Give widow a laser-dot at full charge 🔴

Yea, my names are all over the place. X3

But yea, i lost everything on the server and it was all my own fault, so i’m sad at myself.

Although Lucius was just a stupid horse, and i may have taken him to the nether…


He roams the nether, free like he deserves. Exploring the land of fire and lava with adventure in his heart.


I will build a statue in his honor, fit for the dwarven city itself.

Otherwise i already have like nearly a full suit of armor again, and i guess i’ll be buying some books from you. x3



For real, someone needs to set up more shops for me to spend my diamonds at.

Also I guess I should pretend to stay on topic.

Ahem. Yes. Widowmaker bad. Give big nerf.

Even though killing Widowmaker as Lucio is my favorite hobby and national pastime.

Have you seen the thread i made on the subject?

[The REAL changes Widowmaker needs 🧠]

Small bit of clickbait but there ya are.

I need 6 new mending books… ;-;

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How is the server nowadays? Like I connected my portal to near Magy but then my other server restarted for the next 9ish month revision and I’ve been there since

Doing good. I’m at End Game content while everyone else is still mid-early. But I basically no-life every game I play. I think I’ve killed the Ender Dragon 8 or 9 times now.

Two other players and I just put up a mail-house at spawn. Players can claim a mail box and their redstone lamp lights up when they have mail from another player.

(I lost trust level 3 because I stopped posting RIP)

The netherhub got a small re-design and we have ice-roads on most of it for faster travel.

I have now. =3

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Sniper has this on TF2, it shows a red dot on a wall etc…

I’d love this lol.



See Chibi? My sleep deprived ideas aren’t bad. =P

I reserve the right to retract this statement after I get sufficient sleep.

Get some sleep lol.

But yeah it’s not a bad idea.

Doesn’t remove anything from her, isn’t a simple number change or a major rework.

I’m ok with her having a one shot but it must have restrictions being tied to a primary fire. Hanzo is also a mess in this regard

Charge, hook, RP are balanced due to being abilities tied to cooldowns, working at a set range and giving an audio queue.

So I don’t think a visual dot would affect her if it triggers around a certain charge rate.

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I tried. Failed. I’m pretty bad at sleep. Got to be up for work in 5 hours.

But its a short shift and I get to play Minecraft when I get home from work.

Useless. Very good widows don’t even need time to scope at you. They just click and headshot you.

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Give Widow Bullets recall so they can be fired at the same spot again with a push of a button.


Doesn’t need it. Her tracer fire is very visible and her shots are loud. Speaking of which, hanzos arrows could do with being louder. I think all widow needs is a descope mechanic or an actual.screen shake- not the joke of a shake she has now.

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You mean like the Snipers in Retribution?

Yeah… No. That’s not a good idea. She already has a big, red line you see, when she fires, as it is, that screams:

“Here I am! Come get me!”

So, im not in favor of making it worse.


Now, i cant wait for someone to offer up the idea that Widow should “light up”, like McCree (during High Noon), when she fires.

I swear this forum won’t be happy, until Widow lights up, like a Christmas tree, has only 100 health, takes 5 seconds to get full charge and only does 75 damage per headshot. Haha.

Now, I’m not saying you are that bad, OP. I just know that the Widow hate, on this forum, is ridiculous. I’ve never seen a community so irritated by a sniper, in a first person shooter, in my life. And the cute part is, she’s been in OverWatch since Day One. This isn’t some hero they added in 2019 or something. I just dont get it.

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Would you prefer a damage nerf? Because based on the trends of complaints from players Widow is on the chopping block next for Blizzard.

They’re coming for the her booty scoliosis.

Let it be known I don’t want her nerfed. I think she’s fine as is. But the pattern is as clear as day.

I would prefer the forums quit screaming “OP!” whenever a Hero counters their main, or when a Hero rewards skillful play.

Honestly, you can’t win with most of these people.

The Devs put in an “easy” Hero (like Moira) and the forums scream:

“Shes a brainless Hero. Too much value for such low skill”

They put in a high skill Hero:

“Oh, my God, people finally learned how to play this Hero, after months/years. Theyre so OP! Nerf them!”

So, low skill isnt okay. High skill isnt okay. People whine that mechical skill should rule all, yet complain about Heroes like Widow. Then, others say abilities and kits (the MOBA style) should be what matters, then they whine about those too. Somehow, this community, as a whole, simultaneously has a problem with heroes, like Moira and Brig, but also with Hanzo and Widow. It makes no damn sense.

What do these people want? Its no wonder Jeff and friends cant balence this game. Not only do you have 20 different opinions from 50 different people, you also have people contradicting themselves and saying conflicting things, all the time.

Ugh. Jesus, man.

I don’t want her nerfed either, man. I think this whole thing is just stupid. I look at it this way, if you’ve practiced Widow enough to get headshot after headshot, you deserve it. Good on you.

My only gripe, when it comes to Widow, is those who Smurf. No Master level Widow should be, in a Bronze game, completely dominating. But, that’s not an issue with the hero. That is an issue with the player base as well as The OW Team not dealing with the Smurf problem.

But, I have no issue with any of the sniper/sniper-like Heroes, in this game. But, maybe im biased. I come from games where Snipers are common place. And, we didnt have cool shields to hide behind either. Granted, we also didnt have to cap objectives.

But, my point still stands. Its a sniper, you need to play accordingly. You cant just stand in the middle of nowhere, not move, and wave “Hello” while you get shot. Its idiocy.

And, smurfs aside, odds are, if you are up against a skilled Widow, you are just as skilled, in general. Play with your team and adjust accordingly. Shes not unkillable.

Honestly, im sick of these Forum Hero arguments. I mean, if what people said on this forum was true, no hero would ever die and/or would be able to 1v6 the enemy team, every match.

People tend to exaggerate. It was the same thing with the 5 DPS bull. I guarantee you weren’t seeing five DPS in every single one of your games. But people like to dwell on the times they consider “bad” and hardly ever look at the “good”. It’s Human Nature.


I feel you, man. I gotta be up in a few and cant sleep either. Lol.

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Actualy don’t think it’s a really bad idea.

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