Give us ACTUAL content please

You all do realize Blizzard just laid off like 700 people. Dont expect anything any time soon.

I do like maps and heroes

I haven’t been invested into Paris tho just because the last few months balance has been an issue for me. I’ve played since season 1 and have gone through many metas but just fatigued of the current state.

More balance changes more often would be a good start for this game BUT not the massive sledgehammer changes we get now. If we got smaller buffs and nerfs more often I wonder how the game would go, because having your favourites gutted or heroes becoming OP is just too exhausting after 3 years. You think they’d disciver small ones by now.
(My last favourite patch notes was probably when Orissa, roadhog, widow and junkrat all got tiny buffs that actually meant something to their kit. This was AGES ago though)

Heroes is something else I look forward too but this game is desperate for new metas and actual counters to things rather than mirror matchups decided by ultimates. New different kinds of utility (not just stuns), different healer and tank playstyles are needed.
(I actually believe we have plenty of different and fun dps playstyles. But there are many more tank and healer type roles that can exist to appeal to More people. I would love a Zarya-esque type support, but instead of increased damage maybe healing/burst healing)

Anyways more consistent balance changes and different hero playstyles that influence different metas or add different counterplay is needed
Side note: thought Ashe was a good dps to introduce but really she’s just another sniper and she doesn’t add different kinds of counterplay she’s just another character to shoot things with. At least other dps like sombra can used for counterplay and such.

Sorry for long post these are just my instant thoughts pretty much thrown up onto a page😅

what i think is the problem is that

  1. to few actual devs in team OW to create new huge content boosts
  2. team that is actually working is focusing on a lot of stuff, but the rest might be concentrated on things we dont really need

look at LFG
a lot of dev time went in to this, and only fraction of players use it (actually we dont really know, because there is no comunication - but Jeff hinted at it on stream)
now what they are working on? replays system
i am replay ‘collectioner’, i would love to have this tool… but honestly i am in most propably 0.1% of people… this functionality will be useless for total majority of players

there are rumours that they will look for people to team OW (20% increase or so)… as usually we have to wait in dark

meanwhile they reported record profits :confused:
jeez lets assume that if greed factor is taken out, then acti-blizz is one hell of a wierd company

Whats that? You want more focus on OWL

More OWL? You got it!


There really should be a way to view all of the animated shorts, and comics within the game.

Hmmmm maps, heroes and skins are not content? I mean what else do you classify as content? I mean if they stop adding heroes and maps guess what will happen? That’s right…THE PLAYERS WILL WHINE! Just admit Blizzard will never win because a bunch of people who work at Walmart think they can do the job better and when Blizzard does do as they ask they get chewed out anyway.

basically something out of the norm, i agree.

personally, i want a simple replay-able PvE mode. and by simple i mean:

  • program current event PvE enemies to play regular objectives on default maps
  • 4 allies vs 6 AI
  • increase spawn rate for AI, decrease it significantly for allies
  • enable the revive system
  • apply difficulty options.
  • apply exclusive rewards
  • BOOM!! a simply solid PvE mode.

let limited time PvE events, comics, and cinematics progress the story.

Battle Royal is a garbage mode, you can polish a turd but you still end with a turd

Give this thread a read and tell me battle royale in Overwatch wouldn’t be fun.

Battle royal is a garbage game mode in any game, and second it would me mean massive reworks and rebalancing for all heroes, they are all designed for 6v6, and massive changes that would have to be done for BR would completely destroy 6v6,and third there would need to be tons more heros to avoid hero stacking

So what you seem to want is a new game that you aren’t paying for, is that my takeaway from this thread?

I would love a pve and horde mode to play with friends, especially lower ranked friends with low shooter skill

Sadly, this is the new Blizzard. They’re more than likely to abandon the game than to step up development to meet player expectations.

Consistent Balance changes can also be added to several of these lists.

Don’t worry, out saviour Summer Games 2019 will deliver us all the content we need.

Was a bunch of Destiny support people, but they weren’t making content before so I doubt they will now.

Game is fine as is, its a competitive FPS and the focus is to stay consistent not change the game.

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There aren’t going to be any major core changes to the game. Ever. Nor should there be. It will always, always, always be a 6v6 team-oriented, objective-based game with a strong core mode (comp/qp) and occasional sprinklings of fun little arcade modes that aren’t meant to be taken too seriously. Heroes and maps are content.

If you’re tired of the core mode of this game, the game is no longer for you. I sincerely hope the core remains intact and as it is now for the rest of the game’s lifespan. Please stop demanding changes that don’t make sense and essentially amount to what is an entirely new game.

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