Genji's shuriken should have fall-off

Taking damage from mile away means you will get healed and healers will farm their ultimate too, but you simply can’t reach this level of mentality can’t you?

Speaking so, for example why you dont cry even for ice bullet from mei? Or about moira orbs that drains players life just because they are allowed to bump everywhere for 10 seconds, while dealing 50dps/s that OFTEN KILLS PPL WITH HALF OF THEIR HEALTH?

Is because you CAN’T use genji?

Consider pulling out from this game for a while if your WASD keys are broken.

  • Brain not spawned.
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They’re projectiles.

So no.

How about no?

Genji’s shuriken not only have the smallest projectile hit box in the game, they also aren’t very fast. You can just walk out of the way if he’s using them at range.

I also see no reason to add falloff? Just because Genji is strong close range doesn’t mean his one long range attack shouldn’t be viable. If it wasn’t fair for Mei, it isn’t fair for Genji.

I don’t know where you come from, but where I am from they are the size of a leaf, with maybe some stem. Certainly not a branch, unless you meant a bonzai tree branch

Hanzo doesnt shoot logs its almost the same size as the shurikens.

From April of this year.

To be clear, I get why it is the way it is. It’s better than it was. But pretending that Hanzo’s arrows are not massive is just a falsehood.


Basically everything about your post indicates how poorly you understand Genji.

Genji has no fall off precisely to harass from long range. If he had Tracer like fall off he would have Tracer like mobility at close range to allow him to stay there long enough.

Also unlile Tracer, Genji needs to finish off targets to get a reset and run away. Therefore he needs to be able to chip them off from safe distance.

And finally the shuriken melee combo is a lot of thing but certainly not braindead. It requirs foresight and aim, in contrast to a certain character that CC you the whole time and can run away with or without kills.

Not fall-off, no. I have noticed, though, that they travel way to slow for small, metal projectiles thrown by a cybernetic limb.

Right now they travel TOO slow but slow enough where there’s no need for fall-off.

But, yes, I am ALL FOR a Talon female ninja to rival Genji AND for the Shimada lore to step into the forefront more.