Give Mercy a shotgun

I’m sick of using a rinky dinky little god damn pistol to fight a tank that’s chasing me down


Would love to see Mercy put on one of those “had enough” faces and whip out the super shotgun from DOOM Eternal, meat hook and all. That would be freaking wild.


I wish lol it sucks because I don’t have a team after all of them run off to go fight a genji or something

Also give her gun a weapon charm option, why doesn’t she have one?

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Not good enough. She’s like - an angel, right? Give her the godrays of power shattering dimensions apart the moment she appears on the map.

Sounds incredibly melodramatic.

I just need a chance to actually kill someone if im alone

Tbh, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Orisa spear was originally designed as an alternative Mercy attack.

🍢 [Mercy] Spear of the Valkyrie

Just wait till the swarm of support experts from forums explain to you how Mercy is strong if not overpowered.

That would work just to get someone off so you can get back to your team that would be great lol

Nah, just give her a nerve agent or something. Knowledge of the human body doesn’t always have to be used for good. :slight_smile:

She is just she can’t fight by her self at least like Zenyatta can fight back

shotgun fires, healing someone
music immediately stops

Healthy body healthy mind

Well in the idea I posted. She could chuck her staff at enemies. And it pierces through multiple enemies.

Or throw it near teammates. And it deploys on the ground like a Soldier heal. And Mercy can also use the Spear as a Guardian Angel flight target.

That would be amazing just by her self right now she can’t do crap

Had an idea for a new support that used a shotgun. Rounds would richocet everywhere. They’d be able to swing about the placing using some sort of cable rope. Heal allies/damage enemies with a flechette launcher. Pull enemies together with they’re ultimate.

Oh, and an ability that debuffed an enemy effectively giving allies “auto-aim” against them. Ah, the dream.

God imagine fighting against a team with auto aim terrifying

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Well, I got a “Tweaks only” Mercy overhaul post, but not many people have paid any attention to it.

[OW2] Fixing Mercy Popularity through Tweaks