🐐[GOATs] Easy way to fix it

I am saying assuming she still has the stun

Got rid of stun fam. So again hit that recall

I’m fine with sacrificing a double offhealer strategy to ensure that the financial stability of this entire game isn’t drastically at risk by how boring GOATs is for eSports.

I think removing stacking only for Aoe is unfair and doesn’t make sense. If this is done, no healing should stack as a function of the game.

And I don’t see how this is better than simply giving the while game structure by removing even the chance of eliminating a role in a comp.
This focuses just Lucio and brig. It just makes brig Lucio unviable. Not brig zen, Lucio zen, or any future off support or even soldier aoe.

Brig is not the problem. Is Lucio with his speed buff and aoe heals. brig is already useless in any other comp except goats. Lucio is still the most pick healer regardless of comp.

Nerf his speed buff and you will see plenty less goats.

As annoying as it is, she should keep her stun.

Shield bash should still microstun like 0.1 sec just to be able to cancel channeled abilities.
Inspire activated by using armorpack, big no-no.

Making a rule that only applies to Lucio is bad design. Inspire should last only as long as she’s in combat, the biggest problem with it is one attack makes it tick for 6 seconds. That’s insane. Nerf it to 3 seconds duration, it would be enough and it would also justify giving back 50 damage to shield bash. Also, 20 meter radius when Lucio’s is 12? Why? Make it 12 as well and gg.

On the other hand, Armor Pack heals for too much and has a long enough cooldown so she can stay busy fighting. If we halved the healing+armor it gives but also halved the cooldown, she should be constantly using her E in order to get value out of it which means less DPS, less shield uptime. Heck it could even justify giving her back her 600 hp shield.

Can you tell me the difference between these two Comps?

  • Brigitte,Lucio,Moira,Rein,Dva,Zarya
  • Roadhog,Lucio,Moira,Rein,Dva,Zarya

One has a tank, one has a support.
What do I win?

Personally I just want them to rework her mechanics in a way that addresses her skill floor.

An imaginary cookie I guess.

That said, one is a meta comp.
The other, is a cheese comp.

The only difference is Brig.

one is a variation of goats with moira…tested by owl and doesnt work as well as zen.

the roadhog comp??? wth is that lol

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Both are cheesy. Goats is cheesy. That’s the whole problem. But that’s not on brig.

We also had quad tank and triple tank before :woman_shrugging:t5:

A lack of structure is the problem

QuadTank, something that was used occasionally for OWL season 1 as a “PointA first rush on Attack” comp, and briefly on ladder right after Mercy lost her instarez.

However if you dived onto one of the healers, it fell apart.

Cheese as a technical design term defines a strategy that’s only effective if it’s not properly countered. But otherwise kinda flimsy.

GOATs works regardless if you know they are running it or not.

Introduce a hero ban system. Fixes pretty much all meta issues ever to be introduced.

season 1…hmm yeah not cheese any more then…so not sure what we were comparing there…anyways moving on…back to lucio! aoe speed is the problem…trust me on this one.

Well, to an extent these changes would nerf Lucio indirectly, by nerfing Lucio+Brig comps.

And goats isn’t allowed if there is a hero requirement.
And it’s more fair to do that versus have restrictions that don’t apply to other heroes

Healing boost from nade should only apply via ana shots?
Valk healing takes priority so no zen or Lucio healing?

Why doesn’t this apply to shielding abilities? Zarya can only bubble if rein shield is down?
Orisa can’t use her shield while symm barrier is up?
Does dmg not stack?

Applying only one aspect to two heroes doesn’t fix the problem anymore than removing Lucio aoes from stacking didn’t. Instead, we simply can only have one Lucio . THATS where you fix the problem. Via stricture. Not the hero.

The game has a lot of restrictions that don’t apply equally.

For instance shield bash not going through shields, but Doomfist punch does.