Denying the existence of a phenomenon that a huge portion of the player base experiences regularly isn’t going to help anyone or anything, or your case for that matter.
Latency is one thing. What overwatch has is another issue altogether. Calling it a “little latentcy” is as apt a description as calling Woodstock “a little get together”.
Overwatch’s hitdetection is client side. Meaning that if you’re playing at 200ms, and you shoot someone, if you land it on your screen the server will honor the shot. Even if, on their screen there in a different place, or in a completely different part of the map (if they’re going fast enough).
If you’re usually playing at 200ms, then it’s possible that you’re causing this issue for others, with lower pings. Even if unintentionally.
surprising then I have never heard complaints about it. If I was regularly causing this problem I would expect the often unrestrained community to notify me immediately… however what I experience is dying because OTHER people shot me and I thought I was safe… a few inches from the corner.
What you describe in this thread is either severe packetloss or lying.
THe former can be solved by tracerouting your connection, the 2nd is your own problem.
The phenomenon is more noticeable, when you can cover a lot of ground quickly. I see that your icon is Mei, and Mei’s whole thing is slowing people down so they can’t move at all.
It could be that when you freeze people it “covers it up” if that makes sense.
For the packet loss, no, I’ve tried and tried and can’t find anything.
As for lying why? I’m aggravated that this happens, and want it fixed. Lying wouldn’t help me. It would activly hurt my case.
Additionally, I’m neither the first, or only player to complain of this problem. Nor will I be the last. You just stumbled apon my thread, which is one of many.
I’m aware how favor the shooter works, but I think you’re misunderstanding.
There are two things I’m trying to say:
OP is claiming this happens a LOT. Finding a player in an online game whose latency or connection issues cause them to be multiple seconds behind the game state to the point where they see OP where he was “dozens of yards away” is unfathomably uncommon. Yes it may occur, but not with regularity at all. The majority of players will never even encounter another player where this is an issue, so having one person encounter is frequently is a very telling detail of the situation.
There is a second way this happens which is a far more obvious explanation. If a player drops a connection or loses packets for a duration of time, they stop sending new information to the server, but their local game state will continue simulating. Rubberbanding only occurs once the server informs the client that their prediction is incorrect, and if that never happens the game client continues playing normally. When a player stops sending information to a server, it means they are going to be an obvious and easy target for all the enemies because you likely are going to either be stopped in place, running into a wall, or running in a straight line (not at all dodging fire). The moment the player reconnects the server informs them “oh hey man you died like 2 seconds ago over here”.
Now, I’ve played at high pings before on bad internet - well over 300 ping. It is unplayable. You rubber band literally across the map and the shots you fire are never where you actually shoot because the server thinks you’re in a different location so even with favor the shooter your shots rarely hit the target even when you aim at them. And that’s just 300ms. For what OP described, the enemy would have to be playing at like 1500+ms latency for him to be able to die “dozens of yards away”. We’re talking literally seconds worth of movement from the location you died. This level of latency would be unheard of. Nobody in their right mind would even attempt to play at this, let alone be able to make any meaningful actions or get a kill. So no, OP is not commonly running into enemies in this setup.
The logical reasoning as per what I’ve mentioned above is that OP is dropping connection or losing packets and dies because the enemy shoots him while doing something braindead stupid in his disconnected state, and then he receives the death notification upon reconnection.
I also want to point out that after 300ms the game starts using extrapolation instead of interpolation and the way people imagine favor the shooter in this context doesn’t strictly apply because the predicted client location no longer matches the server’s authoritative state of the game.
I was watching a streamer the other week, they were playing Ilios Well and were on top of a building, enemy Hanzo was inside an adjacent building in the doorway. The streamer could not see the Hanzo, at all. If he tried to shoot them, he would’ve been shooting the roof. Then they get headshot. Watching the kill cam, the Hanzo could not only see their head, but their upper torso as well.
How can 1 person not be able to see the enemy while the enemy can get a easy headshot while having 100% cover?
I dont believe OP is in any way lying, I think he just doesnt understand what the cause is. His descriptions sound far more like a connection issue and packet loss than the game. It not only fits all the symptoms, but nobody else I know has encountered anything even remotely close. Actually I take back that last comment. I specifically played with a friend who had a consistent issue with his upload connection and it specifically caused issues where he would receive game state updates to the game and felt like he was battling other players but then once it fixed itself after like 5-10 seconds he’d drop dead and see a killcam of himself standing still.
The problem is I play wrecking ball a LOT, who suffers horribly from bad lag. I have a Mei icon because it’s cute and I like the character, not because I exclusively play her.
I have no idea why you would other than maybe either to try and convince others to witchhunt about an issue that doesn’t exist, or possibly because there is another issue you’re unaware of… which admittedly wouldn’t really be lying… just ignorance.
Yours is one of the first I’ve seen claiming such huge incongruousness between what the server is logging and what you experience. Most complain of bad netcode and or server issues causing some rubberbanding or as some in this thread have mentioned “I should have been safe from that ult” in anywhere from a couple inches to a couple feet, you claim the server is basically retconning several seconds of data to kill you… something which I’ve neither experienced or hear of until I clicked on this… which also may be due to me not clicking on every thread… but it’s not something spammed on the forum… which you’d actually expect if “many” people were experiencing it. Yes they’d probably mostly be in the technical support section though, a subforum I mostly stay out of since I know my issues and understand they are simply a result of being 3k+ miles away from any server.
EDIT: a quick browse of the recent topics in tech support only yield people with obvious lag or packetloss… no phantom kills without any of the telltale signs.
while if this problem is real for you I sympathize, you don’t find it strange that you’re relatively alone in reporting this particular severity?
I suggest posting in technical support as well as people there may have some suggestions or at least diagnostics you have not thought of.
Not multiple seconds. Usually just one. The multiple yards is true though. I main Lucio and can build up more speed than most people would expect.
It is quite regular. With the phenomenon becoming more apperent the faster I go.
I am a software developer by trade. I work with a small development studio that produces “StreetWise” (plug plug) an application for first responders. After a 24 hour tracert run, I had about 2% packet loss at worst and essentially 0 on average.
I don’t experience rubberbanding, unless I.loose connection 100%, but that’s an issue in-of-itself.
Op is commonly running into enemies in this setup, just replace length of time in your thought process with higher speeds.
Now. Most of the times this happens, I usually only get about 10-12 feet away from I will end up having died at. Extreme distances can end up being further, with dozens of feet being very possible, while rare.
On a normal distribution 10-12 feet would be the median result. 2 dozen feet being 2 standard deviations away.
It’s not clear to me you have a good sense of estimating distance. Not too long ago you told me it was, and I quote “dozens of yards.” A yard is 3 feet. Two dozen feet, or what you refer to as “two standard deviations away” is 8 yards, which is only two thirds of a single dozen yards. When I asked to clarify, you told me “two max length hog hooks” was a reasonable way to describe it and provided scenarios far outside what you are now describing.
Perhaps if you had some video clips it would make this a whole lot easier.
There’s something effed up with your specific config then. It’s not your internet connection, no packet loss no latency.
I would suggest turning everything off, reduce rendering to 75% and then turn them on one by one.
BEFORE YOU DO THAT, however, I would encourage you to find the option to close the client once the game is launched and see if that is the issue. It’ll mess with your social tab, invites etc but there’s a weird connection between and how it interacts with running applications.
Not several seconds. Several feet. Both Lucio and Wrenching ball can move quite a distance in a short time, so I hope you can relate.
There are quite a few people on this thread just refusing to entertain the existence of the idea,(with other people saying they also experience it.) so perhapse people that have higher self esteem than I do just don’t want to bother.
Yeah, I will admit I f*cked that up. I was tilted from match where I keep getting killed by McCree that only killed me when I was out of line of sight. The words for yards and “dozens of feet” just kind of blured together, and I was too upset to care about the fine details. Come the following day I have to face the fallout of posting while angry.
When I read this I imagined 2 hogs on Illios Well, standing diagonally across from each other, trying to hook people from across the pit, but only having their hooks meet in the middle.(not that they’d stand that far away from the edge, but the imagination is funny that way.) I’ve been shot moving from one corner to the far corner, over the well and only ended up dying where I came from, not where ended up at. That kind of distance is rather rare I must admit, but I’ve had it happen.
I can probably figure something out for that. I honestly don’t know why I haven’t already.
Fair enough. I have mixed feelings about Mei. She is very cute, but death to my main. If you usually play wrecking ball, and you slam down and burst (what I can only assume to be snipers and squisheis) down before they can land, they don’t usually have much in the way of distance to cover either.
While I definitely don’t agree with the OP. Most Unreal Tournament servers I visited had Zero ping mods that worked clientside instead of server side to help offset the lag.
I dunno… maybe you enjoy that kind of thing? Maybe you have a grudge against Blizzard? I have long since given up on trying to understand peoples motivation for taking what seems like a purely destructive or close minded path of action. I don’t know you at all so take that as objectively as I present it please. I am not accusing you, just observing.
as you mentioned later in your response “dozens of yards”, which I extrapolated would take a few seconds.
I wouldn’t call it a lack of self esteem that drives people to post about their problems, mostly they’re frustrated and out of solutions. But again… try the tech support forum, they may be more willing to present troubleshooting or solutions you haven’t tried. Again, If this was as widespread as you imply I would expect floods of it in the forum, but it seems like this may boil down to a particular problem with your setup and how it interacts with OW.
I have to lead point blank targets up to 2 or 3 feet in some games with his hitscan guns, I actually have calibrated myself so I can look up at my ping and know how far I will have to lead targets. this should give some idea of how much I notice my own lag. I also play distraction tank quite often since people will swap to counter pretty quickly and I need to stay the heck away from the hog/ana/mei on the opposite team, lest I get slept, hooked, and frozen. I am probably better than most about predictive movement and baiting since I have to do it half a second before anyone else on the server does.