Genji with a 60% winrate in gm

It’s less of an improvement, and more of chaotic noisy data (due to low sampling size), to somewhat less noisy data.

And likely the more mirror matches he gets the more it will trend towards 50%.

Genji currently has gained 4% winrate, 3.2% pickrate, 3% fire rate, 2k more damage, 0.2 K/d and 1.5 more elims on GM alone. Second most picked dps and still rising and highest winning non-niche dps. Basically genji works everywhere now because he’s too strong.

He’s basically bonkers.

People complain about echo but statistically, Genji is far stronger. More elims, far more ulti kills, better fire rate, same K/D, with only 1k less damage.

How does a hero’s fire rate rise by a whopping 3% in a week if said hero is not increasingly effective in getting tons of more kills?


Why do you say nerfs on plural? He only needs ult cost increase and thats it. If you wanna touch nano blade start by nerfing nano.

I think he needs (some) reverts as well.

His current state is an issue if you’d ask me and it started when they handed 4 direct buffs (and 1 indirect buff) at once. Clearly this was too much.

I’d wager it’s Genji players being melted by Echo’s murder beam doing that complaining.

She is my best, and preferred means of dealing with him.

What are u? Top500/GMs say he needs more and he isnt even an issue. Only forum is crying about Genji. Also, how can u tell a hero is op less than a week after he got buffed? Its hard to believe considering that forums called Genji OP even before he was buffed.

A player with an opinion, just like


Because I see an increase of most, if not all, of his stats, which is being registered every day.

Not only his pickrate and winrate, but also his eliminations, damage dealt, k/d ratio and final blows. All of it has been increased and placing him (near) the top of the charts. And all while having a winrate around 60%.

It’s fine if you want to wait a couple weeks, but I rather address a growing issue right now.

A nerf to his ult charge will not suffice and revert(s) may be required.

And there are plenty Genji players who did the opposite, even after his buffs.

This is why I don’t care too much about player feedback and rather stick to stats.

What do you expect?

  • Normal Overwatch Reddit is filled with casuals who care too much about POTG’s.
  • Competitive Overwatch Reddit is filled with backseat gamers who rather watch than play the game. OWL is popular on that Reddit.
  • YouTube comments are often placed by players who demands stuff. (Buff/nerf hero X)
  • On twitter do they demand stuff or post a kpop star gif.

On all of these media platforms are there no discussions going on.

Like it or not, but this forum is the best place where there are some discussions going on.

Just give him 2-3 weeks.

Like I said:

That’s how much I think his rising stats are a problem.

Hey, when Moira first got that orb change where they were going slightly faster you were complaining about it pretty much immediately. Apply your logic to yourself before others.

Then what will you do when genji is even more OP once people are used to abusing his oppressive deflect and spread better and all the random bad genji mains get a nice boost to higher elo? Claim we just need to learn to counter him?

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Not actually the same thing. Echo was a completely new variable. Not only did people have to learn her, her opponents had to figure out how to fight her. Genji is not new. Nobody has to figure out how to fight him. He is just massively stronger than he was.

No, they didn’t. They only nerf since she went live was a reduction on beam distance, this patch. And that is really a negligible effect. She either wanted to be closer in (where the beam is the same) to guarantee a kill or further back (outside even the old range) to avoid damage while looking for an opening. Really the only thing the beam range reduction did was to give high mobility characters (like Genji) an easier time escaping it.

Genji’s sustain damage is higher than hers and his burst potential is almost as high. And that is while having an easier time dealing it, easier time getting in, and less ‘flimsy’ on top of it. So,

Not really how that works. The nature of the matchmaker means if you are winning more than you are losing you go up until you hit around 50/50. This is true up and to GM, where you can’t really go up. So, an OP hero would just make people who play that a higher rank than they should be. But they would still end up 50/50. GM is actually the only exception, as they can’t go up ranks. And in most cases close to 50/50 win would be the ideal balance for a hero. But even there, that is really only going to be applicable on regularly played heroes. The very situational heroes that only get played in cases where they are strongest will skew their win %. So, is

Outside GM, win % is not a good measure of balance. Played % is far better as people generally play what works. So, stronger heroes get more play time.

Going to counter that: Genji players have been screaming that Genji needed buffs because he was only playing middle of the pack in GM and said to ignore his #3 in every other rank because GM was ‘cutting edge’ so it is what mattered. So, while I don’t agree with balancing around GM, there is logic in using GM data to refute that argument used by so many Genji players.

This is not a good argument. That works with new heroes and heroes that get a rework that changes how they play and are played against. And as such require learning on both sides. Genji’s buffs don’t change his play or the ways you fight him. They just straight up make him considerably stronger in every fight.

There are only two reasons it would change in a while:

  1. Teams start being built specifically to counter him. Not a healthy state for the game.
  2. He is just always (or almost always) played on both sides so has there is always (or nearly always) one losing. Also not a healthy state for the game.

No, they favor a handful of heroes. There are plenty of DPS heroes in need of a lot of help, and have been for quite some time. Instead they buff one of the most played heroes in the game…

This kind of thinking is the problem a lot of Genji mains seem to have. They think ‘oh, I am amazing and I should be so much higher.’ But the evidence doesn’t support that. If Genji was really to weak and Genji players were more skilled than the rank they were at, the majority of them would have found other heroes that could get them up ranks. Genji would not have been the 3rd most played hero. No, if anything he was already letting people get higher than they could on other heroes, which is why he was getting played so much.

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Devs got their own favourites and they hate some bunch of characters, true.

And then there’s OWL balancing to take account, if hero looks fun to watch in owl, they’re balanced around owl to be meta.

What on earth are you talking about? i didnt even complain about Moira orb at all.

If his stats still bloated after 2-3 weeks then i shut my mouth and admit he needs nerfs. As for now the only elo where his stats are busted is GM.

Unlike Mei and Reaper, Genji is not an easy hero to “abuse” and climb to higher ranks. He still somewhat hard to play.

  1. I think you underestimate Mei’s skill level.
  2. I also think you overestimate Genji’s skill level.
    (Genji’s still higher than Mei’s skill level btw.)
  3. Any hero who becomes busted will be easier to climb with. If Genji is still a problem weeks later then players could’ve used this time to have a much easier time to climb in ladder. I mean, he does have a winrate of 60% after all.

Problem is that none of his buffs should have this radical of an impact on the game. They didn’t change how he plays, just how effective he is.

Basically, none of Genji’s buffs require any kind of re-training for either his players or his opponents. They just make him harder to deal with.

Also, because the spread buff raises his skill ceiling and opens up new skill-based options for play, things are only going to get worse. Not better.

Genji was grossly over-buffed. He didn’t need any of these buffs in the first place.


In my honest opinion, they should have left his right click alone. It was already spammable enough with the fire rate buff.

What they could have done is buff his primary damage to 30 and only primary damage. Make it actually better to use rather than right click spam and more rewarding by giving him more damage but not for his ez spam move.

Deflect should not have gained a duration increase. Deflect should not be cancelable. If deflect is cancelable, it should have more ending lag after manually canceling it. Ulti charge gain nerfed by 7%.

Maybe reduce secondary spread from 12 to 11. Maybe. It’s not a spam move, it’s a finish move and you’re not supposed to spam it from far away.

There, genji is rewarded by skillfull use of primary button and having aim rather than brainlessly spamming right click and deleting people with cheese. And characters who are already vulnerable and easy to farm aren’t impacted as much (zen, tanks).

Putting all those buffs into his right click + earlier fire rate buff makes him just another brainless spam character and your options at mid range should not be to spam right click 2 times into dash for instant deletion. Right click spread reduction was another huge mistake they did. He’s going to hit with +6 damage per shuriken already per right click, spread reduction makes it near impossible to miss with any shurikens anymore and that hugely impacts his capacity of spam damage and instant gibs. Spread reduction actually impacts his damage far more than the actual damage buffs do, one extra shuriken hitting is already 30-60 more damage per click.

I beg to differ. He is now the highest played DPS character over all. And not by a small margin.

No, he is not hard to play. People need to get off this. Even if a character takes a little bit longer to get used to (and Genji isn’t even the longest one) it still doesn’t take that long. And since his kit is stronger than other heroes, it requires less skill to get to the same rank as on other heroes. This means, it is easier to play him than others.

Thing is, I don’t find Genji all that fun to watch. He lacks a lot of the counter play game play that makes things like Widow games interesting to me.

When you have games like Widow battles you see a couple players pushing each other. You also see how the teams are operating to block site lines, open them up. Or if you have Mei, or Sombra, etc that the team coordinates with to nail the play. Those are exciting to me. Genji doesn’t have that.

I guess the part that gets me with Genji is there is little counter play. Your team doesn’t really need to prop him him, he just does his thing. And the enemy team doesn’t really have much they can do to stop him. Sure, that makes him a really strong hero (and he was before the buffs). But it never made him interesting to watch. It is the heroes or team play that wins against the counter plays that is fun.

Your opinion is not valuable to the devs because you already play overwatch, devs want high octane gameplay that has viewership value to people who otherwise would not be interested in overwatch esports. Commentators are frequently going about genji dragonblades and whatnot. Dragonblade spam is basically THE content they want in overwatch league.