Get rid of Overbuff?

But then again, it comes to preference dude. You HAVE to understand that.
Theres people that literally doesnt know how some heroes work and are level … 500 ? Because they dont care.

Following that logic : Should we remove tool tips and explanations of skills in game? Why not? What do we lose? The ones that want to know this will figure it out, right?

We lose valuable information about how the game is doing. What is happening in what rank, how the balance changes affect the hero picks and what seems to be working well more often (metas) than other things.

You may not be interested in that, fine, but many many many many others are.

So again, the big question is : Why are you so interested in deleting it?
What is this trend of outrage cancel culture? It all follows the same pointless and entitled principle:
“I dont like this, delete it so nobody can enjoy it”.

Just dont look at the web. Easy solution for you. Why do we ALL have to lose it because a few dont like it? What a pointless stance (no offense).

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Because like I said I think it has done actual harm before (see my first reply)…it’s misuse has led to countless arguing and bickering (I heard somewhere OW has a very toxic community)…its veracity is always a question since the profile change…and it’s benefits are minuscule at best (and blizz doesn’t need it)

Like yeah it’s info…but Is it REALLY useful? I guess…what would we lose really?

That can be said about any tool, like I demonstrated. Doesnt make it a valid point to absolutely CANCEL or DELETE anything.
You dont have anything against the website, but the people that misuse it, thats on them.

Yes its really useful. Im not going to repeat myself, its all on my comment.
We are done here :wave:


HIGHLY useful information thats empirical, always accurate and never misused im sure…

like i said…GREAT for forums…useless for the devs…and for the game/players?..ultimately how others play the game doesnt mean much when youre the one behind the controls…your stats page is 10000x more useful than anything youll find on that website

Good arguments? Knowing how the game works? Understanding that genji is actually a pretty bad hero rn but his pickrate doesn’t reflect that because he’s fun, using inaccurate stats doesn’t mean much

it can be accurate…doesnt matter…we all spin data to prove our “points”…

i mentioned it earlier…but ill link now…i invite everyone to read through this…specifically the middle portion where he/she is talking to the community about the stuff you find on OB

its the only form of stats we have

do you really want to get rid of the only way for people to try to be un-bias?

okay…argue to me why a character balance state right now without using stats

without stats is basically all anecdotal evidence

You say “genji is UP”

but now i can just say “i see him in every match therefore he is OP”

how do you argue against that? you cant, there are no stats to disprove my point


ultimately what does it matter though…if the enemy team’s genji is destroying my team…me switching to some meta hero that i have no idea how to play isnt going to make things any better…doesnt matter what %'s are shown on some website

stats are fine to a degree…you still have to play the game…

GOATS is meta…well i just destroyed a goats team playing a trash doomfist hero…congratulations…goats is meta

you should play ana…she has the highest winrate in the game…well im a trash ana and cant aim…sure i guess…wheres my healing!!!

but without those %s, you would be lead to think that goats is, in fact, not meta

because you could beat them with doomfist.

get what i mean?

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Genji finds it difficult to do his job, finishing off kills. With his firerate nerf primarily if you don’t hit all headshots +dash on a weak target you won’t be able to finish the kill and be stranded out of position and killed, this leads to genji primarily being used to poke, build ult and break hard to break points like hanamura and volsk, a much healthier option for genji would be to transfer power from blade into his neutral game to allow him to feel impactful in more situations and not oppressive when the blade comes out for newer players.

No stats needed, overbuff can be used for very general stats within 1% accuracy but anymore than that is a hard sell, there’s too many factors that create a skew in an opt in system

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“I can finish kills just fine”

"Blade is the worst ult in the game, every time genji uses it he just dies immediatly, plus when i use it i cant get any use out of it"

Yeah but you really cant prove anything, like i shown above

you say “he has trouble finishing kills” how do you prove that? you cant, not without damage numbers, not without stats

note: yes i do agree with what yo usaid, im just proving a point here



if im climbing and doing well regardless of whats on there…or plummeting when i shouldnt be…what difference does it make if a website says whatever…

its great for debating and discussions like we have on here all the time…but ultimately doesnt mean much in game…people place way too much value on what they see on there…its not really THAT useful…the game is much MUCH more complicated than what you see on there

i mean thats what i mean…theres nothing to debate is there is no facts


You can’t prove that with stats,you do if by having a brain and understanding the videogame instead of stats that don’t mean much at all

like i said…it would be a great loss…for the forums

well people are going to be biased no matter what, just look at the way some of the genji mains were saying he was balanced after being buffed to ridiculous levels. having stats to backup your argument that he was in fact too strong is a good thing. removing those stats would only create a bigger mess out of balance discussion than it already is. it would benefit only the most biased and extreme opinions because there would be no data to show otherwise.


I personally don’t think it should be gone, just not used as a 1:1 of high pickrate=op low pickrate =aweful they should be used as guidance not as solid evidence, for example genji was op at the time and his pickrate skyrocketing to even non genji players playing him shows that, but genji being an average picked hero rn doesn’t show his strength it shows that his baseline pickrate is fairly high, in short, he’s a fun and popular hero and even if he’s just as viable if not worse than mei for example he’d still get picked more

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Honestly, I’d be for it.

i think its safe to say that genji is in a pretty good place right now. i agree that there is nothing strange about popular characters like genji having a higher pickrate than lets say mei, and that having a high pickrate alone does not make a character strong or overpowered. but when the stats arent even remotely close to one another, like with mei vs genji, it shows that mei is clearly struggling, unlike genji who has some of the highest combinations of pickrate and winrate in most ranks. that is not to say genji is overpowered, but its clear that he is in a far better place than mei is.

but i understand the point you are trying to make about pick rate and win rate, and i agree. i think mccree right now is a better example of it. mccree is not very strong at the moment but he remains at a high pickrate as always, despite the low winrate. his popularity will boost the pick rate but high pick rate will not prove he is strong. same thing with genji of course, but in the case of genji the stats are a bit too good to just say its all because of popularity and then claim that he is somehow weak.

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Yes you can

you can simply say

" Genji has a triple burst proyectile with a large spread angle, each shuriken does a measly 28 damage which does not compare absolutely to the damage other flankers do "

for example

or bring up his average damage / accuracy to justify your claim

yeah…its not a “HIGH PICKRATE = OP” thing…ofc…people who do that are dumb

you have to read and COMPREHEND the stats