Give a shot 1/1/4 instead of 2/2/2

Give a shot 1/1/4 instead of 2/2/2

Im in favor 2/2/2 dont get me wrong but jeff is worried the "DPS" waiting timers can be excessive high specially on Master, GM and top500 peaking on 28 minutes.

Lets give a try to 1-TANK/1-SUPPORT/4-FLEX in “Competitive&Quick-play”. Having at least 1 tank&Support can provide a more playable matches than lol5DPS teams.

The 4 people will “pick as prefered role” “FLEX”. So they can swap for a secondary healer or a secondary tank if they want.

Im sure the waiting timers will be “normal” and this can serve as experiment before 2/2/2

Lets dont forget limit role to 2 to avoid quad snipers team but allowing them 2 flankers + 2 snipers teams for example and avoding 3/3 or quad tanks metas.


No, already way too much of that already in literally every game regardless of meta and Jeff already said how being a solo tank and solo heal feels awful because yeah it does feel awful trying to essentially babysit 4-5 dps that don’t give a crap to begin with.

Edit: you want to dps, then long que times is the trade off.


I see 4 dps way more than 5 dps. So it won’t change anything.


Blizzard has LITERALLY said that 1-1-4 is ‘bad gameplay’ and those of us who are not DPS one tricks KNOW its bad gameplay.

There is zero point in trying to enforce 1-1-4 when its a known variable, and its garbage.


No? 2-2-2 or bust end of


I’m was not fully into the terms of what number corresponds to what role…

So in my head I was like “1 tank, 1 dps, 4 healers. Are you nuts.” But then I read further and now I understand the 4 corresponds to flex.

Again. He said that within the context of the game now. If he buffed all tanks and supports to be more solo dependent and able to do their jobs on their own… 411 is actually a much more ideal scenario given what people want to watch and play.


Eh, most tanks and healers don’t work solo.


You have never solo-healed it seems.
If we lose any point of a match, guess who’s fault it is? The support.

In theory i feel Jeff overexagerated with the 28 minutes “thing”. Probably on Master, GM and top500 yeah but on Bronze, Gold, Silver and platinum the DPS waiting timers will be 5 minutes max.

Like i said 2/2/2 is my dream and i was one of the first people in this forum suggesting that 1.5 years ago but i feel our DEV-TEAM is taking as excuse the “oh dps will have to wait long time to get matches”.

1/1/4 Flex will a limit role 2 to avoid have 4 snipers teams but still allowing 4 dps as 2 flankers + 2 snipers or 2 flankers + 2 defenders etc will be posible.

I’ll solo tank if the healers are not garbage, I refuse to solo heal anymore though, it just doesnt work.

I mean most tank heroes.

Solo off tanks are awful, solo Winston will evaporate under heavy fire, solo Rein is easily isolated and destroyed, solo Orisa isn’t great… really only Hammond works well. And good luck if they have Sombra.

Same with healers. Off heals don’t heal enough (probably Mercy too), and Ana is too fragile.

4-1-1 is hell to play. All this does is to force the flex player into solo tank and solo heal, which even Jeff has commented about how unpleasant that is.

There should not be comps with more than 3 of any role, I don’t care if you won once because “Mercy fits great” with that crappy comp. 99.99999% of times 4-1-1 is as organized as the Fyre Festival and as enjoyable as as getting a tooth pick shoved in your eye.


Nah. We can already get 5 minute queues in platinum. If you needed to wait for 2 tanks and 2 supports to fill a team… It could easily take up to that long. Especially because the higher ranks are infested with tanks and supports. You get a free pass to a high rank if you can play those roles competently. If anything, the diamond and masters times are heavily over exaggerated. It will probably hurt bronze the most, realistically.

Is it the free pass, or the fact that people playing those roles lead to viable game states that allow for climbing?

Almost like if we had more people playing Tank/Support instead of thinking they are gods gift to dps, the game would improve.

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Fair enough. But the issue that everyone is overlooking is while tank and support mains find it unfun and horrible to play solo heal or tank, and I believe it, DPS mains find it horrible to touch those roles because they are so unfun. And like it or not, we are the majority. The game would be a lot healthier if they just buffed tanks and supports accounting for the 1 role limit. I might even play tank or support if they buffed them to God status.

I am just saying that it is far better to make things more fun for tanks and supports than making things less fun for DPS. In an ideal world, 222 would be great. But in that ideal world, tanks and supports are well designed. So, let’s just stick to our reality.

I am just humoring the idea because it would be cool. I already know this 222 nonsense is coming despite the warning signs being quite obvious.

Also i feel the problem with 5 dps teams is the synergy of the heros they play.

For example using a team: Winston, Genji, Sombra, Tracer, Mercy and Reaper can work because you Dive-In pushing but sadly people just instant lock 4 snipers, 1 genji and 1 zeny thinking that can work LOL.

Hero synergy > Team-Comp in my opinion

I should mention that I don’t object to 4-1-1 as an optional team comp but I don’t want it to be the main/only one.

I and many others disagree and no it’s not about being “in context of the game” it’s about having a responsibility and when you’re the only one being responsible for it, it causes a lot of pressure and that’s exactly what jeff was talking about, it felt like as soon as you died the fight was over because 90% of the time it was and that doesn’t feel good time after time. Compound that with little coordination in pugs and honestly most DPS are very uncooperative and it makes a rather terrible experience.

I’m sure they will, if we get 2-2-2 be sure to let me know.


Also i feel people on quickplay will not “complain” with 1/1/4 flex and if we force 2/2/2 on quickplay the trashstorm will start on the forums as soon the feature is released

The limit role 2 feature needs to be implement as well. Allowing go 4 dps but with 2 snipers + 2 flankers etc. Not quad-snipers anymore