Give us ACTUAL content please

HunTy… They literally just gave us content.

Also, all games are not in direct competition with each other. You stick with a game like this because you genuinely like the gameplay over other games (basically like picking a Fighter-game). You don’t go “Oh it’s OK, but I’m going to ditch it if we don’t get a new map soon!”

Something else to keep in mind is it’s all free content so far. So you paid for a completed game for a below-normal-gaming-price, then got a bunch of free stuff over the 2+ years. Learn to appreciate instead of demanding more, hunTy. You might enjoy games/life/etc. more if you appreciate things more. :^)

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Oh, new content? I’d love to see new story at this point. 3 stinking years and all what we’ve gotten are flashbacks, no progression whatsoever. A new Hero is nice, a new Map is always exciting to play on, but rlly. For once, they need to take their eyes off of OWL and look at the game.

~ PyroPanda


hey OP, you do it lol

I just want a reason to be excited about this game again. Idk that new maps and new heroes is really doing that much for me anymore, I’m more excited for new reasons to play the game, not just more game to play without having any new motivations.

Endorsements and LFG were really cool at first but they clearly weren’t sustainable. Endorsements only function on a 1-5 scale and i just switch between 3 and 4 depending on what mode i play. lfg groups only last a game or two at most, I don’t really get any new friends out of it.

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i would rather have a new hero than a new HUD

so heroes? like the OP listed?

you said heroes dont count these are ALL hero based

See??? what are you even asking for you literally contradicted yourself??

i agree but not really content imo. Halo 3 did it im sure a newer game like OW can too.


Repeating the same formula for over 3 years didn’t work.

Adding 1 hero (Another Brigitte,Doomfist,Sombra so everyone will complain non stop until the new hero gets nerfed) and 1 map every 3-4 months isn’t enough content.

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Ironically the only thing Smash players want and get is new maps and characters(heroes) and not only that but many of the characters have same movesets so basically just reskins.

Honestly it feels like Overwatch was the first pvp shooter for many and people still don’t seem to understand what that is about. Does CS:GO have new game modes and skills? (Well they did put in BR because of the stupid craze but it’s a joke mode anyway) Does Quake get new modes and pve, lore? Did Tribes get that? Or Fortnite/Pubg/Apex?

It’s like whining that Chess doesn’t have a story mode or NFL doesn’t change to completely different rules to keep it “fresh”.


Then what do you consider to be “real content”, OP?

You’re essentially walking up to someone telling them “Give me what I want but I’m not going to tell you what it is I want!”

Something to do with competitive points that aren’t the ugly golden weapons would be fantastic. I have close to 40,000 now and they will likely pile up forever at this rate.

so your saying we don’t get any content at all then, because that’s what the meme implies here

I’d like to see an archives event in the Junker town arena.

And I really wish previous event modes were available in custom games.

All of you whining for content - go find the game that give you the content you want.

Obviously you snowflakes are not happy here. So why keep whining? Take off the tiara, take some action and go find the game you do enjoy.

There are lots of games I have tried in the past and moved on from because the games were not what I was looking for. It’s not the developers or publishers fault that their offering was not my cup of tea.

Map design isn’t going to make people want to play non-DPS roles. DPS is always going to be more popular no matter what. That’s only a problem when you’re in a match with people who don’t think they need to take turns. Got a good DPS game in last round? Give someone else a chance.

I’m in the same boat as you. I end up playing shield or support almost all the time and, if I pick DPS (even if I pick first) that means we’re going to have either no tanks or no supports. It feels stupid when I spend four games in a row on Rein/Mercy for the same group and they just continue to instalock three-four DPS. Be a good team player and fill every now and then. If everyone did that, we’d all have more fun.

if i were to say what my problem is, is that overwatch feels like on autopilot.
There’s no clear direction. Where are we going? What are the goals for 2019?
We always know exactly when new heroes and maps are gonna come out, so the surprise factor is kind of neutered.

The content is coming out, i don’t even mind the repeated events.

But the game is failing to evolve, to change.
It’s fundamentally the same game as three years ago, with some extra trinkets, and long time players are experiencing burnout.

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I completely agree with this. I wish they would drop skins outside of events too, rather than only having skins that are tied to them.
Every now and then they could drop an unthemed skin or a few for different heroes while everyone waits for the events. The time period between the anniversary event and the following event, Summer Games, is about three months, after all.

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While I like the gold weapons, I do wish they would add something else as far as comp points go. Something else to earn them for. I couldn’t tell you what that should be, but it would be neat if they added in another thing to trade your comp points in for.

Even their map releases have been slower than usual.

And this game desperately needs new gameplay modes. NEW gameplay modes for Comp/QP, they haven’t created a new one in years.

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Adding onto this, I feel the same way as far as just wanting to win something. Lately it’s been feeling like all I can play is support because nobody else wants to pick it.
Don’t get me wrong, I love playing support and I play every support hero except Brigitte (because I’m garbage at her) but I don’t wanna feel like every single game, if I don’t pick it, nobody else will. I feel like if they fleshed out the support and tank rosters as they have with DPS, more people would want to pick characters in those roles as well instead of always picking DPS no matter what.

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Start implementing different seasonal events instead of the same old things. There are so much more celebrations they could do. I won’t ask them to invent new game modes or add maps every event; just change the themes and base the new cosmetics on those. This is the second year of recycled seasonal events other than Archives and it is obvious people are getting tired of it. No matter how well you make the cosmetics, they’re not enough to pull us in.