Give Genji the Tracer treatment!

you litteraly show hes was nerfed more then he was buffed like you might want to stop

and no he didnt he was his strongest in 2016 when he had tripped jump ledge jump and wall climb reset double jump

as well this was right after his weakest point os you cut it off when you wanted and he wasnt even that good he was an ult bot exept for the 30 damage time of 1 month so your just showing hes gets to be good for a short time then people who suck cant deal wit hgood players and hes nerfed

I’ve yet to see a reasonable argument for why Sombra escaping from backlines is bad but Kiri doing the same even better is not.


ya how is a no set up tp through wass more fair then a tp you have to set up

but Sombra is a dps so she can kill fast

Kiri can kill faster

but sombra is hard to hit

Kiri has one of the smallest hitboxes in the game

but Sombra is hard to punish



I have nothing to add. Perfectly summed up the hypocrisy.


How about no

lmao you might wanna check the over 60% wr he had that month

And the OWL that was using that patch.

You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.

Also, state of buffs-nerfs after 3 years and a half, including the patch that broke OW for a month due to genji (so the highest he’s ever been, stats wise)

1.5 to 2s cancellable deflect-> double net buff
1 damage lost->nerf
10 lost damage on blade->nerf
ult cost increase 15%->nerf
DPS passive-> buff
0.65 to 0.68 recovery->slap in the wrist.
Spread 12 to 9-> NET BUFF.
6v6 to 5v5 environment → net buff due to less peel.

(notice how the biggest nerfs were on blade despite you calling him ultbot).


I hate em both and Kiriko is worse because she’s not even a damage character

Reaper is the balanced version of an assassin character

Your projectiles have VERY different sizes, and I don’t think you need to put two in her head.

I am sure the Kiriko player is saying the same thing about how junkrat should require skill as you are saying about her.

Just because you are using DIFFERENT skills, it doesn’t mean each of you are not using skills.

But it all comes back to this question.

How do you expect Blizzard to balance Support so there is enough support players in mid ranks, in a way where you would be happy in high ranks with them?

And then on top of that, you then start removing parts of their kit where they have counterplay against burst (something which hard counters them otherwise).

Exactly how is Blizzard going to keep enough support players queueing.


What’s crazy is that Genji only had the spotlight for like one season, and that was way back in season 1. Actually, he might have been nerfed in the midseason of Season 1, so it might not have even been a full season. I can’t really remember.

Either way, he’s been pretty mid since season 1, and it would be nice if he received the spotlight again.


Not really…The size isn’t that different. Especially when you remember that one is fired at a far higher speed and in a perfectly straight line. Her projectile is extremely easy.

You’d be surprised how much the high rank opinion of Junkrat has changed since OW2 launched. We sometimes even get compliments now, it’s wild :heart_eyes:

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Go ask the forums their view on junkrats nades and the difficulty of landing them.


How do you expect Blizzard to balance Support so there is enough support players in mid ranks, in a way where you would be happy in high ranks with them?

You keep avoiding answering it, but ultimately it is the basis of why you won’t get what you want from overwatch.

Removing the only counter to burst the supports have isn’t going to get more of them queuing.


In the nicest way I don’t really value the forums opinions on what is or is not difficult since almost everyone on here has never played at a high level.

It’s not about avoidance. I don’t care if dps need to wait in queues if that means the roles are balanced.

They could always improve their positioning and awareness like the other roles need to :man_shrugging: But then again that means actually getting good which most supports seem allergic to.


That’s low rank junkrats spamming aimlessly. Some of the air shots you see higher jukrat players make is insane. Watch any montage of a high SR junkrat and those flicks look like aimbot

I’ve changed my opinion on him. He’s still annoying as hell lol. But definitely not a low skill hero.


ya because hes a nano ult bot he was nerfed because of nano blade and given more damage in base but hey look hes has less damage ult and normal as well as more ult cost all he has back is ammo plus going to 5v5 was a net nerf because he lost his dive tank in ball or winston to help him

I know. I am pointing out (indirectly) that I don’t trust anyone who says “this ability is skillless”


but there are skill less abilities like nano for example no skill from ana is needed

Wasn’t the topic of supports saving people?
You mention it like supports use the tools to survive themselves

Yes I’ve been reading it all

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Given the number of times I have seen Ana’s mess up nano, I would dispute that.

Nano (like all support abilities) is about getting enough value to have been worth it.

Junk players are just built differently. :face_with_peeking_eye:

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