Give Mercy a R ability

When Mercy press R with her staff equipped, she heals 80hps for 3 seconds. Ability is on a 8 second cool down.

Compensation nerf, Valkyrie now last 10 seconds instead of 15 seconds. Her ultimate is trash anyway, take that 5 seconds away and give her the ability to heal more.

And where do you put valkyrie then?

EDIT: Ahh my bad. I got confused with league. Shame on me.


Valkyrie is still her ultimate.

R is the reload key, not Q or E


Good logic. How about just adjusting numbers?


Give her the ability to discard her pistol for a Desert Eagle. Fixed.


Someone’s woke. I wouldn’t mind removing Valkyrie altogether and giving her a decent defensive ultimate to solidify her current role as an off-healer. That or give this R ability, nerf Valkyrie and give her her 60HP/s back.

Her staff doesn’t reload, add a ability tied to that key when she has her staff equipped.

someone likes medic (i think itd be cool personally but would make her healing to bursty).

If Valk is trash how does removing 5 seconds for a very strong 8 second cooldown work

Edit: here’s the thing: mercy does not need to cram burst healing in her kit.


I mean the whole tradeoff with Mercy is that her healing is
super consistent but not bursty,and I really dont like the idea of making her healing less consistent

She really doesn’t, if they want her to be known as the consistent healer, that is fine, but it is sh***y when she is consistently bad. She doesn’t even that much adjustments to be put in good spot either.

You do realize that the reload is R right?

No offense but this just seems poorly thought, not even good idea.

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The idea is not that good but R was used while reworking Hanzo because Hanzo doesnt reload,ended up getting scrapped but if the key is free why not

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You do realize that Mercy doesn’t reload, right? Her staff has no ammo source, she doesn’t use the R key unless her pistol is out.

I mean I suggested this to Geoff Goodman in a forum thread a few months ago and he literally said "


This is for the OP also, Geoff said the idea is “certainly possible” when I asked “Or also, would you ever consider giving her an ability on her Reload button for her staff which temporarily boosts her healing output?”

Mercy isn’t bad. She’s off-meta and miss Ana Banana is OP. Compare Mercy to D.Va. That’s a hero that’s not just off-meta.


No, Mercy doesnt fit 2-2-2. She should be shinning in double barrier since she is the only real healer that can heal through barriers, but she isn’t. The nerfs geared her to be an amazing support in a team that had more than 2 DPS, but now thats gone; she is sort of in a limbo state. Her abilities aren’t suited for a off-healer and she’s a poor main healer because she cant keep up two tanks. Then you run into the problem when you have a Mercy and Moira (for example) where you have to “main” supports starving over ult charge.


If anything Mercy shines in dive comps,you cant get any use out of GA if everyone is in a constant group hug

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i would go primate feces if I got 1deag’d by a flying Mercy trickshot.


Interesting enough, Zen and Lucio dominated dive. Sure she was used but the goal of dive was to get in and out as fast as possible, with discord and speed boost being major factors to that.

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