Give us a less masculine male hero. Please. (Also the meka squad šŸ¤– )

Yeaā€¦ i didnā€™t expect people would react like this either.

ā€œItā€™s okay to be less masculineā€¦ or ya know, allow a hero in a fictional game to beā€

And some of us think trolling is a sad use of our wasted time.

I already acknowledged this. Iā€™m referring to people who are apparently so ingrained into toxic masculinity that the gall of a character built like Casino is an affront and is ā€œforcingā€ something onto people. Itā€™s literally what people say about LGBT threads.

I wish people didnā€™t react that way to lgbt threads.

Especially the ones that literally do not harm anything.
No one is ā€œForcedā€ into anything.

Also am i allowed to have opinions without it being called a bias?
Is that allowed?

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Yeah I read that part already.

Why does the hero have to be effeminate though?

My Third Eye is open. Every male hero must have doomfistā€™s body and a different head. Itā€™s like how all anime girls are the same anime girl but with different hair color. Iā€™ve cracked the code

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Aye i think you misunderstood me.

Im asking for the reason. Im asking for the reason for said character to exist. You said yourself it shouldnt be the base for the character, thats nice! I like that because frankly, many people around here are just like ā€œYEAH WE NEED THIS AND THAT ON THE LGBTQ+ SPECTRUM BECAUSE INCLUSION!!!ā€

Im just trying to wrap my head around the whole dealā€¦ Is it because you want the less muscular people to be represented? Is it just something you personally like? Is it something you feel like is missing from the hero roster?


My sensibilities aint threatened by a less manly man. Im just tryna get why people want them in the game. Read what i wrote above, i have the same questions to you.

Exactly thanks.

Bro, my man J8P3N articulated a serious concern. That you dont actually want someone in the game because you think they would make a good char, but because you feel entitled to such a character because you belong to a group represented by such a char.

Iā€™m going to guess that thereā€™s as few men built like Casino as there are ones Built like, say Soldier. Both are conventions that someone drew on to make some kind of a point.

Thats a false mate. If you (as a small group) get a character in the game that the majority of the game dislikes, it is forced. Now we may not dislike him for his sexuality or something, but because the hero is build around it

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Technicallyā€¦ no? I think any opinion technically leads to bias in some form or another. But I think for this particular topic/conversation, it doesnā€™t really matter. Like you said, this is a particularly harmless thread.


Well of course iā€™ll give reasons!
I guess iā€™m on high alert from that trollā€¦

Well yes, i feel it should be represented, as well as just liking that demographic of men in fiction as well.

The hero roster is filled with overly masculine men, even to a sickening degree in some cases, while also having both feminine and less feminine women.

The statistical man is average, often with some amount of fat, going upwards with age. Same with the average woman, although statistically slimmer than an average man. But no paper thin balerinas.

Well thank you.
I just feel as though iā€™m being somehow accused of somethingā€¦

Because peopleā€¦ Likeā€¦ Itā€¦

Now donā€™t get me wrong, this particular request does nothing for me as Iā€™m into dudes like McCree. Iā€™m a traditional gal like that. But like. ā€œForce it onto the communityā€ is laughable. Itā€™s overdramatic. Yeah, they forced academy onto me. Tragic. No oneā€™s asking the dudeā€™s voice lines to be ā€œhi, twinkboi reporting in!ā€ And ā€œThis smooth body is reporting to the payload!ā€. Like, who cares. Homegirl just wants some variance. Dude itā€™s just a body type


I think people are overreacting to this one quite a bit. XD

Theyā€™re acting like you were like, ā€œHey Blizz, I DEMAND you make a feminine male hero. His abilities must show how non-masculine he is. Letā€™s have him shoot rainbows and have his ulti be a gay beam Cupid Arrow!ā€

Like for frickā€™s sake. lol

Though I guess the amount of people who do demand diversity in an actual biased and extreme way have soured the experience and hopes for non-volatile discussion on the topic. Ah well. >.<

There is some truth to that. By nature men have more testosterone in their blood which leads to an easier time of building muscles. That doesnt mean there cant be buff women and weak men, but at average the male sex is physically stronger.


I mean, they react like this to ā€œi think a gay hero written into the game naturally who just happens to be gay and it isnā€™t his whole personality would be nice:)ā€ threads too.

I still need more likesā€¦ damn.


And yes, exactly.

I am suggesting a certain demographic of ā€œgeneral personā€

Not demandingā€¦

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I agree with this.

But check this outā€¦ I think Chibi wants an anime character for a hero. I donā€™t want to put words in their mouth, though.

In anime, character personality types are often directly correlated to how the character is portrayed/drawn, and certain character archtypes almost always have specific physical traits to indicate what kind of personality they have. I think itā€™s kind of the same with Western cartoons but not often represented the same way with Western media in general. When things like that happen in Western media itā€™s often written off as a common trope or stereotype.

Just playing anime devilā€™s advocate here.

I am slowly realizing just how influenced i am by animeā€¦

Though i do agree.
To a point.