Give widow a laser-dot at full charge 🔴

I mean, it could be useful but there are a lot of times a good Widow can get a headshot at a lower percentage and get the same results.

That’s true. Widow can one shot at like 63% on Squishies.

Personally I’d put the beam no matter what charge she’s at if she’s ADS’ing.

If Widow wants to look at a wall until she can flick a shot, good on her.

Widow doesn’t have the natural weaknesses of a Sniper, so why should we worry about her natural strengths?

Even in your strawman scenario, you missed the point. The problem with heroes like Widow isn’t that she’s hard. It’s that she’s too strong.

Being hard doesn’t justify a hero being overpowered.



Biggest nerf to Jetpack Cat ever. D:

And what exactly would that be?

Widow can pew pew close range and Spiderman to safety. OP pls nerf. She needs to be more Batman and less Spiderman.

Batman has Genji-like weapons and also a grapple?

Yeah, but Spiderman has clairvoyance. Clearly more OP.

If this is what people are complaining about then I’m sorry but y’all are just bad. I basically never die to Widow because I know what sightlines she’s gonna watch, because I play the hero. If you don’t know the sightlines and complain about Widow, that’s just you being bad, sorry.

I think people are complaining about dying to Widow before they can even do anything about her, which your idea wouldn’t do anything to help.

Also, your idea still wouldn’t do anything to help the situation you’re talking about, because I always have and will continue to hide the dot if this gets added.

Hey Faylen. I love you im in your discord group and minecraft server. (I’m not h0mo)

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Your character automatically yells “SNIPER” to warn you the moment Widowmaker gets line of sight on you, whether she’s charged yet or not.

If she gets line of sight on a teammate first, their character will warn you in the same way without you even being threatened, and you’ll usually be able to tell where she is based on where that teammate was when they said it.

Like the enemy talon sniper in Archives?


Nice idea actually. ,

i made it from some reason A09E1 :upside_down_face:

There’s an idea. Her scoped sights produces a targeting laser just like Torb’s turret. No more sneaky scopes and you’ll always know who she’s looking at.

this wouldnt be a bad idea. think sniper from tf2. its a nice awareness change for enemies but then you could just hide it and then flick when they come out. a good change nevertheless.

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It is actually an extremely bad idea. It only punishes lower ranks, lol. Good Widows quick scope and kill you anyway! It changes nothing.

I can assure you from experience they don’t. I’m 4241 peak and play against GM Widows a lot and have played against several well known Widows (Kephrii, Aimbotz, etc.).

Not every shot is a flick shot. They often stay scoped and often track targets.

Granted I don’t personally have issues against Widowmaker. But I like to have thought experiments with changes that aren’t actual nerfs to numbers but solve issues players are having.

Well, they’d just adapt then. Scope, unscope. Scope, unscope. Scope, shoot, dead. People would still complain.

They would, but then they’d be more vulnerable due to unscoping constantly.

Win-win and wouldn’t be a useless “nerf”. :man_shrugging:t4:

<3 <3 <3