Girls of Overwatch

hey ya please add me it always seems like i’m on team with a bunch guys being assh*les or shocked i’m a lady in the first place demanding i play mercy . the only support i can even stand is Bridgette who isn’t out yet and Lucio. anyway
Bt LadyFairy#11710
discord Lady-Fairy#1250
i’m usually on the na but i popup on eu now and then

Hey I’m interested!
Bnet: LoCo#1145
Discord: 5hiro#7822

Love this. I keep my mic off when playing comp to hide from rage babies throwing blame at the one female playing. But a whole group of ow ladies to play/talk with?!
disc: raychill666#1594
Bnet: raychill666#1873

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Interested <:
Bnet: rebbybear#1695
Discord: rebbybear#1665

This is a really good initiative. I hear in Korea a lot of girl gamer groups are using Dva as their de-facto mascot, it’d be cool if western girl gamer groups started using her too.

Anyway, I’m a dude but I’m showing this to my female friends that I play with cause it’s a really nice idea.


Probably because their role model Geguri now basically mains DvA. Still a lot of female players main Sup in Korea though, speaking from a player that plays in Asia.

I don’t generally have a problem with sexism or anything on OW, but I know it happens a lot to other females. I’m not afraid to chat over the mic, but it really would be nice to have other females to play with. Sucks getting outnumbered all the time by men! Haha. I’ll add your discord.

Diamond support/tank flex that occasionally plays Soldier/Junkrat/Sombra. :slight_smile:


#Drachesoul#1113 would love to find some other girls to play with. Decent enough tank, mediocre sniper, awful Mercy.

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Hey I’d really like to join in

OW: PhoenixRoha#1524
Discord: PhoenixRoha#7224

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I would like to join!

BattleNet: Kina#11804
Discord: Kina#7491

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Thank you for your kind words! There are also a lot of nice guys out there, otherwise we all wouldn’t be here anymore! But sometimes you don’t wanna play the lottery and just relax! Take care!

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Interested! whether for just casual play or comp (im usually a gold player!) its always nice to have other girls to talk to. I’m a quieter person though and kinda nerdy so feel free to add me! bnet is AdorkableKat#1980

Hey could you give me your discord AdorkableKat? So I can link you to the server :smiley:

Hey, I’m interested StoryZealot#1596 ^^

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im a guy but im not sexist.

I main tank. I sit around 2200

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what a sexist topic
you are playing a game, your sex,hair color,height or weight has nothing to do with the game
only thing that matters is how you play the game
by promoting sexism you only make it worse, just ignore it

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Hey, you know that girls want the way we play the game being the only thing that matters, right?

Sadly, I can tell you right now nearly most of us have heard the “they’re so bad, they must be a girl” and tonnes of other stuff projected towards us just for being women.

This isn’t promoting sexism in any way, it’s just people trying to find people they’re comfortable with.


Don’t listen to them. It is definitely not meant as a ways of excluding men. Most of us girls still use the regular ow server as well to find games. Anyway, could you please add me on discord because I can’t seem to add you, it’s in the post <3 thanks :smiley:


I’m not interested in safe spaces or anything like that, just a FYI. I just want to play with people who are gonna take things semi-seriously in comp & NOT be circle jerking the whole time (that’s putting that politely).

I usually tank/support/defense, so I’m alright with filling in a role if need be. I’m KurenaiAkari#1646 on Discord.
(Currently taking a break from OW to detox from the “5 DPS - 1 support” crap that’s been plaguing comp & QP. Will come back eventually when I wanna gun for another golden weapon.)

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Interested! manggae#1013

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