Genji with a 60% winrate in gm

You mean like Ashe? (20 characters)

Btw Genji can also deflect during dragonblade and cancel that deflect into a new swing with no ending lag. Fun and balanced.

You thought you could have a chance of killing genji when he’s blading? Think again. Oh and forget making any distance when he’s deflecting, he moves 8m/s when blading and now deflect allows him to move 4 meter closer while being almost immune to damage if he so wishes.

Have fun getting blade spammed.

It’ll normalize once all the Genji players have hit the SR they belong at now that their hero is no longer a troll pick.

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I do agree that he’s more obnoxious, but I don’t know if he is less cheese. (He’s still cheesy though.)

Not 60% and the difference matters. That being said it’s kinda crazy that only Pharah has a higher winrate considering the fact that she’s basically only played in 2 maps of Lijang and one map of Ilios in which she’s the top DPS. The new Genji is just overall that strong :slight_smile:

Fun to watch genjis get twice as many ultis as ML7 can get nanos on ana. :clown_face:

One blade every minute on average even from bad genjis is far too oppressive. Press Q to win was bad enough when his kit was decent/good, spammable press Q to win with overpowered kit is too much.

Did you notice the part were his winrate kept bouncing up to near 60%, prebuff?

I think the difference is that it would occastionally get there, but now its sitting at 60%

But it’s not, it’s just the the up and down is less.

You mean it shows that he was more than fine pre buff?

No. More like it shows that winrates on overbuff are mostly worthless, and have excessive skewing to the point they aren’t useable.

I.e. Negative winrate McCree in GM, previous to Genji buffs

I believe you are correct on this - the nerf will (and should) hit his ult charge rate.

He also had less than half the pick rate.

We take data in its fullest we can, and that data paints a picture where he got better, by a lot, from a fairly average position.

It’s not unusual to see heroes, who get minor buffs, to see an uplift in play but little change, or even a decline in win rates if the buff wasn’t clearly inadequate. To see both increase, by a lot, shows this were huge buffs.

Are you sure we’re talking about the same thing, cause to me, this is my perspective.

In what world is a tripling - quadrupling of pick rate, and more consistent very high win rates not a vast improvement?


No doubt his pickrate went up.

I’m just kinda challenging the “He had a normal winrate before and now is too high”.

Mostly because I believe the winrate math is very heavily skewed.

Low pick rates tend to lead to very variable win rates, especially in GM where the population is low. His middling win rates across all ranks were fairly consistent, but even those have jumped a couple of percentage points since his buffs.

Mostly because previous it was alternating between like 45 and 60, and now it’s alternating between 56 and 60.

Where 56 is average for GM

they reverted’s booster buff pretty quick actually

That’s quite the improvement, don’t you think?

Bear in mind with a lot of buffs, we see win rates drop as people check out new toys.