Give Genji the Tracer treatment!

lmao you might wanna check the over 60% wr he had that month

And the OWL that was using that patch.

You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.

Also, state of buffs-nerfs after 3 years and a half, including the patch that broke OW for a month due to genji (so the highest he’s ever been, stats wise)

1.5 to 2s cancellable deflect-> double net buff
1 damage lost->nerf
10 lost damage on blade->nerf
ult cost increase 15%->nerf
DPS passive-> buff
0.65 to 0.68 recovery->slap in the wrist.
Spread 12 to 9-> NET BUFF.
6v6 to 5v5 environment → net buff due to less peel.

(notice how the biggest nerfs were on blade despite you calling him ultbot).