I’m tired and this is probably a bad idea for a “nerf”.
But the number one complaint I hear about Widow is that she peeks a corner and BAM dead without you knowing you were in LOS.
So why not make it so if Widow is scoped in and fully charged she has a laser dot? That way the enemy can see where she is aiming at currently. It’ll punish Widows who just sit there scoped in and give her location away so you know where… not to stand?
Like I said, might be a bad idea for a nerf. But it was an idea that popped into my head at almost 4 AM.
If Widow changed positions and sat there scoped in you wouldn’t know. Suddenly your positioning is bad and you’re dead for it. This way the Widow would have to keep from staying scoped in the entire time without giving her position away.
Widow can kill 200s at less than full charge and rarely scope in for that long anyway. Meanwhile in games with laser dots, good players learn to hide them and flick, while noobs still get their faces blown off despite seeing it.
This does give me an idea though- make charging really loud.
Every piece of gear, everything on my person, my horse Lucius dead in a nether portal and didn’t drop his armor or saddle, and i died in the middle of the ocean, with no coords so i couldn’t find the area again.
I’m so sorry my dude. I’ve had to save the gear of a few players on the server I run. Boat glitches causing people to fall through the ground on our nether hub ice roads to their death.