GM main tank talks about why he quit overwatch

I see people say this, and I think, " you don’t gotta roll the dice if you have friends/can recruit people, unless you’re in GM since it’s duos only"

Look, it’s a team game… if you want a game that’s 100% about your personal ability and not about teammates, go play a game that’s not a team game!

Already been said in other posts that every other team game gives more power to the individual. Overwatch is unique, being the only team game that is so team reliant it’s unbearable.

So basically, some people are mad that you have to work with your team in a team game.

I say good riddance to anyone who’s mad about this being a team game. I play this game BECAUSE it’s a team game, and nothing makes me more furious than players (almost always DPS, let’s not kid ourselves) who feel like they’re the John Wayne Rambo super carry and they don’t need to group up, they don’t need to stay behind shields, they don’t need to coordinate, etc. I don’t care about OP characters or imbalance, I care about the players who act like their team never exists. Unless of course they’re not doing well - in that case, the only function their team serves is as a scapegoat, taking the blame for the superhero player not carrying, as if it’s their god-given right to do so.

A super salty support+tank player who’s super salty about people refusing to act like a team.

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People are mad because 5 strangers they don’t know have control over their SR.

If the game wasn’t this team reliant, you wouldn’t have this problem. So you should like what we’re saying lol.

Legitimate chance OP is part of the problem. Either boosted or has only hit 2.1K once. Its not hard for an actual gold player to stomp bronze players given they actually understand the game.

If it truly was a smurf, GM smurf at what role? Context of this legitimately matters. If they were a GM support player playing dps I’d expect them to not really know what they were doing if they somehow ended up in bronze.

Point of the matter is, if you aren’t here just trolling, the game is played and won through teamwork. If you don’t want to be a part of that you WILL lose. Those are the rules set out for you by the game itself. The game doesn’t need to change for you, plenty have gotten to higher ranks abiding by them. If you can’t(or won’t) that’s your problem. To be blunt, fix that or leave.

With your first point, I agree. I think ranking in a game like this is honestly very silly. Sure, have MMR and other matchmaking settings in a lighter sense, but I do think it’s dumb for a game to be like “Well, you lost because Genji and Reinhardt threw, therefore you’re bad. Minus 25 SR.”

As for your other point, I see what you’re saying, but I don’t think it applies. What I’m saying is, the greater percentage of players who play OW like it’s a teamgame, the happier I’ll be. I don’t want more power shifted to an individual (me or anyone else) just to compensate for a dead weight player.

A GM dps player. It was funny watching his mcree get dove on over and over again, while he couldn’t do anything.

So do you see where the problem is? You will have fun in the game, only if people you can’t control do what you want them to do. That is the fundamental problem with a team game. You can’t control other people, you can only control yourself. Unless you have psychic powers or something.

And again, you can’t make other people work as a team. They will do whatever they want to do. And you will suffer for it, because “mah team game”.

Then they deserve to lose, nothing wrong with that.

You will lose. Because you can’t make other people do what you want.

Just a game at the end of the day. For every one game with a bad teammate I can find several others where I can work with people who respect the game OW is. If the other team is a better team they rightfully should win.

Not for people that are interested in turning it into a career.

Well sucks to be them, not here to concern myself with less than 1% of the playerbase. Besides, anyone in top ranks trying to break into the OW pro scene should already respect the game as it is. Funny enough its always the western players complaining about it, I never hear the korean players having an issue. Though if you notice they tend be team oriented by default. If the person we are talking about is you…might want to find a real job.

I love these stuff cause it’s like many players who the left the game saying I told you so. The game is silly fun, but that only last for a few seconds or matches depending on the match. The teamwork is fine here, but it’s suffocating especially with bad balances on heroes.

Just like in reality. When things goes wrong or something isn’t right with the picture. You give feedback hoping all works out.

as a low diamond tank main, i completely agree. this man is a truer

Nice race realism, richard spencer. Why don’t you take a trip to the storm front forum, I’m sure you’d get along with people there. You can talk about how there is “collectivism” in the “asian dna” or whatever weird stuff you people like to talk about.

Not quite. It’s not so much that they do what I want them to do (I know my heavy-handed phrasing made it sound like I have a specific plan for each player and if they don’t do what I want then they’re bad, but that’s not my stance). The only thing that I DO want them to do, the one single thing, is at least try to coordinate. Whether we make bonehead plays and lose, try our best and lose, or win, or just win by accident, I really couldn’t care less so as long as we’re all trying to work together. I don’t want to micromanage anybody, but I do want them to just try and coordinate, and communicate. That’s really all.

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You are aware of what culture differences are right?

Christ your actually doing this again. Yea you’re definitely here to troll. Just gonna flag and leave you alone.

You are aware that people are individuals, not members of collective racial groups that all think and act the same way, right?

Do you think “asian” culture is collectivist?

Then let me introduce you to the words of the great asian hermit, Milarepa

Because I’ve let go of my country, I am happy. - Milarepa.