base wonā€™t work.

So Lucio will have speed boost, zen will have discord, and Brig will do 50 damage if you get within 5 ft of her?

One of these is not equal to the others.

And no, a more consistent inspire doesnā€™t make up for it, Brig is already weak outside of GOATS. She needs consistent healing AND her stun.

The approach is making Brig a lot more effective at healing in a 2-2-2 composition, where sheā€™s not basically required to be paired with a Lucio to be effective.

Sheā€™s got a knockback, a shield, and a big burst heal with armor on it.

Thatā€™s plenty enough for Peeling.

Sheā€™s also excessively durable for a Healer.

instead of removing the stun we could simply cut the range to 2m which is less than a melee hit

As for the damage it could go up to 30 just like a melee hit but definitely not 50

The goal here is to make it practical to jump into close range and get a pick on a GOATs comp, without getting stunned.

Because the balance changes needed to break down GOATs at long range would basically be excessive Bastion buffs, and it would destroy low ranks before it ever began to be viable at higher ranks.

How 1 sec stun can stop the entire enemy team from going in close range?
Removing her stun will send her to f tier.

That would change brigā€™s intended role as a defender, not to say itā€™s not already warped but I feel like we should refocus her towards that goal and not encourage the current pattern

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Whatā€™s the point of jumping in to get a kill if at the end of the engagement itā€™s 5v5?

Lucio can peel, and is hard enough to kill.