The game is dictated by DPS. The tanks are back seat riders, stuck in what feels like rail play, rail rotations, and rail defense positions. Even ball’s attack patterns are based on where his other tank is, where his dps are, and who his healers are pocketing.
This means essentially, if the DPS cannot dictate a match through zone control presence, or is incapable of rotating properly, not dealing enough damage, or just extremely death prone, the game is almost always lost. This is a common occurrence with many of my games. The tanks do the lions share of the work, and the DPS feed the whole game, then complain in chat.
Sure you can make some plays as tanks. You can do some fancy stuff with ults. You can perform a few interesting things based on positioning. That sort of basic shenanigans stuff.
You CANNOT dictate the controlling factor of where the ENEMY DPS will pressure your barriers, nor where the enemy tanks will stand to assist them, and so on. They will continually do the most insane things and troll tanks, something tanks can’t really stop without DPS assistance. Constantly. Flank angles everywhere. Always flank angles.
You are just at the mercy of whether or not YOUR OWN DPS are aware enough to rotate and deal with these problems, using your barriers or your dive tanks as assistants to this procedure. If they do not rotate for flankers, or they extended too far in order to pressure, the tank fights are over before the tanks themselves can even interact.
This gives me such a headache that I just don’t want to play tank.
I’ve personally been finding the flip side of this experience.
So frequently I’ve seen tanks who are going out, not considering ally positions and then dying because no-one can support them.
Tanks when played even reasonably can create an insane amount of pressure but if this doesn’t happen then it can be hard for the supports and dps to remain somewhat effective.
I had a game the other day where a Sigma who blamed dps rotated in such a way they effectively divide and conquered themselves So the entire team ran with them initially, they then ran effectively across open ground while under fire and then became isolated from the team. (only even found this by watching the replay trying to figure out how I could have supported him better)
I recommend checking your replays and really asking yourself some hard hitting questions, like could you have provided another player slightly more support at this specific moment that they died?/could you have waited a few seconds for people to get into position before you initiated?/would a different position invalidate an enemies position?/etc.
I’ve recently had a tank accuse me of being a bad dps and actually having the supports defend me saying “he was actually decent”, and I know from experience as a tank you are often looking forward that its harder to see what exactly you are missing going on. (supports tend to have the best idea overall during the game due to the distance they play at).
Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely some players out there that you couldn’t possibly save, but I do recommend going through the replays to make sure you are not one of them.
I’ve recently been watching replays during the queue and it’s quite crazy how much we actually miss even just watching our own perspective a second time.
I’m just saying, replay is a pretty good place to confirm if these players actually playing poorly or if there is just some missing synergy.
its funny how people complain that tanks dedicate meta when in reality most metas are made to keep op dps in check and make sure those dps never rise coz if they do, WELP.
This is something I hate about the tank class you need to go meta tanks now or you are not gonna play the game if they have Mei Doomfist reaper. like on what earth does it make sense to have so much cc on a hero? yet we have two.
this is for you dev team
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This is yet another reason why we need an in-game scoreboard.