Give Hammond his knockback back

He now is in the dumps thanks to all the unnecessary nerfs, without anything in return. If you want tanks to be the class with the cc, you should not nerf the cc of a tank.


Not every nerf needs a compensation buff. Also just because tanks are the main ones who will keep CC going into OW2 doesn’t mean they need it to be super strong and easily abuseable.

The rat is fine. Adjust.


Give Hammond his knockback back…
Knockback back…
Yeah knockback back :man_dancing: :man_dancing:


After 5 nerfs, only one buff would be nice for a change.


He literally got a buff to his shields at some point? They became practically instant. That’s not a buff?

Oooh, while in the meantime nerfing the shield gain, from 100hp to 75hp.


Let’s see… 100hp per enemy that you can get killed before receiving, vs 75hp per enemy you get instantly…

Sounds like a net buff to me.


Manifest! Manifest! :man_dancing: :man_dancing:

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Nah… We don’t want even more CC in this game.

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How about no???

not every nerf needs to happen

ball was fine before any of the nerfs he got
people never learn that the reason a tank is a top tank is because all the other tanks suck
either due to dps being broken (which has been the case for a while) or them recently receiving nerfs that make them clunky/slow/unenjoyable

in hammond’s case over a year ago it was tracer, echo, hanzo and cassidy that were the problem. not him


if ball needs a buff let it be anything BUT more knockback. not saying he does, but if.

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Ball needs the Grapple Nerf reverted or at least changed. Make it infinite make fire mode 6 seconds for example. This was said 1000x already.

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Nah, knockback is what he needs. His knockback range already was lower to begin with I think, and with the global knockback, his own knockbacks are absolute trash. People can easily survive being knocked off an edge, when they would be dead with any other character with knockback. This does not in line with the philosophy that only tanks should have CC, when dps and healers have better knockback.


Hammond has always been oppressive. The other tanks are boring. Not weak. Their power levels are always high outside of like Zarya.

Tanks need reworks to make them fun. Not buffs just cause people play poorly and get punished.

I’d rather have spawn rollouts back than having knockback 25% nerf reverted, but still, Ball’s boop is literally the worst boop in the game right now, even Rein’s pin boops more lol.

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Just remove him from the game please, he is a stupid character and no amount of nerfs will ever make a character with this level of mobility and damage “balanced”

he’s gotten way to many stacked nerfs and frankly the hook time one is bad…

I think they should increase his knockback to where it was before and change it so the hook duration only start once you actually complete at least a 90 degree rotation… you should still be able to be hooked by not rotating so you can be set up for a ambush move.

the way it is now its just cripples what you can do way to much!

anyway this was the nerf that made me quit tanking for queue modes… because the bloody DPS can just nag all the fun out of tanking its not worth helping reduce their queue time! so now i queue only for DPS just to help drive the queue times up.

plus i think i make a better DPS then the regular dps anyway they are all cowardly :poop:'s that stay miles away from the payload.

I stay in the fray and contest the playload with the tanks. i freaking hate cowards that just wanan watch the playload race all the way to the end so they can play shooting gallery from the backline and miss most of their shoots and be useless. (those people only play the point for the last stretch freaking chicken wusses!)

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Boops are just a symptom of people with bad positioning.


Stop nerfing tanks. You’re making the game unplayable. Tanks already die super quick in the game, even if they’re played well. The newest update to Wrecking Ball makes it to where his grapple runs out… but his guns are complete garbage. If you’re gonna ruin the one good thing about a character, why don’t you make his guns not completely suck? There is no “adjust” because there’s nowhere to “adjust” to. There is no “Get Gud” When a character is constantly dicked by the developers who made a girl kill herself because of not watching their employees.