GM1 end of season but got Master rewards?

i honestly dont even think this is a hidden mmr thing, this is some weird bug possibly.

because i was on a fairly large winstreak on support when i ended that season D5, yet it decayed to P4 at the start of this season which in theory shouldnt be possible.

unless they are admitting some people were boosted so they added a squish to lower everyones rank

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I was masters 1 and now i got diamond 4? That is very annoying

Saying the rank decay is gone but then applying it anyway is one thing, at least I can still climb.

But calculating the seasonal rewards AFTER applying the decay is on a whole another level of stupid.


this is a valid point

but i dont think this is supposed to be rank decay, something is clearly bugged because its not applying evenly to people.

some people for instance got their rewards but they show as ending on the wrong rank, but then other ppl didnt get their rewards and it decayed them.

while everyone seems to have atleast 1 role they had decayed randomly.

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That could be the confirmation for some of our suspicions. The ranking system was garbage, and the MMR and SR are very decoupled. The displayed rank does not mean ANYTHING if pulling back to MMR made this much difference.


i just checked one of my alts that ended in D5 dps and p3 support, it didnt decay at all

BUT the account i played on during most of the season decayed. it went from d5 to p4 which tells me they made some sort of major change to the matchmaker later on in season 3 that made them second guess a person’s rank.

so they readjusted people based on this new estimate.

Well my DPS went from M4 to D4, tank went from D2 to P3 and open queue pumped me up from P1 to D5.

It seems exactly the same as the rank decay from previous season. I really think they straight up forgot to actually remove it.

and id bet you played on that account most of the season

for the last like week and a half to two weeks ive been playing on alts practicing other heroes for fun. and the D5 account is still D5, the P5 account is still P5 and im going to bet the p2 account is still p2 (checking)

actually the p2 account is now P1, it actually buffed my rank.

something very clearly changed in season 3 and they deranked anyone that played that role in the ‘before’ time.

idk when that change was made but it had to of happened like a month ago or so atleast

It’s not. I rarely touch tank but my mmr for tank was very high. Every single game was t500 challengers on both teams. I won about 10 games total on tank this season and jumped from m2 to gm2 on tank.

Everyone has been complaining about rank inflation in higher elo lobbies. Unless I’m in a set of bugged outliers from people going up in rank, I’m going to see this as evidence of rank inflation.

I also rarely play support but it took me 20 games to go from plat 2 to masters 4 or 5. I ended M2 on support. My dps went down, and the quality of my lobbies were also lower than my tank lobbies towards the end of the season. Everything lines up.

It calculated it first for me. There’s no structure here.

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Was GM5 and got the according reward, i’m glad they fixed the ranks and people with inflated ranks didn’t get the rewards they clearly didn’t deserve.


There’s no inflation! I just got better in 5v5!

Here comes season 4 to slap you down a little. On the bright side, Blizzard being Blizzard, it probably is bugged one way or another and we’ll hear about how it’s being adjusted over the coming weeks. :smiley:

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This is rediculous. Please FIX the damn titles and rewards.

What rank were you for most of your OW career before OW2?

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I mean toward the end of OW1/for a couple seasons I was 3000 - 3100SR.

I don’t think this has to do with inflated ranks.

My comment was in jest, Yee. I don’t even remember if I played competitive in season 3.

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My bad I got so used to be people being serious and getting the biggest ego the moment they hit GM for the first time.


Yeah I’m just chuckling at the mayhem. People absolutely stunned by this shocking turn of events. :joy:

People plat forever in OW then suddenly masters or GM in OW2 going like “Yeah I totally belong here” :rofl:

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The amount of people in ow2 gm lobbies that said “im gm i know what im doing”
…when they were hard throwing…it’s hilariously insane

always plat-diamond peak in ow1 too

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