That’s not dozens of yards, and also not what OP was saying.
It sounds like your ping is fine but you’re experiencing massive amounts of packet loss. Having even 1ms ping isn’t going to help if your connection just routinely drops of what seems to amount to seconds at a time. You need to have a chat with your ISP.
The only game where I have this issue is Overwatch, but I checked with them anyway. They couldn’t find any issues. So I chalked it up to netcode issues.
It’s not uncommon for there to be routing issues along the way - sometimes it isn’t even your ISP’s fault but just another point along the way to blizzards servers that just depends on where you live. This is why you can have an issue with one game and not another.
I have a diamond portrait on my profile so I’ve played this game a metric crapload and have never even come close to anything you’ve described. I’ve even played it once at over 300 ping one time and it still wasn’t even close to what you’ve described.
To die as far away as you’re describing is describing a scenario that cannot come down to ping alone. You’d have to actually completely drop your connection for upwards of probably 2 seconds at a time for something like that to occur.
I haven’t described any scenario. Are you sure you’re responding to the correct person? I’m not the OP. Same icon
Yep sorry I just saw the icon and didn’t notice the name, my bad!
Its simple, if enemy has 300 ping, you will die where you were 300 ms ago.
All they can do is to deny damage if ping is higher than 300, but then they might as well just not let the player play at all.
I have 70-80ms of ping and I get killed around corners sometimes, but only when I was already running away for a while.
I’ve never played an online shooter where this doesn’t happen from time to time. No netcode in the world can change the simple fact that latency exists.
It isnt based on his internet, it’s based on the shooter’s.
Are you wired or wireless? That matters.
I play with 130-200 latency i wish i could play with at least 100ms i still land those shots even tho u have to predict movements from the enemy team its truly sucks and makes me wanna quit but im addicted to this game
Favor the shooter doesnt mean that all lag issues are on the shooters side. OP describes being consistently killed “dozens of yards away” from where he was on his screen. This is simply unrealistic to believe that OP is consistently playing against players who have such terrible internet and can also effectively play the game that this happens routinely.
Almost certainly what is happening is OP is experience a connection drop/packet loss so his position stops updating on the server and the enemy just kills someone standing still. Once he regains connection the server informs him he died a second or two later.
No, the calculation of line of sight is literally based on the shooter’s perspective. If the shooter has lag, then the victim confirms the LOS handshake, and gives the kill, while the victim with no latency registers as being around the corner.
The code isnt complex, and isnt supposed to be, it is a very simple LOS check from the shooter’s perspective.
I have had issues with this quite a bit in this game over the years. I have made posts about it and asked others but I always just end up getting backlash.
It’s hard to accept hiding behind cover and getting killed by a Dva bomb when you knew you were safe. Or getting headshot by a McCree even though you knew you were around the edge.
Deathcam will show from their POV, and of course you are always out in the open instead of where you actually where to them.
I just accept it as part of the game now but it’s frustrating.
There’s “I was safe!” and then there is what is being claimed here “I was 12 meters away”.
Lag is a thing and happens to us all… this whole thread has some bonkers claims.
It’s a “weird bug” that has happened every match I’ve played (for 3 years.)
If 50ms for a ping is too laggy for overwatch it has bigger problems than I thought.
The things that are being claimed are indeed “bonkers”, in so much as they’re all valid, and nothing is being done to address them.
absolute lie…
Yea… I had a soldier 76 killing me thru walls with his ult.
Boo hoo, there’s latency on an online game. Get over it. It’s not even as bad as some other games can be