Give a shot 1/1/4 instead of 2/2/2

Can’t say I like it to be honest. While ensuring you have 1 tank and 1 support is a step up in theory, and it makes the awful 5dps teams impossible, 5 dps with one support to help them out can honestly work a lot better than having that tank. In my experience, 1/1/4 just results in the tank feeding over and over because the solo support is under too much pressure to keep their large healthbar full as well as keep the 4 DPS alive. The only exception maybe is if the tank is playing Hammond. I’ve been in both the tank and support positions of this scenario and I just really don’t think it works. Just my two cents though.

Okay, if that is the case, they could rework more heroes and buff self healing a bit and perhaps universally increase standard health to 250. I am NOT necessarily a fan of the idea, but that would ease the burden of being the one tank or one support, in my opinion and still be better than forced 222.

You guys will see… Unless they drastically rework tanks and supports… The game will die. You do not need to be clairvoyant to see this coming.

I hope all of these months are them developing real solutions.

In my current ideal, we are accounting for the player rate bias towards DPS by allowing for 3 DPS. While I believe 2-2-2 is better for the game, I’m not blind to what most people wish to play.

The big thing for me is that Comp on average, already leans towards 2-2-2, while QP leans toward 1-1-4.

I would like to just shift the metric a little, 1-2-2-1 (Tank, Support, DPS, Tank/DPS Flex) while locking out problematic strategies.

thats exactly what we have now.
1 sucker to tank
1 sucker to heal
and 4 dps who will regularly not counter switch.

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Jeff says no:

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Yeah that totally wouldn’t kill the game. Just majoirty of players wouldnt be able to play the game without sitting half an hour in a queue, no big deal.

forcing team comps is a mistake

That is already a lot better and I hope we get some compromise like that. The 2 DPS thing is just a terrible idea and honestly, most triple DPS comps are pretty strong on ladder anyways.

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Forcing one person on tank and support when rest of the players are allowed to flex to dps only won’t ever make good composition.

I think you misunderstand me, I’m not for or against 2-2-2, I see pros and cons. However I am against this stupid 1-1-4 idea and sorry but it is stupid, I see practically no pros and many cons on top of your explanation as to how you could make it work and enjoyable is literally flipping the game on it’s head and changing pretty much everything and even then I still don’t think it will work or be even remotely enjoyable for any of the roles that aren’t dps and even then that’s debatable because I also hate playing dps in a 4-5 dps match, I understand this is my opinion, but with how popular the idea of 2-2-2 is I imagine I share an opinion with the majority.

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Hell no.

Jeff already have said plenty of times that they tested it & didnt liked it. This is why we still have this current one in ranked where people still can pick up to 6 dps.

But imo this game needs 222 asap regardless if people like it or not.

I agree but sadly 1/1/4 with role limit 2 is less frustating than the quad snipers metas, quad tanks metas, goats and all that kind of “trashy comp”

I dont really think dps que times would be all that long in higher ranks compared to lower one. In my experience at the top, people knew they were no longer good enough on dps for the rank, and gravitated towards supports or tanks. More often I had more people wanting to tank or support than dps, many times dps was the slot needing to be filled. In the higher ranks I feel like people are more willing to pick heroes that are strong and to win, not to only pick dps because they want to always play dps.

This would also give hero’s like Sym, Bastion, Mei, the ‘off dps’ a slot to play with.

Don’t forget i suggest one tank, one support and 4 flex. Never 4 DPS, the 4 flex people can go as secondary tank or secondary heal if is necessary

2/2/2 can be posible
1/2/3 can be posible
1/1/4 can be posible with 2 flankers + 2 snipers

I suggest the format but people can still using many team-comps just not 3/3, 4/2 etc.

I’ll tell you what I just told someone else, I’m not for or against 2-2-2, I see pros and cons. I am however against this suggested idea of 1-1-4 because it’s terrible. Also to your comment, how about learn other roles than dps? Instead of insisting others cover it for you.

Edit: Also those roles are very enjoyable when in a somewhat decent comp or are coordinated, but they’re hell in scenarios much like the 1-1-4 being suggested.

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Many people who queue up as flex would see the implementation of this system as a justification to play 4 dps comps no matter what.

Also this system punishes you for queuing as Tank or Support by locking you in your role while DPS (flex) players could still switch freely.
We really don’t need to give people even less incentive to queue up as Tank or Heal in a role Q system because it would only make the issues worse.

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It’d be better than the current system of total anarchy but it doesn’t really improve their ability to balance the game like 2-2-2 would.

I think they just need to find a palatable way to incentivize playing Healer/Tank. That combined with Role Based SR will really let the playerbase feel comfortable with trying new roles.


I just feel following in a more MOBA esque fashion (one support, you have a beefy jungle or off lane depending on what the other chose unless you want an early game or late game comp) , or TF2 where you just had Medic, even Lawbreakers only had 2 psuedo supports and 2 psuedo tanks and it played phenomenal in my opinion.

I feel people are just used to 222 and that is why they are scared of branching out to a model that is fun for at least most. Based on what I read, it is not as though 222 even makes those roles fun anyways. Better to just have enthusiasts play those roles or just have 1 to 2 suffer on the team as opposed to twice that and insulting queue times.

I am not even saying that 411 with God mode support and tanks is a great idea. It is just better than forced 222 or even if it was worst for tanks and supports, it would be a flesh wound compared to the full on fatality people are asking for.

Well, someone has to dps, and if the queue times are gonna be so long, then… yea… ded game

JuSt DoNt PlAy DpS 4hEaD

So funny how people think 222 will solve their inability to climb, the throwers and smurfs in their teams, the lack of teamplay, etc. Newsflash: it won’t. :wink:

These things come with soloQ, not with the composition.

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