Give a shot 1/1/4 instead of 2/2/2

But it is? Everytime 5 dps in comp pop up its basically a throw with everyone having a face off to who dares to switch first. Nobody plays this intentionally, you just happen to have 5 players who dont want to play anything but dps.

Imo they have been some of the most fun games Iā€™ve played, even if Iā€™m the one playing Mercy. As a healer I feel much more protected and less likely to die when surrounded by DPS as opposed to a couple of tanks.

Solo heals and solo tanking is usually terrible, yes. The issue there is with team compliance though, basically some people didnā€™t want to play a comp that made more sense. 2-2-2 is good for that.

Then we have people like me, who play in groups of people who will coordinate, and we would lose our abilities to run 3/3 or 3/1/2 comps which are legit comps. Weā€™re sacrificing the choice to play something other than 2/2/2 for the convenience of never landing in anything else. Iā€™m in the minority, sure, but 2/2/2 is still terrible for me.

Because I dont want to play Mercy.

Personally Iā€™d prefer 1/1/1/3, with the 3 being flex slots.
This way you always have at least one of each, but if a crazy 4dps meta wants to appear, it still can.

tank/dps/support like how they should be placed in game


4-1-1 is not happening folks, its time to let this go!

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I think Iā€™d prefer two queues: 2-2-2 and 0-0-6. Pick your poison.

There was a post from Jeff not long ago where they said that they tried 1/1/4 with 4 DPS internally and it was not a good experience since it put too much pressure on the tank and healer.

What I find especially hilarious is that 1/1/4 is pretty much the most common experience you have in Overwatchā€¦ and well, it is not good.

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This 2-2-2 thing is clearly becoming a meme.
There are many pros, and some cons.

Itā€™s clearly true that this will not change people the next morning, but as a support Iā€™d appreciate if I had especialized dps on my matches instead of ā€œI wanna test this char on my alt account, whatever happens, happensā€. You know this is true.

Anyway, being 3rd or 4th dps just feels like sharing responsability and dont feel that much punished if you lose, because, ā€œit was the other guyā€.

This is not a rant against smurfing, i cant give less crap about that, I actually welcome that better players are in my games, thatā€™s the way to improve, to face ā€œproblemsā€ (It didnt let me use that word :frowning: ), look why those ā€œproblemsā€ hit you, and dodge it the next time.

Coming back to the 2-2-2 issue, this dps rantā€¦Iā€™ve been playing mmo for most of my life, and the little price dps had to pay was always longer queues, because they depend on a tank and a healer, players that will enable them to have fun in the dungeon. I see overwatch no different. Actually, even better, because you dont have to upgrade and craft all the equipment to be able to play it at the dungeonā€™s level.

This said, of course playing dps was funnier than tanking, but thatā€™s on the end of the developers, to make characters that makes you feel useful on your role and for your team. What to do? Well, obviously I dont have the answers, because saying any improvements or nerfs for any hero lightly will really destroy them (but doomfist, kill that chesse thing <3)

It would be sad to see comps like goats or [ball + mercy + 4 dps], actually dissapear, but if itā€™s for the better, ill gladly say goodbye. They are actually fun to play (maybe and probably not against though) if people know what they are doing.

Anyway, Iā€™ll just sit here and see what comes, and if it comes, ill gladly give it a try.

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Confused how you can have 1/1/4 but also have a role limit of 2. Can you explain?

Seen this mentioned a few times and Iā€™m way more in favor of this:

No role lockā€¦just role max/limitā€¦canā€™t select more than 4 of anything (or 3)ā€¦greys out role characters once a limit has been reached

You realize that in practice, 4 flex would primarily just equate to 4 DPS right? Right now, you can play as 6 Flex, but most games tend to wind up being just DPS taking up half, if not more of the team and often enough not switching off of it.

If people were more willing to flex, this wouldnā€™t even be a problem. But the truth is that most people outright refuse to swap heroes even in their own category, let alone to different ones.

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Im giving it a shot all day, every day - AND THE ANSWER IS NO , IT DOESNā€™T WORK.

Jeff said 1/1/4 is not fun but compared with 5 DPS team-comps is a godsendā€¦

The default-format on the present are ā€œ6 FLEXā€ that clearly do not work and is the reason for 2/2/2 is becoming a "thing.

On the present you can have 5 DPS even with quad snipers team-comp + 1 healer example: Widow, Hanzo, Ashe, Mccree, Tracer and Mercy

On the present with my idea you can have 1 tank, 1 healer, 2 flankers and 2 snipers as the worse team-comp posible example: Winston, Mercy, Genji, Tracer, Widow and Hanzo.

With my idea you cant have 3 tanks team comps, 3 suppors team comps, 3 snipers team comps, 3 flankers team comps and 3 defense dps team comps.

2/2/2 are posible
1/2/3 are posible
1/1/4 are posible
2/1/3 are posible

People on competitive-mode care about losing ā€œSRā€ specially on GolD + rank. So they will add another healer or another tank if they are getting destroyed.

Solo tank and solo healer hmm ig the dps want to die. Iā€™m not going to solo heal the entire game so we could lose. Might as well make it faster

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You already are forced to do Itā€¦ ā€œIf your team uses 5 dps you canā€™t do anything about thatā€ So you heal forced of you give up picking a 6 dps to end the torture fast

Team pick 5 DPS you need play ā€œMercyā€ and pray to god they are smurfs or boosters. Otherwise like i said pick a 6 dps and GG

Iā€™m pretty sure I get plat smurfs on my team which forces the matchmaker to put another Smurfā€™s on the enemy team thatā€™s probably master
Hold onā€¦ I need to play mercy for 5 selfish peopleā€¦ hahahahah

Yes, they can and they do.
I am in bronze.
there are very few games where we donā€™t have at least 2 healers.

and, again, itā€™s four FLEX players. as in they flex to play what is needed.
maybe those conversations happen daily because the people having them donā€™t read what is actually thereā€¦