GM main tank talks about why he quit overwatch

So you’re saying you meet good opponents and bad opponents? Wow, that almost sounds like intended and real life.

Grow up it’s a team game. Win some, lose some. If you want more individual play there’s plenty of games out there.

Edit: also, another one of those streamer/gm/T500 videos who cry about something. I couldn’t care less for these people.


Your(as well as this GM player) issue isn’t whether or not you as an individual can carry in a game not designed for it. Its that the players, for whatever reason, were never given the proper tools or even instructions to learn that this is a game heavily reliant on teamwork. You don’t work as a team then you ARE NOT meant to win games. That’s how it is, that’s how it always has been. Players that are aware of this and still have a problem with it are simply just rejecting the core premise of the game and refuse to just move to another that provides what they are looking for.

The unfortunate side effect is that the devs get forced into situations when they end up changing things to appease or gain control of the players only to break the core function of the game. 222 is a prime example of this, had we as a community actually respected the teamwork concept OW is built around it would have never been needed, but because fps gamers are the way they are the devs had to take steps. Mind you I have a better version of the game and I’m happy, but doesn’t change the fact that it should have never happened.


You think this is the problem people in GM are having?

The people who probably have the best understanding of the game.


We have had several instances with “top” players not having a clue about, or simply refusing to abide by, the teamwork side of the game. If they leave its because they never wanted to play OW in the first place.

The people that play OW for what it is have no issues with the game outside of questionable balance choices, mainly those leaning towards enabling solo carrying which doesn’t make sense in THIS game.


Indeed. An insightful truth which many would not admit to.

To be fair, GreyFalcon and i know that you are a reasonable guy, Master and GM make up for less than 20% of the player base?
I think that majority of the players understand the mechanics of the game just fine, it is working together as a team which eludes them. Heck, even at the highest level of basketball in the NBA, you see players going 1v5 … which is why Team USA had been losing to other countries who play as a unit in FIBA and the Olympics… =(

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I want it to be redesigned is the thing though.

I have heard from multiple Moira mains (ones that have been consistently T500 prior to this season) that you feel like you are unable to make an impact, and the carry potential doesn’t feel like it’s there anymore due to this meta.

So honestly, I am not surprised that tank players are feeling the same, this is no doubt the worst meta ever.

Sigma has honestly ruined this game for a lot of people with double shield. Double shield should win an award for being the most horrible meta yet. People would rather have goats than this because goats actually felt interactive LOL.

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This issue is if you start to carry with tanks…

There are a variety of braindead heros the enemy can go to shut you down

Not to mention orisa sigma are two of the most passive tanks in the game that completely rely on their team to carry

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Oh hush up dude, that is clearly a post about Moira.

And no, Sigma and Orisa ARE THE REASON for this meta, not the other way around.

You shouldn’t have to roll the dice, and rely on the 5 other players on your team being good though.

Then play something else that caters to that. OW was never that game.


there are multiple reasons for this meta, and stubbornly putting all the blame on a tank duo is just not fair

especially while playing a hero who is excelling in said meta, yet acting like she has no carry potential

That’s kinda the point.

Orisa/Sigma comps want to stay at a distance.
Dive/Rein based comps want to get into close range.

So it’s kinda messing with things that Orisa/Sigma have a close range stun that can’t be blocked by matrix.

That way if they want a short range stun like that, they gotta field a Roadhog or Brig.
Roadhog = No double barrier
Brig = no speed boost

I’ll play overwatch, and give my critiques of it on the forum, so the game changes for the better.

Good luck with that, if they listened to the forums we’d have some of the worst nerfs/buffs to ever exist lol.

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Every time a hero is OP, people complain about it on the forums, and the hero gets nerfed. Blizz listens to everyone on the forums. And changes the game accordingly.

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Please. Your response is saddening, you think that Orisa and Sigma aren’t the reason for DOUBLE SHIELD? … lol.

Also actually, I’m not even gonna respond to you, clearly you have no idea what you’re talking about and you’re not worth arguing with. I’ll leave you to think your bias thoughts about Doomfist and Moira.

I took it one step further and only stick to Mystery Heroes. If I lose a match I can just shrug it off to RNG =)

no, I very clearly said they’re not the only reason

saying sig/orisa is the only reason means denying the amount of power creep from all roles that have made other tanks hell to play

if we’re going so start blaming things based on meta names I guess goats was thanks to billy goats :roll_eyes:

you need to chill out, usually you’re pretty reasonable but you’re spewing a lot of poison right now for no reason

Far too many of you don’t like the fact that you have to work as a team in a game designed for you to WORK AS A TEAM. And have in turn forced changes on those that were playing the game properly that they feel were unnecessary…and might be right about that. You don’t like the game OW is go play the dozens of fps games that do exactly what you are looking for.

You wouldn’t play dark souls and demand that they put guns is the game because you prefer to play with guns. It has a structure you are supposed to play by, either do so or play something else. Or continue to suffer because you refuse to adhere to the game’s design, more free wins for the people that do care.