Girls of Overwatch

I’m interested as well!
Btag: KeKiore#1143
Discord: Admetrya#0694

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Could you add me on discord please? :smiley: This manggae#1013 seems to be your btag! Info in the post!

I’m interested ^^

BP: Scribbles #11522
Discord: Scribbles #3917

Totally interested! I’ll add on discord, Here’s my btag. ƁƐȂǙŦŶ#1131

I play Mystery Heroes almost exclusively so I’m not sure if anyone would even want to group for that, but I’d be interested in joining the Discord community either way.

Btag/Discord: Shock#1203

I personally love mystery heroes! sent!

Add me


I’m a DVA main but I can flex onto other characters

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I need either your region or your discord tag thanks!


Thank you! Can’t wait to play with you girls.

Super excited!

bnet ryuua#1918

discord ryuua#0579

I’m totally interested … my discord name is :ribbon: 𝓚𝓮𝓵𝓵𝔂 :ribbon:#6118 (yeah sorry about the bows … don’t know if you can just copy&paste). My BT is Purrincess#11227. Look forward to playing with some lovely ladies

Hey Kelly, I tried adding you but I couldn’t! Please add me on discord! MissSammyJam#0204 ! I will send you the invite the second I see your friend request <3 looking forward to playing with you!!

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so i main Ana, Pharah, Tracer and Mercy does that count jk Lulz but still i’m always open for new friends
Bnet 1280 Discord 7048

I’m not sure whether you’re a girl or just want people to add you in general. let me know

I’m interested ^^, Blizzard: Ariesou#2492 and Discord: Nerf This!#1370

This sounds awesome
BattleTag- LeCat #11964
Discord- LeCat #9462
North America

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I added you lecat <3

Hello hello! I’m a girl and an Orisa main, I’ve been playing as any type needed tho, I usually change over to healer when noone else does. I dont have a problem doing it, i just ask to take shifts. Even then im only good at Mercy and Moira. I haven’t gotten into Competitive yet, I just got to level 25 today but I’m afraid once I get my gaming headphones I’m gonna run into a lot of bull.

In game I’m Plantmora#1961
On Discord I’m Pandora#3785

I’d love to join!
Blizzard - tofudubu#1479
Discord - tofudubu#9802

I’d love to join!

Blizzard tag- Marissalol17#1840
Discord - Marissalol#2816