I would love to join
Discord: solstice#7335
Bnet: Targaryen#11141
Add me please!
ĶiĻĻerŤømatø#1869 and my alt account as well: Moxieco# 1391
Can you give me your Discord id?
i meant to say morganismz#8117
Hey can I get a invite my discord is Vaporeon<3#1905
Hello there my discord ID is killertomato
This sounds wonderful, I am a bit shy though lmao
Discord -> Saturn#0863
BNet -> PoisonedTea#2475
Stoked to see so many replies!
Discord - Anya#2966
BNet- Anya#1185
me too We have had some awesome girls join so far!
I’d love to join !
Discord: Jeff Kaplan is the Zodiac Killer#7936 ( lmao ) and Battlenet: Alexokays#1618 ! :~)
I’m totally down for this! My battle net is Queen#12669 and my Discord is FieryQueen#4153
I’m 100% interested in this!
Interested. Hakila#4304
This is really interesting to me. I’ve frequently duo-Qd with my female friend and no one has ever made sexual/sexist remarks. Usually they try even harder to impress them and try to help her. As a guy I’m sorry you had to put up with this kind of behavior in 2018 when all you wanted to do is relax.
Sheep#6692 I am looking for people to play comp with again and move back up in rank. Please add me o/
I’m definitely interested! Seems like a great group idea!!
Battletag : MrHassium#2921 ((i had a typo, it was originally supposed to be mrs but what can you do))
Discord : chemicalld#5133
Sorry I am a guy. But I just love this initiative!
I love to play with girls! They are often more relaxed than guys.
And instead of raging most of them try to give you pointers and help on how to improve!
I am one of those men that try to make the game fun for everyone. And I am on that report button faster than a genji on mercy if someone is being toxic to a female player for the sole reason she has a different sex than the majority.
omg that is the best discord name ever
Add me!
Discord: Witch#0260
Bnet: Witch#11812
Great initiative MissSammyJam! As a man and great supporter of feminism and women in general, I appreciate the idea you came with. Some of us, can be rude and disrespectful against you and swing any kind of stereotypes that you don’t deserve to receive, as much in the game as general. Don’t let them put you down and kick their asses in ranked!
Good luck and have fun!