Girls of Overwatch

Interested, despite that I haven’t experienced these issues, it would be nice to chill with other girls.

Discord: Cemmycakes#0643
BTag: Cemmy#1951

really interested !!
battletag : Fujoshi#11589
discord : fujoshi#3919

I am also very interested, I’ll add you on discord right away! jello#9246

Just bumping this up because we need moar girls especially those who can stream~~

Added everyone up to here <3

I’d love to join :’) !! I play on PS4 though! My discord is wormilla#0948

Wow. I see that some “individuals” are trying to sabotage this thread as well. Shame on you. I think it’s great that girls play games and I hope we get to a point where they won’t be afraid to speak up in voice chat in fear that the other people will try and be toxic in some way towards them. And whenever you do get these kind of people in your games, remember that it’s never their fault for losing the game or something going horribly wrong (sarcasm). They need a scapegoat to blame otherwise they will feel inferior to girls. I wish you all the luck and I hope you don’t get discouraged to play the game whenever you encounter such individuals, because not every male is like that. :slight_smile:

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This is awesome! I would love to join!

Battletag: himeria#6914
Discord: himeria#5659

Thank you thank you <3!


I love this!
I need some good people to play ranked with, I placed 1955 but some bad matches brought me down to 1630. I mainly play Moira/DVA but can play Orisa as well.

My discord is HBIC#9260 and Blizzard is Cyncope #1270

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This is a fantastic idea! My tag is Kat#3879

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My discord is Kitty#5216

Hey I’m interested to join .
I’m always afraid to use my mic cuz I’m a support main and I don’t want
people call me “basic girl gamer “
Discord: Emerex#7894
Also added you

BTAG: twjjello #1184
Discord: Idylle #7913

I would love to play with other ladies! I’m amazed how popular this got so quickly!
I added you on discord, btw.

Discord: Catchunks#7320
BTAG: Catchunks#1944

Added everyone up to here!

hello girls of overwatch

I’m currently looking for some people to participate intot he open division. We’re doing it for fun and to learn and improve. We need an off healer or an off tank.

not really requiring any ranl but anything above bronze would be noice. just message me :stuck_out_tongue:

can I have your tag?

I’m interested! :slight_smile:
Serchei#1136 (Blizzard)

Add me!
BT polynkevich#2260
Discord greeny#9934

This post brings back so many memories. I used to be a community co-founder in counter strike with appr. 800 users per day; once, I read a thread just like yours. I felt responsible for that, but at the same time her persistence was admirable.

I contacted with her and I promoted her to an administrator. In 2 months, this problem solved. Males had to have actual contact with a female and they realised that she was not only knowledgeable, but she was just and she was able to admit her mistakes (something which is rare with males).

1 year later, when there was a game running (competitive in private servers), the majority was spamming to girls to join them - not to flirt or something - but because they realised that women are more positive and calm than men and they do not lack skills.

Anyways, bravo! I’m really moved… It may seem an easy task to post a thread like this. It needs guts to change what you don’t like without pointing fingers to others.

P.S Some of those girls had formed a clan and they became the first National female Team for our country and participated in actual LAN and online tours.

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