Genji with a 60% winrate in gm

I disagree with this. Playing OW does not guarantee someone watches OWL. And they do want viewers. They are far more likely to get people that play the game to watch it than someone that knows nothing about it.

Genji has 10x her pickrate.
They need to revert the spread buff.

The difference is that Genji’s stats actually back these claims up currently.

Highest played doesnt mean he is the strongest in all ranks. Only ranks his winrate is kinda high are masters and GM.

I’ll get over this when i see someone who actually put time on Genji talk crap about him.

I mean, Ashe was close to 60% when she got buffed. Let it settle down first before assumptions are made.

That win rate is exactly what you expect of an OP hero. Let me explain.

In most ranks if you win more you go up ranks until you are at ~50/50. So, when Genji gets buffed to be OP a silver Genji will go up to say gold, but he will stop winning there. And then his stats will stay ~50/50. Genji being OP only means that silver Genji got some free SR, it wont increase Genji win %. That is until you start to get up to the ranks where there is not really any up. So, top end master and GM. Once there, you don’t really go up, because there is no real up from there. But, you do win more games then you did before. Thus you see masters win rate go up a little and GM go up a fair amount.

And when you start looking deeper you see another indicator. Before the buffs Genji was around a ~3% pick rate. This had him at a solid 3rd highest pick rate for damage. Now he is at a ~5% pick rate, making him the highest picked. But what this really means is that Genji’s pick rate has gone up by 2/3. This is a LOT more people playing him. That is people that are not as practiced on him. And as you look at that pick rate, it is shifting more to higher ranks. This means people who have not been playing him, are not practiced on him, are gaining rank by playing him. This is an indicator that not only has his power gone up, but the skill requirement has gone down, a lot. This is another perfect example of what happens when you make a hero OP.

The stats very clearly show his is over powered.

I see it all the time. And lets be real here, none of the heroes are that “hard” to play. It take a bit of time to get used to them, figure out their timing ext. At that point, it is a question of: Does their kit give you an advantage over other players more often than not? And the answer for Genji is: Yes. This means it takes less skill for him to climb, not more.

Plus, as I mentioned above, the stats say a lot of people who did not play him before are playing him. And they are going up doing it. Logic says that he can’t be that hard to get value out of if you can have 2/3 more people play him and do just fine.


100% divided by 12 is 8.33. overbuff has genji in gm at 4.08% in gm, so every other game 1 team has a genji. or you could say 1 out of every 4 gm teams has a genji.

also, we need to let it settle for a minute because people just are not used to dealing with genji, and if he actually is “OP” we will see the meta shift to his counters as in zarya, winny, sombra ect.

Thats not how overbuff works

go to specifically DPS pickrates, the pickrate shows the chance that one person, on one team will pick a hero

so if its at 20%, doubling it will mean chance per team, and quadrupling it will mean chance per game (to corespond to number of DPS players)

dude, defense heroes still exist in overbuff. click defense widow has a 40% pickrate for defensive heroes.

using “all” is the correct tab to establish pickrate. sorry it doesnt say what you want it to. out of every 4 gm teams, there is 1 with a genji. with his winrate, i would expect that number to rise alittle as some mid/high master genjis havent displaced some low gm dps. it wont rise to much because zarya and winston are on the rise to counter the new ninjapocolypse.

One thing I just though:

Deflect cancel can make genji’s deflect cooldown refresh faster than previously because he can now cancel it prematurely, no? And the cooldown starts refreshing when deflect ends no?

Just cancel it before 1.5 seconds of deflect, tadaa less deflect downtime. Longer deflect is only really useful for deflecting ultis.

Yet another unneeded buff to genji, less downtime on his ability to deflect things.

Oh and blade spam is fun and fair btw:

Ulti spam was supposed to become less with all the charge nerfs, not more.

Say what now?

" Echo, Overwatch’s latest DPS hero, got hit with several nerfs today in the Public Test Region (PTR) patch.

The patch included a nerf to Echo’s alternate ability, Sticky Bombs. Her Sticky Bomb explosive damage was reduced from 30 to 25 per bomb. Since the ability fires six bombs in total, with each bomb doing 5 damage upon landing in addition to the explosive damage, the possible DPS for the ability was reduced from 210 to 180. This means that Echo will no longer be able to kill a 200 health player with one burst of the sticky bombs.

The patch also increased the cost of Echo’s ultimate by 16 percent, which means it will take players longer to build her ultimate. Despite her ultimate ability having the slowest charge rate in the game, it has become clear over the past week on the PTR that it is possible for Echo players to build her ultimate very quickly, sometimes receiving it multiple times in a single fight. Increasing the cost of the ability should go a long way to balancing her kit for release on live servers.

This is the second round of nerfs for Echo," etc.

She’s received several nerfs since hitting live my dude. Because she launched OP. Just like Genji with a 60% win rate is OP now. I don’t care how many words you want to parse it out with, a character that has such a sharp winrate increase after some buffs when we know unfamiliar players will be playing them implies something quite strongly to me.

this, right here, is a factor i never considered. and also rusty x genji mains as well.
however, lets actually wait 1 week, and see what is THE problem, and not just nerf some none issue. like ult charge rate might not be THE problem, which im going to guess is alt fire shiruken fire RoF personally.

What the stats are in a week won’t matter, we already have the information we need to make an assessment.

Genji had a pretty healthy winrate in the higher ranks before this. He gets 3-4 buffs. Many new players and old players are playing him at the same time, meaning that for every person who’s never tried him before and is bad, you can assume there’s someone who’s probably played him before and is at least decently familiar.

Logically you could then assume a slight increase in winrate if the buffs are decent/in the right direction. When Orisa was buffed last time she saw like a 2% winrate increase.

Genji jumped 10% basically overnight, meaning, all those inexperienced players are probably winning more often than not, despite not knowing how to use his kit and probably needing several ‘learning games’, because their main characters would put them at a certain SR range, and theoretically playing a new character would make you kinda the weaksauce on the team contextually speaking. I mean I can’t be the only person that feels a little shaky when busting out a new character that I’m not suuuper familiar with in a game, right?

So therefore if he jumped THAT much, I think it’s pretty safe to say that he was overbuffed; otherwise we wouldn’t have seen such a sharp increase in his winrate. No ‘healthy’ character in Overwatch has a 60% winrate as far as I’m aware either, they tend to hover between 50-55% on average.

Read things more carefully. I said: “The only nerf since she went live…” And you linked PTR.

Oh, I don’t disagree that Genji is OP. Absolutely. I just don’t think it compares to Echo’s situation.

Echo went live basically as she is now (sans the beam nerf). Her stats settled very quickly into middle of the pack and stayed there. She is a good hero, but solidly middle of the pack. Genji has been one of the top 3 for a VERY long time. And he just got massively buffed. This is a very different situation.

I can tell you right now. Blizzard took one of the hardest heroes to kill and gave him one of the higher delete potentials. And abilities with very little counter play options. Oh, and all on a hero you can’t hide from. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out why that might be a problem.

And again, if you have a top 3 hero and you give him a massive buff: What do you think is going to happen?

i meant what abilities my dude and its obvious i did. i even went on to talk about it. the reading comprehension in this thread.

i will make it more left side of the bell curve.

lets wait a week and figure out which abilities exactly are the issue so we dont have another hanzo or brig on our hands that is OP for over a year.

If anyone was picking Genji prior to these buffs, their priority was never ‘going up ranks’.

It’s not like they couldn’t have picked Mei, Hanzo, Doomfist, Echo, McCree, Ashe or Torbjorn and climbed, it’s just they didn’t want to, hence why they played Genji.

Short update, Genji dethroned Ashe from top dps spot in GM this week. His pickrate is at 4.43%
His winrate of around 58% remains unchanged.

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Gotta love that steady 60% winrate chart of Genji now.

It was possible to lose with genji previously in GM and performance always fluctuated day by day which is normal behaviour in GM. Now he’s so broken even the winrate chart stays steady since it’s so difficult to lose with him and his lowest winrate day is 55.82%.


Current win condition:

Get the better genji on your team and/or the better Ana with more accurate sleep darts. Fun genji meta.

Jeff always right , He super ultimate EGO man ever in the world. So nothing and no one can change this. Be accepted

yea genji get to be a threat by existing and sym only get to be a threat when she get her beam charged up like thats soooooo fair
The spread buff is welcomed so i think nerf her fire rate or damage is enough

Yah, some people don’t comprehend well.

To be more specific since that seems to be what you needed. It was the deflect buff coupled with the smaller spread. The deflect buff increased his survivability and allowed him a near counter proof way to guarantee burst. The other increased his burst potential. So, you buff the survivability on a hard to kill hero. And you give them a near guaranteed burst. And you increase their damage all around.

In other words it was an ‘increased delete power’ couple with ‘limiting counter play options.’ All added to a hero that was already one of the most powerful heroes in the game.

And again, he did not need the buff. He was already a top 3 hero. ANY buff without a compensatory nerf was going to create a problem like this.

At this point one of two things needs to be done:

  1. Massively lower his survivabilty so more counter play is available.
  2. Massively lower his delete potential.

That is flat out not true. A weak hero would not be #3 picked. The majority of players are going to go to the hero that works the best for them. Genji was strong before the buffs.

No, they couldn’t have climbed to the same level. When a hero is weaker or more limited it means they win less and can’t climb as high and people switch off of that hero. When a hero is stronger people switch to it. Lets look at a couple examples:

Example of a hero becoming weak: Mei. She was played a lot. Then Blizzard nerfed her into the ground. What happened to her play %? It also dropped into the dumpster. That is what happens when a hero doesn’t let you climb as high.

Example of a hero going stronger: Genji, he was number 3. He got massive buffs and his play time went up by an additional ~2/3.

If a hero is stronger it gets played more. So, no they could not have picked any hero and climbed more, otherwise the vast majority would have…just like happened when Mei got nerfed. The players that stick with a hero regardless are a statistical minority. Not enough to propel a hero to #3, let alone his current #1 slot. If it was just people who ‘want to’ play him, he would have been down hanging out with Mei, Symm, Sombra, and Bastion.