Give us a less masculine male hero. Please. (Also the meka squad šŸ¤– )

I dunno about adding more feminine male heroes but I certainly think is the only MEKA needed.

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Awwā€¦ why?

I wanna play as all the big robots. ;-;

Hog is strongfat. You can see it in his arms and pecs. Heā€™s fit but not fit, if you know what I mean

We should get a huge mech from Voskaya. Itā€™s be cool if it was a prototype using omnic tech or whatever it is theyā€™re doing with the lore.

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Ainā€™t that the truth. XP There used to be a joke at my old high school that I was part giant. 5ā€™11, very broad female. Granted, it saved me from being picked on physically, but little did those people know that I was probably the least likely person to hurt them in the entire class. XD Always hated violence.

Anyway! Iā€™m ok with this idea. I mean, I donā€™t like when people demand a certain type of hero for no reason other than diversity. But this is a polite request, and Iā€™d be interested to see the MEKA squad.

Also, as long as itā€™s not a character-defining thing, Iā€™m ok with it. (I mean, Moira is kinda androgynous but that doesnā€™t define her, so w/e.)

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Ugh I just want half-cyborg Antonio to be the stereotypical Italian mafia tank i deserve


I would assume you arenā€™t a troll if you werenā€™t conveniently making a fool of yourself.

You sound like a certain political leader who may or may not literally be the color Orange.

Yes please.

Also mafia skins all around. every hero.

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No I was referring to your post and the pointlessness of it. I donā€™t get it.

ā€œI think this would be cool to see in game, iā€™ll put the idea out there.ā€


I want that too but im not sure how i feel about zombie Antonio.

Pleaseā€¦ Please Take this advice.

Considering that his apparent weight on the wiki is 250 KG (550 lbs), Iā€™d say heā€™s more fat than strength. Also pretty sure his ā€œpecsā€ are just tattoos

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How bout we dont do that?

I mean, i get your point, but whats the reason behind it? Is it just so that there is a less male man? Come onā€¦ Why is it important?

You are always free to make your own OC in any content you produce or commission, but why force it on the whole community?

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Daily reminder of ā€œwe still need Mama Hong as the faā€¦big boned body type female heroā€.

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I still feel like they left him kinda ambiguous on purpose. The man did already have cybernetic implants

Thereā€™s muscle under the fat, which is why you can tell by his arms. I still donā€™t think his really square pecs are what moobs would look like if the man was just obese

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I in no way ā€œForced it on the communityā€

Why reply if you disagree with the entire subject?
I mean, i understand you disagree but why tell me i shouldnā€™t suggest it?

I would totally 100% support Mama Hong.


OP if you count Orisa as female, then i may present you Zen as our less masuculine male hero.


Iā€™m laughing i made my first post in the thread like this as a joke but I didnā€™t think peopleā€™s sensibilities would actually be so threatened by a less manly man hahaha wow