Give a shot 1/1/4 instead of 2/2/2

He’s not exaggerating. Even in genes that have a sort of time que like say Warcraft with classes having the opportunity to be tanks or DPS, DPS still can have upwards a 40 min wait.

Personally, I’d rather not play a game than have to wait to play a game to play my favorite heroes

The more flexible of a system you have, the more pointless it becomes. Having 4 out on 6 spots being flex is pointless. Might as well keep it 6 of 6.


I haven’t seen anyone say this, quit trying to assert your flipped interpretation as others intent.

The difference will be, balance can be done around 2 of each role on each team, this means any of those roles can be balanced around what 2 contribute without the problem of it stacking above that.

The DPS that won’t switch (cause lets be honest the are the least likely to switch role) will get avoided and the already long queue times will go way up and the DPS that will will get lower queue times, since they are bypassing the uncooperative people that are avoided. Though it’s only the chronic problems that would feel it.


Then everyone will just queue for flex.

You will be the first one queue as TANK to use DVA haha

You want your 2/2/2? a dead game is the trade off.

Because Jeff speaks for everyone now?

DPS are needed just as much as tanks or support.

TIL - i’m a DPS one tick.
Or… call me crazy, I might just be someone with a different opinion.

I also think you’re forgetting the ‘flex’ part.
Which means they change to different roles when/if needed.
Did you really read the post?

I have solo healed many times.
I’ve solo healed and lost.
The only time I’ve ever been blamed for losing was when we were running with 2 supports, lol.

If people actually flexed, do you think these conversations would be happening?

If people can flex in bronze, I imagine they can do the same in higher ranks. :woman_shrugging:

Of course they could. Do they?

Clearly not. If people flexed, and played the game correctly, instead of forcing 4 or 5 dps picks, do you think these conversations would happen daily?

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This Is actually such a good idea

Have the system like in WoW if you have all 3 disciplines (tank, damage and DPS), you can queue for all of them. So the MM system then are reworked to fill in the groups based on the MMR system and what rolls you’re willing to fill, meaning queue time won’t be that much longer.

If DPSers are afraid of long queue times then they can queue for all 3 areas and get shorter queue times. If they’re horribly one sided and locked to just 1 area well, it’s their choice and they have to live with that.

What they could try is instead of making it a direct role queue, you just queue like usual and then get put in the game with no changes, but once the screen comes up to build your team, the dps category is greyed out until at least 1 tank and 1 healer is picked. This makes it a soft lock of 4 dps max per team, but also makes sure that they are picked last and build around their tank and healer and arent insta picked first.

What happens if no one picks Tank/Support?

Then nobody gets to play the game and you time out as afk.

I don’t understand why people want 2/2/2 so badly when jank comps like 4-5dps and a Mercy arent the worst thing in the world.

If the majority actually enjoyed playing this comp, we wouldn’t have this discussion on a daily basis.

Enjoyment is relative. Most of the time for comps like that to work the players have to actually be good at the heroes they’ve chosen.

It is particularly effective on attack as the more DPS, raw damage, and ez button mode ults that your team will have can easily snowball fights in your favor.

Unfortunately it hasn’t been good on defense ever since the loss of shield gen, armor packs, and perma rally.