Give Genji the Tracer treatment!

The Tracer buff feels great. She’s one of the stronger dps and after the mauga nerfs she will likely be S tier. Do the same for Genji! Give him his 28 dmg back and the game will be great. A meta where Genji, Tracer and Sombra are all great would be a dream come true :star_struck: .

I know not everyone feels this way though :woozy_face:


A Time knight! the rogues stand no chance!


genji buffs would be nice but id like to see buffs to dive as a whole

for dive to be viable again supports need to be made more vulnerable, that will indirectly buff genji without needing to increase his lethality


To be honest i have a bad feeling that they will buff genji next after nerfing nano blade but it will be the weirdest buff that does nothing but makes him look better on paper

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You could do it, but the support buffs which would be needed to support it would make some people real angry :slight_smile:

And there is where you have a problem. You can have both, but the supports would be utterly terrifying in their ability to fight back. Sure, you could nerf things like field, but the buffs to their direct damage would make them actually more scary than DPS, not “forums scarier than DPS” but actually scarier.

Enough that all non dive heroes would be absolutely paste to them.

I don’t think this is a path you want to go down.

See: What Blizzard is willing to do to keep queue subscriptions in relative balance, for more details on why this would happen.


Genji is “ok”. In the neutral.

DragonBlade needs a buff though. I honestly don’t even consider it an ultimate anymore. Considering it gets completely shut down by myriad of non- ultimate abilities. It is currently just a cool part of his kit. But “meh” in terms of power.

They need to buff blade and make Genji unboostable during blade.

Honestly the boosting powers of Ana and Mercy are problematic for the game in general and need to be reworked.

The main problem with supports are

  1. burst healing

  2. Survivability

They have a rediculous amount of “you can’t hurt me” abilities. Which… in isolation are not oppressive… but we generally have 2 sets of them plus burst healing. That is when it gets broken.

I think they need to leave support damage alone. They should be dangerous.

But nerf the “i win because i hit E” abilities.

They need to pick a lane with supports.

Currently supports have:

  1. near Dps levels of damage output
  2. same or greater healthpool compared to DPS with a self healing passive that kicks in wayyy to fast.
  3. multiple escape abilities
  4. multiple immortality abilities (for others or self)
  5. high burst heals bringing the majority of the cast from 0-100% in 1 second

They just have too much. Mainly because a few supports have ALL of those abilities while others have a couple.

But they are not balanced among each other in any meaningful way.

Bap, Ana and Kiri are busted AF. And the devs need to make the decision to either

A) nerf them HARD
B) Buff the other supports to their level and rebalance the ENTIRE game to account for that.

Would prefer it if sustain and Tracer just got nerfed at the same time.

genji is fine no buffs needed atm


They have, the lane they have chosen is “buffed enough that there is a choice between jumping DPS or Support”

Where in the beta it was “jump the supports always”

On OW1 there was a cost to crossing the front line to fight the supports, but in OW2 with the loss of a tank that basically went away.

Now the supports have to be strong enough that jumping them is actually a choice.

They don’t want them to be crazy strong enough so you use them offensively all the time, so they put a bunch of their power to fight on cooldown, and really only useful defensively.

Which is why they have what you call “I win” buttons.

Because to balance them without those, would mean they would be a LOT better at being offensive.

Give me an example of how each support manages to do that. Because it straight up isn’t the case.

Which supports have “multiple immortality abilities”?

Which supports have near DPS levels of damage output?

Seriously. Most of what you are basing your “this is what supports are like” straight up isn’t true.

Ok, which ones? Give me the list of supports which 0-100% a hero in 1 second or less, with multiple immortality abilities, and multiple escape abilities, which has near DPS in damage.

Because I can give you a list right now.


If you base your “balance” on mythical “forum” supports which don’t and have never existed, then I have a solution. Buff the hero Alezia.

Now, you may say Alezia isn’t a hero in the game. But I am giving you an answer which doesn’t exist to deal with the heroes list you complain about, which ALSO doesn’t exist.


If by not everyone you mean almost ‘everyone other than people that main these heroes’ then yes I agree. Heck I’m a doom main and I do not want to see a tracer sombra genji meta.
I do think that genji could do with some buffs, but at the same time tracer and arguably sombra could receive a few nerfs.

It was actually 29 damage, but if they went back on that they would be reverting the changes they made entirely. 28 is good and won’t bring back the significant damage break point of 29.

Also like everyone else has said, genji would benefit a lot from supports nerfs.

I personally think what they need to fill in dependent on each support, Kiri will hold her weight.

Bap illari too.

These three won’t need buffs imo and even if they do it will be minor.

Moira won’t at high elo but that’s a skill scaling issue.

Brig again i don’t know how without making her op.

Lucio will easily work with a bit of dmg boost.

LW has great mobility but his whole thorn needs to be reworked to something useful and probably tap fire.

Zen ana are strong what they need is something that gives them basic.mobility.

They don’t need to be static things in a otherwise mobile game.

Nothing big but mobility creep needs to happen a bit more for the right heroes and in proper way.

Nothing big may be allow ana to inject her sleep dart into herself and it’s like a adrenaline shot for her.

Zen needs to do something with his float, sigma atleast flies during ult

Then we have mercy again I can’t see how we change her without changing her personality.

These are stuff they should have done when they announced ow2 5v5 and only released after it was done.

Genji is good but just that his power is tied into a ult and ult combo , they need to shift it to mid game fight value and nerf the ult cbo and a bit of raw blade too

I think its about time that some of you understand that Dive is a cancerous comp that should not exist as it has no real weaknesses and is relatively simple to coordinate.

Last time Dive was allowed to be the hegemonic meta, Brig was created.


Genji never left, the bad genjis are just exposed.

A brutally strong dive meta also necessitates brutally strong supports. How about…. No? Jets just nerf supports so genji (and dive in general really) is just more usable. The new season was a great step forward and supports felt a bit more fair until Mauga entered comp and ruined it.


"Currently supports have:

  1. multiple escape abilities
  2. multiple immortality abilities (for others or self)
  3. high burst heals bringing the majority of the cast from 0-100% in 1 second"

the above is completely misleading. Its like me saying tanks have multiple shields, multiple CC’s and high self healing and multiple Gravs. You can’t list different abilities that different characters have and present it as is all supports have them. For example, Zen has none of the above except the immortality as an ult, which support has multiple immortalities? It sounds like you are just mad about Kiriko or Baptiste, if you think one of there heroes is too strong, than complain about them specifically, as most of the support roster feels pretty fair atm.


I think Dive was on its way to being the meta for Season 8, but Mauga showed up and threw a wrench into that plan. Doomfist and Winston are both very good right now and Sombra & Tracer got buffed. I don’t like Genji, but increasing his damager per shuriken wouldn’t break him.

He’s already one of the most popular dps with a great winrate and high t500 representation. Any buffs would put him over the edge.


Genji doesn’t need buffs, he rather need more nerfs.

He deserves to be real bottom tier for once to.

Best would be a crappy rework no one asks for like they did to Sym V2

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