GM1 end of season but got Master rewards?

just to update, i checked my final account.

and the shift was large enough that i have to send a picture. it went from plat 2 to diamond 3

now im a masters dps player, im not surprised my mmr was higher then plat. but i am surprised that only 1 account out of like 4 realized that and that my “new main” account somehow was dropped from d5 to p4.

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So, is anyone else noticing that almost everyone moved the same amount of ranks? (4?)

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Same thing here it originally showed #339 in top 500 now it just turned into gm 2 out of nowhere

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I was GM1 on this account, got Master rewards and bumped down to Master 1, with final rank showing as Master 1 as well. On an alt account I was GM5, final rank shows as GM5 and I got GM rewards. So I guess I’m some kind of Schrödinger’s grandmaster or something?


my new main account went down like 400sr, but one of my alts went up 400sr.

im beyond confused lol


Ya… it looks like everyone has moved within a 400SR range?

I’m fairly certain everyone lost around 400 SR. I went from GM1 to GM5 and I had top 500 MMR.

Even though they did say rank decay was going away in season 4, they never specified whether or not the decay will be removed for season 3 ranking or season 4 ranking.

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my ‘new main’ (which i call it that cuz my highest ranked dps account has no skins, so im swapping to the account with the most skins) went down, 2 of my alts didnt move and one alt went up.

this tells me something drastically changed during season 3 and if you played before the change at all it deranked you but if you played after the change you either stayed the same or climbed.

not everyone lost, some gained SR

I just saw this on Twitter (I hope this is not true, or why weren’t we told)
"Devs made it so your rank is now your MMR and not your STD (Skill Tier Division). It is not a rank reset, like previous seasons. You are being moved to your MMR which means you will either derank, stay the same or rank up. (This was posted by Skiesti)

My alt account finished GM5 and is still GM5 now. Didn’t go either up or down. My main went from GM1 to M1. One consistency please…

I just want my GM title on my main account. The fact that I got it on an alt but not on this one is so unbelievably stupid I feel like I’m about to wake up from a bad dream.

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Well, more grinding to do.

this 100% isnt true because it would have no reason to derank most of us as id imagine we all ended on a winstreak.

meaning our mmr should of been at the very least near the rank we were at. while most people are dropping 3-5 divisions.

what seems to of happened is they made a change, and based on that change if you played before it they said “you dont belong here, maybe” and just dropped your sr.

alot of us skipped the msg but it says

“everyone’s skill tier and division have been adjusted to match the current estimate of your skill.”

but not everyone dropped. some roles stayed the same and some even climbed. it all seems to depend on when you got your mmr gains, its like the earlier you did it in season 3 the less value they put on it even if you were still playing at the end of the season.


would be helpful but i doubt they’ll say much about it. or they’ll just say “its just your mmr!”

like i was on a win streak on support playing in mid diamond games and it deranked too p4, but a plat account that was playing in plat games was boosted to D3.

you cant tell me the mmr was higher in one and lower in the other when the people im playing against were confirmed to be in that rank.

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apparently there is some bug going on;

BlizzardCS replied:

This issue is being looked into. Thanks for the report. ^JH

What a mess lol.


Finally they fixed competitive and now you who got boosted elo are finally in rank you belong.

This change didn’t affect me as I belong where I belong, my friend on the other hand had a rank boost as he didn’t belong where he belonged. So keep crying, mimimi

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Yes on my account I didn’t play much OW2 on I was placed close to my OW1 SR (my ‘true’ mmr). I went all the way from placing in gold to diamond. On the account I play OW2 on and got higher, it put me back down from diamond to plat.

No one cares that they did this, everyone knew it was coming. The screw up is doing it BEFORE rewards and not after. Essentially they said, hey all the OW2 you’ve played til now? That rank we showed you all season long? Well it was pointless. Just a dumb thing to do.

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it’s posted here as a known issue now too:

Overwatch 2 Known Issues - June 6, 2023 (Updated)

  • We are investigating an issue where Season Three end-of-season final ranks were modified causing lower tier rewards issued for some players.

At least it’s acknowledged. End of season rewards for a specific season should be given regardless of these MMR changes.


I got to D3 stopped playing and I’m told I ended P2 :smiley: