Genji's shuriken should have fall-off

  1. Genji’s ult is the only good thing in the current tank heavy meta, and it’s only gonna kill people reliably with nano.
  2. If you get spammed from the other side of the map that’s honestly your mistake. You have enough time to move out of the way, and even if they hit you and he’s “a mile away”, that’s just cheap ult charge for your support.
  3. It would. The combo barely even happens, i honestly doubt you’d even be able to do it consistently against bots, let alone against real players.

Yes braindead the highest skill one shot that rarely happens lower than masters.

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I agree with what you’re saying, purely because of logic. If I throw a ball, that ball won’t stay the same speed and power for a mile. Heck, the ball will only go like 100 feet anyway.

The only one Genji should able to farm Ult with at a distance is Hog. Everyone else should be more then aware to easily be able to dodge them. Maybe he will hit you with one or 2 but after that it kinda falls on you.

I’ve seen Genj’s destroy Widows with their primary because she’s tunnel visioning. Widow’s fault, not Genji’s. His shuriken’s are best at close or maybe mid-range. They don’t need to nerf the dps due to people not being aware of their surroundings.


i think the only think he can hit that far away is someone standing still and tanks. genji is fine. we’re just bad


Any projectile spammy characters can do that. Genji just has a significantly easier time since he’s one of the few projectile characters who can throw 3 projectiles simultaneously in a steady-moving pattern.

Also it seems Blizzard is moving away from fall-off for projectile characters. Since, like someone said “If you’re getting hit by tiny projectiles from across the map, I think that’s your fault.”

Yes I agree. It feels cheap. He’s a close ranged hero. He should be closer in order to do damage not spammming shrunkens from half-way across the map.

Increase shuriken damage to beta level and make it hitscan, then they can have fall off damage.

I wouldn’t put it past them. They make stupid decisions all the time

I think projectiles should maintain their general property of no fall-off damage to give them an edge over hitscan weapons. If I would like any change to shurikens, it would be to widen the arc of his alternate fire to make spamming it at close range much harder.

I’m curious. What do you call Moira and Brig if you think Genji is braindead? :joy:

how TF does 3 stars come out his hand…its not even possible…lame toon

If you can’t see and dodge a slow moving, glowing hub cap as it hurdles in the air towards you, that’s your fault.

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How powerful his ult is? With all the boops, stuns, 1 shot combos ect, it is one of the hardest ults to pull off. Even pros have trouble pulling off a good genji blade sometimes.


I must really suck then.

Maybe the projectiles do have falloff but the maps are not large enough for you to see it :slight_smile:

Or you should learn to not stand still even in a distance when you think you are safe.

projectiles don’t have falloff because their “falloff” is that its incredibly easy to dodge projectiles at long range

if you manage to hit someone across the map with then you get to have the full damage

Except it totally wasn’t. It was improved, yes. But they’re still a large tree branch.

No, they should arc tho and eventually fall