Give Genji the Tracer treatment!

Yes, it is edge case, but yes.

I think that much more of LW’s kit power is in E, and it has a longer cooldown, so it SHOULD be easier than landing knife.

Junk Misplayed, and did not die because of Widows actions.

Should he still have died regardless?

If a support outplays you, they should have some benefit from that.

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I’m sorry but it’s really difficult to take this question seriously when we’re comparing throwing suzu, lamp or using grip to hitting a headshot on Widow. There’s a total disconnect between the effort vs reward for supports and the other roles.

Lets make all of those abilities be tiny hitboxes and require aim. We’ll even lower their cooldowns. Deal?


Ok so we’re jus never really going to agree then I guess :man_shrugging: . That’s fine.

I don’t agree with you describing every play as an “action.” I hate widow more than anyone else. But landing a shot against another widow easily meets my desired effort-reward ratio. I’m sorry but if you can’t see this then we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

Well given you are looking at removing EVERY bit of counterplay out of the supports kit, while still leaving it in the DPS kit. I think you should take it seriously.

If I throw a wall as Mei and block a Rein’s charge, should the target they were about to hit still die?

The target misplayed. Mei however is in a position to save them. Are you saying Mei shouldn’t be able to save targets?

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You are aware that Bap doesn’t even need lamp to murder almost every single dps, right?

Same with Kiri and suzu.

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So you are saying “remove all counterplay support have, and make them all DPS?”

I’m saying stop giving supports crutch abilities I could train a chimp to use and make them actually need to outplay the other roles.

I don’t mind a Kiri turning around and 2 tapping me. I do mind if she jumps in my face, ignores my damage with suzu while also 2 tapping me before I can even damage her. She missed some shots and might now die? Not a problem…She literally just disappears through walls. Where is my counterplay?


Do you think Kiriko, LW and Bap are the only supports?

I’m confused wouldn’t that kill the target faster?

Genji mains: it’s a skill issue despite the fact my character has been only given buffs, and the nerfs are just minor rollbacks after the hero is literally soloing an entire team on OWL with a mercy pocket.

all while ignoring that the fact why breakpoints are so important with genji is because an elim gives him an escape tool + 50 unblockable damage.

That will always be the genji gatekeep. Can’t wait until genji has to face a full team of viable beam and cease to exist because it’s impossible to get a reset, the tears will be magnificent.

They can’t see you either, they just barged into the unknown.

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If you can see your teammate dying while the rest of the enemy team is in front of you it’s pretty obvious what is happening.


ya sure bud not like hes gotten constant nerfs been left as a ult bot for years and only been relevent because of ana but ya sure bud keep thinking that.

and you will ignore that fact that popularaty has more to do with pick rate then anything unless somthing is op like Cassady was or sojourn

lol fights are all over the genji redit and its funny because they dominate becasue the heros been week for years back in ow1 genjis had to learn to adapt somthing alot of supports dont like to do

Every single long term off meta hero ever. Same happened with Junk when he was finally good.


ya like for real genji was trash the last years of ow1 and coming into ow2 genji mains got to show what they could do and then supports cried and he was dumpster to weaker then before the end of ow1 but for real i still want ot know why they nerfed rat that first patch like why

Excuse me ? In which rank?
In plat and above I remember it was always dive unless it was kings row or maybe maybeee in junker town
I clearly remember it was always Winston dva mercy zen/lucio tracer genji, the ocasional soldier or widow in certain maps

Genji is allready S tier at high level he is just bad in low ranks but in GM he has the highest winrate.

Many Unranked to GM videos from tank players even say wasting your shatter, grav or flux on a genji ulting your backline is enough value to consider
Buuuut genji mains claim dragon blade is a bad ult

1 Like - 6/16/2020

Shuriken (General)

  • Damage increased from 28 to 30.

Shuriken (Secondary Fire)

  • Spread reduced from 12 to 9.


  • Duration increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds.
  • Can now be cancelled manually.


Shuriken (General)

  • Damage decreased from 30 to 28.

Shuriken (Secondary Fire)

  • Recovery increased from 0.65 to 0.75.



  • Recovery lowered from 0.75 to 0.68.


  • Ultimate cost increased 15%.



  • Damage increased from 28 to 29.


  • Damage reduced from 120 to 110.

10/4/2022 - Overwatch 2

New Damage passive

  • Eliminations grant Genji a burst of increased movement and reload speed.



  • Maximum ammo reduced from 30 to 24.
  • Damage reduced from 29 to 27.



  • Maximum Ammo increased from 24 to 30.

have some dignity, stop doing this to yourself. most of the nerfs are simple rollbacks upon seeing genji was broken, much like the buffs come from prior overnerfs because they can’t adjust due to dash reset mechanic. Right now he sits on a very comfortable pickrate and winrate, but you’re still asking for more instead of a long needed rework.

2020-6 genji literally broke the game. He stormed entire enemy teams by himself with just a mercy pocket. it all came down to how his lethality scales with elims. You want 28 damage in a 5v5 settings, but having better conditions for breakpoints to be bypassed or his chip ending a target means he now has 15m unblockable lunge +50dmg on a giant caterpillar.

In other words: kiri assessed that you had no support and turned the fight into a 2v1 by observing how you were baited into a duel.


If you don’t see how such a massive difference in effort/risk vs reward damages the game there’s no point even discussing anything.


Sure we will yeet him off the map everytime he says I need healing

A meta where Sombra is good is never great, she’s an awful awful character to play against. They really need to up the cooldown on translocator by like double

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