GM main tank talks about why he quit overwatch

“My first point. One of the main things that has always bothered me, and now more than ever, is the reliance on your team. The inability to single handedly carry games, and just the total and complete reliance on all five other people on your team. It’s something that I really haven’t experienced in games before”

Completely agree. Been saying this for a year now. When is blizz going to give power to the individual.

Comp is a roll of the dice. You roll the dice, go up against a bad team, you stomp them. You roll the dice, go up against a good team, and there is literally nothing you can do, besides walk out of the spawn and die over and over again. It’s an RNG game.

There are games where I can go afk, and still win. And there are games where no matter what I do, I can’t leave the spawn without me and my entire team insta dying. Within 2 seconds of a fight all 5 players on my team are dead. And there is absolutely nothing I can do to turn it around. I can’t even play.


this is kind of why i play quickplay tbh.
it’s a little to random to rely on strangers to win games.
playing quickplay i really don’t have to worry about wins or losses and can focus on having fun to the best of my ability.


And it’s stuff like this that makes me think Tanks should get more SR than DPS. Especially since Tanks end up playing with a wider range of DPS skill level players.

Some of which are instathrow, relative to what you’re used to


If it is frustrating to play Tanks at GM level where players are more co-ordinated and know to utilise their tank players’ abilities and vice versa, then how much more frustrating it must be for Tankers below GM and Masters especially Bronze/Silver/Gold.

I must admit that playing tanks like Reinhardt and now, Winston is an exercise in frustration and a test of patience. Hence, i was really glad that Sigma was released because at least with Sigma, there is some way i would defend myself and now, i actually find myself using Road Hog more because at least i can self-heal and kill a squishie in order to get away.


What if they made rein faster with his barrier up, and lowered Winston’leap cooldown?


The armour nerf totall killed Rein and Winston, imho but with the damage power creep, it does not really amount to much as well.

I agree that maybe an increase in movement speed might help Rein players but imho, a faster CD for Fire Strike may actually be the way to go. Because that ability would do what Sigma and Orisa is doing to stay alive which is to keep people from getting too close. Well, that is my opinion anyway.

For Monkey, yes! Quick CD to get away is good especially since his bubble pops like so much air despite the current buff. In fact, perhaps, an extra 100hp increase to the bubble may be more beneficial than a quicker leap CD.

+1 for understanding the pain (even more so for players like me who are in the lower ELOs) but personally, i am fine with receiving the same SR as all the players. Just that perhaps the metric to judge our play for PBSR might be reworked a little.
It is almost impossible not to die more than the DPS or Supports playing tanks like Rein and Orisa unless we just stand at a choke and run away as soon as barriers break.


Tanks can definitely carry…it’s just much harder, and also at times not as obvious or impactful as dps imo.


The point is the amount of carry potential is so minimal in overwatch compared to other games, that it’s ridiculous. For tank or DPS.


They can but only if they are being supported/pocketed by a healer at the very least. Which is the point of the video.
Especially for tanks like Rein & Winston.
I recall one game which i played during RQ Beta when i went Sigma and my partner went Hog. After the first match, i thought that we pretty much have lost the game but eventually working together and with decent heals from our Ana, we won and with me as Sigma receiving Gold elimins (34) and my co-tank getting Silver Elimins (33).
As you said, yes, tanks can carry and that was because we had a decent Ana who pocketed the 2 of us and as tanks we both worked together.


I recently made a post with my own opinions about tanking now.


Easiest fix for that is to get rid of Sigma’s budget-ShieldBash.

I mean if you don’t like relying on your team you should play Apex Legends or something.


yeah, that’s what I meant by it’s much harder, i’ve been picking up Rein lately and it’s so frustrating when even my supports won’t back me up, even if my dps are lacking with just the supports’ help I can just do the dps’ job :rofl: unfortunately, it’s not often that there’s good support to keep up with me :disappointed_relieved:

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Who is this guy now?

Regardless this is just one guys own opinion.
Doesnt mean ya’ll should /bandwagon these youtubers even if they were right/wrong.


Idk, dude.
Sigma’s boulder is what is keeping me alive as a tank. All i can say is that too many players who get in too close to me underestimates its range. If any nerf should be applied it should be the size/hitbox of the boulder.
If i can have my way, heh heh, i would like for it to be quicker to execute! XD

this video doesn’t apply to 99% of playerbase. You can hardcarry games below masters with ease particularly in this tank meta.


Indeed and that is the point of the video.

The crux is just that, an over-reliance on team mates to make a difference, especially for Reinhardt. Nowadays, i am using Charge as an escape mechanism more than offensive.

Which is why for tankers, Sigma was a godsend and also why i am taking up Hog and using Rein only very situationally.

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Is it really controversial to say

  • Climbing with DPS is easier than Tank
  • Orisa/Sigma is kinda boring
  • GM people complain if you don’t play meta (Orisa/Sigma)

Feel free to make a bronze to gm series. I’d love to see it.

The only people you can watch hard carrying games below masters are literally the best dps players in the world, like dafran and arrge.

And even dafran said once in plat, after a loss “I literally don’t know what I could have possibly done”

Keep in mind, one of THE best dps players on planet earth.

That’s saying nothing about an ordinary plat player that gets bad RNG.

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the game is about grinding matches and playing for your stat averages. the individual games don’t actually matter just the big picture. you can argue if that is good or bad but it is what it is.