I want it to be redesigned so you don’t have to work as a team.
The structure is bad. When something is bad, people criticize it until it gets changed.
I want it to be redesigned so you don’t have to work as a team.
The structure is bad. When something is bad, people criticize it until it gets changed.
Then you need to just leave. Sorry but I’d rather not have the game changed further because of players like you when I and many others are actually playing the way it is intended to be played.
No you are being rude and telling me I’m wrong when I’m not. The meta enables, both Moira and Doomfist, not shape it, if Sigma wasn’t release Moira would not be meta. Ana is not very good against double shield, otherwise she would still be the main healer.
Anyway please stop, I do not like being told I’m wrong when I’m not then suddenly being called “toxic” in a polite way because you decide to become bias and blame heroes that aren’t the reason.
This isn’t criticism, this is you refusing to play the game that’s in front of you because you want it to play like a different game you could just go play…at the detriment of those that ARE playing it as designed.
This is why Blizzard originally wanted to release this game as six-stacking only.
Hong kong was intended to be a part of china. Now people don’t like what it was intended to be, and want to change it. That’s how the world works. Things were intended to be a certain way, but people realize it is bad, so they want to change it…?
don’t come to the forums then?? you just expect people to agree with you? just because you say you’re right? the entitlement…
i wasn’t being rude AT ALL, i calmly disagreed and explained my point while you turned around and basically told me to shut up just because I didn’t agree with you, grow up
Are you seriously relating a game to IRL political protest? You SERIOUSLY going there?
No I expect people to understand the game before they are replying to me so please stop replying to me as you do not understand.
I mean your argument is if things were created a certain way, you should never try to change them.
Should people have not tried to change germany? Would it be detrimental to the germans that didn’t like jews? After all if people didn’t like it, they could have just gone to another country right?
…wow you’re actually going there. Yea I’m done with this conversation.
I honestly don’t think in a game with 6 people on a team that 1 should be able to single-handedly carry games.
I’ve had decent conversations with you before, it’s sad seeing your true colors now.
I think if your team sucks you should be able to make a difference.
You want to play a game where you rely on 5 other people you can’t control?
My true colours? hahaha, fine if that’s how you feel then that’s up to you. You’re the one sitting here blaming Moira for this meta when it’s Sigma and Orisa that is shaping it.
So you focus on one point, don’t mention half of it and make it seem like it’s the entire thing in the video.
That just leaves the door open to abuse. One could “carry” others to higher ranks.
Soooooooooooooooooooooooo? That was the point I wanted to talk about.
Ok but it’s not a fair representation of the video.
It’s a representation of the first point he made, which is one I share???