GM main tank talks about why he quit overwatch

I never blamed moira??? That was a separate response to the other thing you said about how she has little carry potential??

i don’t disagree but that is how the game goes and when it is all clicking, wow! it is great.
idk, coming from having played a physical team sport in basketball, i think that i am quite zen about it all in OW. Because just like in pick-up games on the playground, one would have team mates who would work with you and team mates who think that they are shorter versions of Jordan, Kobe and LeBron and go all solo. After more than 20 years of ballin’ on both the playground in pick up games and in some organised games (where team mates still do their own thang), i am used to how things go in a “team” environment.

Heck, even at work, whereby colleagues should be all pulling their own weight and co-operate is a huge dice roll and this is everyone’s livelihood we are talking about here! Heh.

Ah, in the end, as things stand in OW, they are bearable. No biggie, for me, at least.

Yes, sir, i know. I was being obtuse…because i don’t Sigma to be nerfed!
His shield HP should be nerfed, imho but everything else is ok for me. XD

Yes, good points and y’know, maybe instead of messing with Sig’s boulder, why not just let Matrix eat it and barriers block it. Deflect, idk. I kinda like the idea and sight of seeing a Genji get pounded by my boulder… “A Ho Ga!” (really hate it when Genji says it after winning a duel).

Look, it is impossible for one player, in a team game, to have the ability to solo carry games a significant amount of the time.

There are six people on the team. Theoretically, they should all have the same impact. Due to matchmaking, you should be up against a team of equal strength. Ignoring the ability to make your team lose by playing incredibly badly (which you already have), how can the game always hinge around your performance?

If you pop off and ‘carry’ the game, you’ve just made your five teammates basically not matter that game. There are six of you and you’re all supposed to be about the same ability (if not, we’ll assume you rank up until they are). That means that 5/6 of the time when you win, one of them is going to be popping off and you will be one of the teammates whose performance basically doesn’t matter. Because there are six of you, and you’re all equal. That’s why the game can’t hinge around individual performance.

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It’s completely possible in every team game. People do it all the time in league of legends.

Overwatch is unique in it’s insane team reliance.

Well, Blizzard took MOBA and even more so MMO values and applied it to an FPS. Those games have always had roles who can’t solo carry and have to rely on their team, with them supporting them to get there.

This is pretty true for MOBA games as well. If one of your lanes fails hard, it’s nearly impossible to come back from. That is the down side of an “individual being able to carry” in those types of games. When one person gets too far ahead, they steam roll everyone else – at least in Overwatch (for now) no one is actually gaining items/stats in the game and a comeback is always possible.

This isn’t true for MOBAS though. League of legends is a a solo carry game. You can get fed and 1v5 the enemy team. You matter in league of legends. In overwatch, you don’t matter.

Edit: Oh, that’s what you were saying? That’s not a bad thing imo. That’s a good thing. If you’re individually better you should win.

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Sure, but most MOBA’s don’t strictly define “Tank” “Damage” and “Heal” either. They define the lanes, and characters naturally fit better into them.

That’s where my first paragraph about how OW having heavy MMO influences in it comes in. That is the part you don’t like.

League balances on ratios on items – anyone who played League back in the day probably remembers Raka or Sona DPS builds, so they toned down their AP ratios so that they weren’t good building offensively.

LoL is different, it has levels and items you have to aquire to get stronger.
you could maybe argue something like regular fps games, but even they have power curves and pretty much everybody is equipped with the same basic character making the playing field equal for everyone,

it’s really hard to make a support be able to carry games.
and if dps are the only carry then why would you want to pick anything else?

every spot in a moba is important in the way how they work, you need supports for the early game for the carry to have an easier leveling process to their carrying potential.

and as for things like cs:go it’s all about equal opportunity which can’t happen in a hero based game where every character is different.
you’ll just have heroes that are more op than others in one way or another shifting the balance constantly which is allready happening in a small scale.
you think this meta is broken? it can get even more broken than this by a huge margin.
so much so that actual banning specific characters is gonna be the only way to balance it.

but at some conscience level i feel they should have allready done that in a pro match setting.

Is this really gameplay from a GM player?

Anyways - as to the “What are you actually enjoying about Overwatch?” question he posed, the people who enjoy the game the most don’t take it seriously whatsoever.

I don’t know, I kinda fundamentally disagree with the idea that Overwatch should move it’s focus away from teamwork.

I’ve always seen Overwatch as a team strategy game with shooter elements. If you stop the emphasis on the team strategy then it just kinda becomes mainly a shooter.

I realise that a lot of people do indeed want OW to become mainly a shooter but I really think they already have plenty of options, there are other games they can goto where the carry potential for an individual exceeds the value of teamwork.

I also don’t know what people expect really, I don’t see a way that you can make a character in a team game capable of hard carrying without also often being subject to an enemy player who is doing the hard carrying and invalidating your actions and making it feel like you are helpless.

Once you get to the top of any collaborative competitive environment then the opportunity to just do everything on your own diminishes, that’s just the nature of team based competitive things.

I also think there is an element of rose tinted glasses here, part of the reason players go away with so much when Overwatch was new was because Overwatch was new, players were still adapting and learning which meant it was easier to punish players if you had raw mechanical skill. I kinda want them to release an arcade mode with the original Overwatch balance because I bet with our collective improvement the meta would be significantly different and not like how we were playing it back then.


Idk I’ve seen enough gm streams to see the same teams stomp or get stomped by the same enemy teams :man_shrugging:

Overwatch is just so momentum based where all it takes is for one person on either side to screw up and get caught out of position and killed and it’s just a snowball from there. Holding like a boss on point A? Oh your zen accidentally peaked too far, dead, rest of your team drops 1by1 , ult stack on you to take point b

Putting more power into the individual player could help stop this… but then you get to the point where the games are decided by who has the best individual player rather than who works best as a team

But it’s been this way for 3 years now I’ve already accepted it’s a snowball based game design on purpose so that matches dont run too too long.

Also obviously because it was pushed as a team based game so yeah you should need to rely on your teammates and pay for their mistakes like the other 5 have today for your mistake

so you’re saying the system is unfair because if you’re not dafran but a random plat it doesn’t give you easy matches but keeps you in plat which is your true skill level? Lmao the entitlement.

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I’m saying the system is unfair because it doesn’t reward you for your individual skill, or play.

Overwatch is the most disempowering game i’ve ever played in my life.

Would love to hear how they think Blizzard can make it so that anyone can carry if they are good that isn’t already in game.

This is what attracted me to the game and has kept me in it. I am contributing but you can’t just make a high skilled friend and boom free ride. It’s a team centric game and has always been advertised as such. … I’m not sure why people are so surprised at this after 3 years of it.

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Why? We don’t get payed to develop the game. Not our job.

What attracted you to the game was being completely helpless alone, and being completely reliant on a random group of 5 people that you can’t control. Interesting

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It was the fact that although I was contributing the game wasn’t live or die on my personal performance and I could contribute GREATLY by facilitating my teammates. I had my share of “Lol I aced, you’re all welcome for the carry” shooter games.

I get you have a certain perspective, but for someone who enjoys supporting and teamwork toward a goal this game has been great.

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The thing is, you can’t fix stupid. If someone refuses to group up, or thinks they know how to play everyone else’s heroes meanwhile they’ve been off 1v6’ing the entire game, or is toxic/whiner/screamer, there’s nothing you can do about that.

When people do work as a team, it’s great. You win as a team or lose as a team and it feels alright.

When people play selfishly, they drag you down with them. There’s nothing stopping me from behaving as I’ve described above because there’s no consequence for it. I end up tanking 5 other people’s SR because today I decided to only play Symmetra.

There is already a system in place in 8-man FFA where the top 4 players “win” and gain SR (1st place gains the most; 4th place gains the least) and the bottom 4 lose, and lose SR (5th places loses the least; 8th places loses the most). If someone is getting carried, they shouldn’t gain nearly the same SR as their team. If someone plays exemplary, they should get a bonus to SR. If you play like trash and lose, your rank should tank. If you give it your all and lose, you shouldn’t lose as much.

It’s not hard.

This is exactly why games shouldn’t be so team reliant. It’s a flawed idea. You can’t control 5 people. You can control yourself.

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I wonder if they decided to rework shields as whole:

-Reducing the shield size so proper shield positioning would actually matter and wouldn’t be as reliant.
-Increasing the shield HP to offer better reward to properly positioned shield.
-Increasing the HP of the tanks so they can actually tank instead of just being a bunch of shield bots.