Genji with a 60% winrate in gm

like yeah its GM, but the only hero who ever sees these winrates in GM are Sym and sometimes brig?

(oh also, he has the highest on fire rate, and one of the higher damage numbers)


just after a buff, you expect to see a push upwards and the one tricks all settle into their new SR, but, 60% is pretty damn high even for that.

Give it a few weeks and let it settle down first, then we will see what happens.


Lets put it this way

Genji is picked 20% of the time, by overbuff stats this means 40% per team, or 80% per game

he’s running into a good bit of mirror matches, but he’s winning probably around ~65-70% of the games where he is not being mirrored


I know. Trust me I know.

But, winrates are weird, in that they measure non mains more than they measure mains, EXCEPT when you see changes like this.

Give it a few weeks. But, I expect nerfs to follow.


He got the most massive buff any hero ever had and he wasn’t even bad. 60 is not surprising. It will go down though. Soon he will be in every game.


Barely been a week. If he remains with the same winrate and pickrate for the next 3 weeks then i shut my mouth and admit he is op.

there isn’t a single thing you can nerf except increasing ult cost.


I dunno, I would argue that his buffs AND a really positive winrate mean that the buffs were probably an overbuff - logically speaking, you can assume some new players are trying him out, so if they’re just picking him up and are super good with him, that kind of implies that there’s not much of a skill curve there - and Genji is notoriously supposed to be one of THE ‘skill cap heroes’ a la Widow etc. meaning he should be the hardest to pick up and learn.

So if all these new players are so good with him, then I’d assume that means it’s because his new kit is too rewarding, otherwise the win rate would even out between the old Genji mains who are playing him better and winning more often counterbalanced with the new players who are trying him out and losing a lot.


I mean It’s the logic I’ve used with literally every hero who’s ever been buffed or release since I first came to the forums 3 years ago. And I don’t play Genji.

I’m worried about these changes, especially if they nerf Moira in the next patch, but I do agree that less than a week of data isn’t enough to confidently say Genji is winning too much.


Forget genji, we have a bigger threat in gm!


you can revert any of the changes

there is a lot they can do.

but for now… we wait for real stats

Give it a few days weeks.

GMs take time to adapt like any other tier. They’ll either figure out a counter comp (less likely) or form a comp completely centered around enabling and amplifying Genji (most likely, given the track record of GM meta formation)

There’s also a lot of Genji mains up there…


Symmetra… was nerfed after few weeks.

Torb secondary fire: same.

Genji: still waiting to revert those nonsense buffs.


Blizzard be like;

“Still abit to low then what we wanted for owl…”


You can remove cancels, like they did with Rein.

But yeah. Now that he isn’t an ult bot, I’d target nerfs at dragonblade first and foremost.


Didn’t need changing like I have said all along.


Tell that to baptiste.

I’ll never forgive the youtuber who made that biased rein shield break video to make it seem like bap was op


Didn’t work for Bastion or Hanzo. Genji is clearly overtuned now. And that’s not counting his previous 2 buffs.

Someone in blizz hq is gona be getting into trouble haha

I mean a week ago he was not good. This week he seems good. I do not like making bold meta statements when the patch is less than a week old, but he does seem very very strong.

This also seems to have been a net win for Echo despite her getting nerfed this patch, but again we are 4 days in so seems is the only appropriate word.

pal orisa had 60% winrate in gm and we all said give it a few weeks but no they had to be like

week 1: orisa has 60% winrate and high picks plz nerf
week 2: orisa has 59% winrate and high picks plz nerf
week 3: orisa has 58% winrate and high picks plz nerf
week 4: orisa has 57% winrate and high picks plz nerf

so on and so forth and shes been gutted to death, personally cant wait for gegni to either recieve nerfs that make him than before the berfoes, or for blizz to give 3 nerfs that do nothing over the course fo year only for then to finally sledgehammer him to uselessness