There is a very clear, big difference between killing people in an FPS game (which everyone can do), and rezzing multiple people instantly (which only Mercy can do).

If getting kills is the best way to win the game, reversing death is even better. Reversing death multiple times over the course of 15-20 seconds in Valkyrie effectively nullified the enemy’s efforts, especially considering she also pumps out 60 HPS for all 5 of her teammates as well as 30% damage boost during it, while ALSO being almost impossible to kill.

Her ultimate is pretty amazing, actually. Her current ultimate is exactly the same as it was seasons 8-10, and she was still a must pick during those seasons and everyone called Valk too strong. But now it’s “a joke”? I’m confused. Only her base HPS has been nerfed since season 11, her ultimates been in this exact state for 6 seasons straight and has always been good except for the brief period where it only healed 50.

I actually asked Geoff about this last night, and asked if he would ever consider buffing her HPS to 55 for some more healing, or giving her some sort of burst heal boost ability on her reload button for her staff. Here’s what he said in case you didn’t see:

Sounds like an HPS buff is on the table, and he wants to buff damage boost somehow. So good things are coming, I think.

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