Genji with a 60% winrate in gm

Ah I love this thought. People will clamor for “BALANCE AROUND THE LOWER RANKS” but will use GM data when it supports their beliefs.

It wouldn’t be as a nerf it would be a ballance compensation. Increased mid fight capability = lower ult influence (df treatment) So after this ballancing might be an actual nerf, for example : decreased ms from 5.5 to 5 m/s (as usual target moves) Or something else, or mb some actual revert like firerate mb.

I think the changes were in the right direction, my bets are on ult charge nerf – he gets it WAY quicker with the increased damage (which I think he did need).

If stats maintain fairly steadily, yeah he’ll probably get a bit of a revert.

I am. Who cares. At least I’m not a JoJo fan.

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They changed Sombra back within a week because of the flood of baby rage.

God forbid she’s EVER useful on ladder play. We can’t have that.

If the pickrate is low and the win rate is high, you can say that they’re being used situationally in their strengths. Torb and Symm fit this.

If the pickrate is high and the win rate is high, then you can say they’re top tier.

If the pickrate is the highest, the win rate is the highest, then you can say they’re OP.

Given how unfun Genji is to fight against, and how many fanboys he has that maintain reasonable pick rates even when he’s underpowered, and how well he synergizes with the best healer in the game…

It would significantly improve the health of the game to revert all his nerfs and take it as a lesson to ignore genji mains on the forum from here on out.


I’ve played some of him, I’m still bad with him, but I am getting some work done.

I suspect he will be in for nerfs.

Ana was always picked first but never had a huge winrate. Normally it’s: the more a hero is played, the more their winrate is low. But when the pickrate is high but also the winrate is high, there’s a problem.

Tbh…I really don’t think Genji is the issue

After some of the games I’ve played lately I’m convinced he only does so well because people have the awareness and aim of a Grandma.

Genji…doesnt have 60% winrate in GM…

he averages 56% this month, and 58% this week…

and this can be easily chucked to him just getting buffed, give it a while,

Today its 61.29%
June 21 55.82%
June 20 61.11%
June 19 61.32%
June 18 56.80%
June 17 57.28%
June 16 60.00%

RIP backline supports, rip tanks.

Devs clearly favour the DPS roster 100%, they werent getting enough 1337 SWEET PLAYS in OWL with genji so they need to make him overtuned with 5 buffs

What tanks does Genii fetter? I never notice his existence as Hog/Hammond unless he is stupid enough to try and farm blade off me.

And even then is it only a select few.

I was using data from every rank before his buffs to say he was fine. He was more than fine up to Masters, and merely fine in GM, which suggested ‘fine but not meta’.

I could still use data from any rank to point to his being OP now. But people will disregard ‘all ranks’ if GM wasn’t perfect - as they did Reaper.

Is more a case of ‘which data do you want?’ Because there was precious little to justify this degree of buffing before, and even less now.


Depends on margins, McCree and Ashe have been ‘highest’ for a while, but never obnoxiously so and calls for nerfs have been fairly weak, although not absent.

Unlike genji, mccree and ashe sightlines are completely avoidable and shields and hard cover work fine. Even dynamite is avoidable if you keep your distance as support and it doesnt go through shield. And her ulti while aimbot, is stationary target which you can sightline and cc. Same for mccree, he becomes stationary in his ulti.

Genji on the other hand, runs to you from some random corner, presses few buttons and you’re dead in less time than it takes to react, despite good positioning and then yeets away to kill someone else just as easily. Since the buffs allow genji to mindlessly spam right click from good distance away without missing shurikens, they can just do that and it doesn’t require skill to right mouse button twice and then press shift. Old genji had to go into breathing distance away and score crits with all of his shurikens to get the same result, which took actual skill and aim and so it wasn’t broken. Bonus for getting additional nanoblades Press Q to Win for every fight now.

For additional cheese, you cannot oppose him with his new deflect. You either kill yourself or he will kill you anyway since there’s no ending lag to it.

Genji is far, far more obnoxious and far more cheese than ashe and mccree will ever be.


dmg buff was unneeded. I’ve always been on the side that genji couldn’t be buffed without becoming broken as adding damage to his combo is bad, but the spread buff was good because of how close you had to be being extremely hostile ground to genji with further updates to this game as it went on.

Didn’t know how much the damage buff was going to mount up, buthis winrate at a 4% pickrate is UN-HELTH. To explain, dps with that pickrate - their pickrates are much lower because they are the most shared out role in what is picked, meaning genji at 4% and 59% pickrate is nutty, that means he’s beating others most of the time he is picked rn. I’ll give it another week to see how it stabilizes, but I still think that additional damage on his shurikens was uncalled for. He need playstyle changes not actual “Buffs”, and with the spread change they fixed that, the rest was strange, he just needed more room to breathe during combat, since it was be a incredibly short range shotgun or do less than half your dps, and you had no defense against cc. the flat numbers buffs, completely unnecessary, he was already good, you just couldn’t effectively use him before, it’s fixed.

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I was all for giving genji buffs.

But I don’t feel he needed what boils down to about 5 buffs.

More damage on the shurikens. More damage by tightening his spread. By relation more ult charge. Longer duration on deflect. Ability to freely cancel deflect.

The devs have done this before- where they stack on a handful of buffs or nerfs





It’s bad.

I love you devs, I really do.

But how many times do we need to repeat this before we learn it’s BAD?

Genji was close to the line- not leaps away from it.

Do small tweaks, see what happens- and go from there.

Don’t pile on a handful and light a fire. Not only does it alienate the population- it makes it hard to actually observe what in specific was “the last straw” so to speak.

Would he have been fine with just a little extra damage?

Would he have been fine with just a slightly tighter spread on his fan?

Would a longer deflect duration have been the trick?

Could we have gotten away with just letting him cancel deflect so he has a bit more agency and is harder to predict?

Iunno. Because he got all of these at once.