Get rid of Overbuff?

You can’t prove that with stats,you do if by having a brain and understanding the videogame instead of stats that don’t mean much at all

like i said…it would be a great loss…for the forums

well people are going to be biased no matter what, just look at the way some of the genji mains were saying he was balanced after being buffed to ridiculous levels. having stats to backup your argument that he was in fact too strong is a good thing. removing those stats would only create a bigger mess out of balance discussion than it already is. it would benefit only the most biased and extreme opinions because there would be no data to show otherwise.


I personally don’t think it should be gone, just not used as a 1:1 of high pickrate=op low pickrate =aweful they should be used as guidance not as solid evidence, for example genji was op at the time and his pickrate skyrocketing to even non genji players playing him shows that, but genji being an average picked hero rn doesn’t show his strength it shows that his baseline pickrate is fairly high, in short, he’s a fun and popular hero and even if he’s just as viable if not worse than mei for example he’d still get picked more

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Honestly, I’d be for it.

i think its safe to say that genji is in a pretty good place right now. i agree that there is nothing strange about popular characters like genji having a higher pickrate than lets say mei, and that having a high pickrate alone does not make a character strong or overpowered. but when the stats arent even remotely close to one another, like with mei vs genji, it shows that mei is clearly struggling, unlike genji who has some of the highest combinations of pickrate and winrate in most ranks. that is not to say genji is overpowered, but its clear that he is in a far better place than mei is.

but i understand the point you are trying to make about pick rate and win rate, and i agree. i think mccree right now is a better example of it. mccree is not very strong at the moment but he remains at a high pickrate as always, despite the low winrate. his popularity will boost the pick rate but high pick rate will not prove he is strong. same thing with genji of course, but in the case of genji the stats are a bit too good to just say its all because of popularity and then claim that he is somehow weak.

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Yes you can

you can simply say

" Genji has a triple burst proyectile with a large spread angle, each shuriken does a measly 28 damage which does not compare absolutely to the damage other flankers do "

for example

or bring up his average damage / accuracy to justify your claim

yeah…its not a “HIGH PICKRATE = OP” thing…ofc…people who do that are dumb

you have to read and COMPREHEND the stats

These aren’t stats these are just his numbers

You could maybe do this with hero damage compared to eliminations which I’d probably side with people for but I’ve never seen anyone go that in depth in overbuff stats

This is the issue I have, this is what most people use it for and will continue using it for as long as it fits their viewpoint

off topic: meanwhile i spend the entirety of the OP genji era making their life miserable as Zarya…solo graving ulting nanoed-genjis is probably one of the funniest things ive seen in a match

(sorry you reminded me of it)

i have done it when i really needed to prove a point to some hardheaded people :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean I imagine they just said something like mercy has a high pickrate so remove damage boost, but yeah the rampant misuse of overbuff is my issue, not actually good use of it

the TLDR version of this thread when you really boil it down…its actual uses are also very few

but yeah…so poorly used that why bother…its kinda like LFG at this point…if they just got rid of it…how much would the average person miss it really?

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When I was trying to improve my zen I was using it for comparing stats to know what to focus on, for the average player trying to focus on improving its good, but on here I definitely wouldn’t miss if I never saw it mentioned here

Not a good decision if Blizzard doesn’t show stats. The one stat system they do provide is flawed as heck, the medal system. That is what should be gone.


It is very accurate indeed, the only issue are Private Profiles but its pretty accurate.
Its not like during GOATS meta Overbuff said we were on Dive meta or anything.

Sure if in 3 months that website shows a 12% PR on a hero, it might not be 12, but its not 20. Its quite on point.

This is a team game mate, it is LITERALLY the type of game where how the rest of your team (other players) play it or choose to play it matters the most, WDYM? :rofl:

Again, you dont like it? just dont use it. Solved for you. Easy.
You are welcome.

PS: Your stats are not contextualized with anything, if theres anything pointless in this game, is knowing my accuracy during 7 comp matches that I played drunk at 2 AM on a tuesday with Soldier 76 … 4 seasons ago.

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I mean even with stats people still interpret them based on feelings most the time

sure…and if thats what OB told me that would be fine…fact is we dont have that information…all we know is my my teammates picked so and so for who knows what reason…maybe theyre good at them…maybe theyre not…maybe they think its a good idea cause someone on here said so…who knows…

pickrates and winrates (the 2 things most people cite on here) ultimately mean dittly…pickrates are influenced by popularity, streamers, OWL, OB itself…and winrates also depend on tons of factors…not the least of which is who said hero is playing with and against which might not factor at all in your games (like you said its a team game) which you wont find on there…why can people climb on an utter “trash” heroes (according to the data)? because the data itself is garbage most of the time and doesnt actually reflect what goes on in matches…we like to think its super meaningful but it isnt…we all know these things but it doesnt matter because we’ll run with stuff if it helps make a point we want to make…

everyone keeps bringing up that its the only data we have…it IS…but it doesnt matter if that data itself has low value… - stats for this past playoff weekend…im not going to draw any conclusions about the game from them (it is OWL after all)…but just look at the friggin difference in the data collection there compared to OB…its literally night and day…IF OB was THAT this post would not exist…

conclusions drawn from data are only as good as the data itself…and OB is garbage data…in the real world it would be thrown out…redo the study type deal…you can argue garbage data til the cows come home…it isnt going to make it any better…but what people do with it can have real implications…and i think it absolutely has over 4 years

You keep throwing tautologies here mate, again, thats what YOU think because YOU dont like it and because YOU think that overall they are not important (which is not true).

I can copy paste this 34 times but its not going to change and repeating the same with different words wont change the FACTS:

  • You dont like it? just dont use it. Solved for you. Easy.
  • That can be said about any tool , like I demonstrated. Doesnt make it a valid point to absolutely CANCEL or DELETE anything.
  • You truly dont have anything against the website, but the people that misuse it, thats on them.

Unless you bring something else to the table, this is the last time repeating myself. Facts are not changing.



Blizzard doesn’t own Overbuff.

Sounds like someone got shut down by facts and he didn’t like it. Not accepting stats in an argument eliminates the point of an argument. Maybe if the factual evidence doesn’t support you, you should start questioning your point and not the facts