GM Genji ONE TRICK opinion on devs post [3 years genji main]

this has some truth to it, but honestly I’d just call it medium risk medium reward, its a definenltly really punishable but also super rewarding
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Yeah the genji main saying he’s bad, not at all self serving. :slight_smile:


I mean that’s the general sentiment of top players, , so I expect a top genji player would have the same reaction.

But remember right before Jeff nerfed sigma and orisa, he said he didnt see them as a problem.

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Reminder that to most of the forums genji mains are scum and have no saying in anything.

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oh you and i both know its far too late for that

That’s the thing though.

He never said Genji was good.

He said “middle of the pack.”

All he was saying is that statistically speaking Genji is not performing like the absolute troll pick everyone is making him out to be.


stupid you can watch youtube videos and practice it even if your bad.

  1. its not high risk high reward against DPS.

“its high risk high reward because?” a lot of heroes have wind up animation and you can destroy them by having a half decent reaction. tons of damage sources are projectile and the ability is bulljive it has a huge hitbox infront of him.

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Yah, the moment dds cryed over goats i knew it was over.

You mean this

same difference

it rewards you if you use is carefully
if you dont use it carefully you dont get value, you often get punished.


with all good reason tbh. Goats meta completely ousted the DPS role for a good few months – a year.

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yes you need practice.
but you need thinking, the ability leaves you in a punishable state and usually out of position and missing a cooldown.

read my previous post

Bias might have something to do with it. Just a tiny, wait, scratch that, huge bias that Genji mains usually have.

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Ok but my point is that WTF is your opponent supposed to do about deflect?.

sit there and die to you without forcing you to use deflect? and if you use it they die anyway?

the same can be said about any defensive ability, though.

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And 2 2 2 was introduced for a good reason too, lader was way to randome.

And after all, be happy it ended goats, so dds are to be blamed too.

I was hoping a top tier Genji pro would set a good example in Mains’ etiquette, but… sigh…

Genji should be top dog or nothing else I guess.

dps dont need to be solely blamed for ending goats. The hatred for this meta came from every side. Off tanks like hog had no room in the meta nor did orisa. Healers like Ana, Moira, and Mercy had no spot either

edit: clearer language