GM1 end of season but got Master rewards?

Every day I am reminded why I stick to QP

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I’ve been diamond like most of my career in Overwatch…

Hardstuck diamond entirety of Overwatch 1
Hardstuck diamond in Overwatch 2

Until now… Now the matchmaker thinks my real skill is gold 1 - lol?

I’m not all that bothered, I know I can comfortably climb back up and stomp people on my way there. Lower ranked players gonna complain though.

edit: I did get my ‘Diamond role challenger’ title though. :man_shrugging:


I finished Platinum 4 but I didn’t get any title at all.


A bit strange then that I gradually ranked to GM1 on this account and then fairly easily got to GM5 on an alt account, yet for some mysterious reason this account dropped all the way to M1 and the alt stayed GM5.

I got my rewards but my main dropped from plat 2 to plat 5. Even though I finished plat 2 and stopped playing after a rank up because I didn’t have time.

My alt, however, finished at gold 2 and got boosted to plat 2 and I got plat 2 rewards on that account, same situation as to when I stopped playing as my main.

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Yeah, I was a diamond player last season (S2) and this season I decided to play way more and ended up masters 5 in support and masters 3 in tank. One of the few “lucky” ones to get a huge boost from this mmr change and got the gm title. I went to GM 3 support and I don’t know why lol, I was putting effort in masters.

I legit don’t know what my actual rank is cause I don’t feel like a gm but apparently my mmr thinks I am ;v

Playing ranked is just not worth the time. Got rewarded for plat despite being diamond the whole season in both open and roled q. Finished both in diamond and season highest in roled q was Masters 5. Never fell back to plat but apparently it is what i deserve after 80h of s3 ranked. Says i ended the season in plat 3 in open and plat 4 in roled.

Not worth it. Even bfore this last straw the ranking system was worst I ever played. Fix your game Blizzard.


Finished Diamond 5 role and Masters 3 Open and got no comp points and no titles. Feels bad man.


This is so weird. I don’t know why some people are getting their title/rewards and some aren’t, or a mix.

The derank I get, if I gotta grind some more I’ll grind some more, I’m gonna get back to Diamond anyway, that’s not gonna stop me.

But the rewards make no sense. Why did I get my Diamond title but other people who deranked did not?

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This is clearly a bug with the ranking decay system (which was supposed to be off). It didn’t affect me, but affected a friend. We almost always play together, so if he is having a losing streak, I’m also having a losing streak. There is absolutely no reason for him to be dropped to Gold while I kept my Master and Diamond ranks.

This must be a bug and blizzard messed up badly. Even if they want to adjust everyone’s rank, we should recieve the adjusted rank for season4, not season 3 which already ended. Inflated rank is still the rank the player earned, they should still recieve the reward based on their rank in season 3, not the adjusted rank.


The same here, at the end of the season three i went from plat 2 to plat 1, so I played 4 more games, winning two and losing two. My rank was simply dropped on gold 1, does that make any sense??
The only thing I did different from my friends was opening the game immediately when the new season was released, maybe that’s when the bug happens.

Anyone here also opened the game immediately after releasing the fourth season?


Did you open the game immediately after the season was available?

As soon as it let me, yes.

Almost the same,
I was playing Tank in Role Queue when season ended (like at the very end so the server dropped me out mid-game) Then i was reopening it, install the update and voila’ only my Tank rank fell from p5 to g3 ? :smiley:

I agree 100%
20 char

Yes, and I also got decayed. But I checked my friend list, seems like those who haven’t logged in after season 4 didn’t get any decay.

Basically it seems like this is what happened. They inflated everyones ranks for season 3, but MMR didn’t artificially inflate. So, people are getting rewards for their MMR, instead of their ranks, which, yeah, doesn’t really make sense.

Yeah, but when you FINISH your season on some rank, you expect that you receive that reward for that rank, not the derank reward…

Ended gm5 on a 10 game win streak and got diamond challenger, it put me back to diamond 1. I’m so confused.